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Canada 101 Jamie- Presentation Presented by

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1 Canada 101 Jamie- Presentation Presented by Jamie Caton: Consulate General of Canada in Denver and Karen Palmarini: Consulate General of Canada in Denver

2 What do Students know about Canada?
Maple Hockey Polar bears Long cold winters Igloos Vast forest What does it mean to be Canadian? “I am Canadian” commercial for Molson Beer Stereotypes The Canadian Identity----Molsom Beer Olympic Game: How do we canadian define ourselves in the eyes of the world- beyond stereotypes and the label “nice” Who are we? What id the canadian Culture- -

3 Overview Geography Symbols Government Culture Trade Relationship

4 Basic Geography 2nd largest country (after Russia)
Canada is larger than the US by the size of Texas 10 Provinces, 3 Territories Total population appr 33 million (compared to US 300 million) Capital: Ottawa Canadian Population (census 2008: 33,311,389) US population: 307,006,550

5 Canada: a vast Territory

6 6 Time zones across Canada
Canada uses six primary time zones. From east to west they are Newfoundland Time Zone, Atlantic Time Zone, Eastern Time, Central Time Zone, Mountain Time Zone, and the Pacific Time Zone. Cf Canada Map given by teachers

7 Provinces and Territories

8 Population Distribution
85%of population within 150 miles of Canada- US border New information 70% to 90% Natural Resources Canada, 2001

9 Symbols of Canada National Animal? National Anthem? National Sport?
Oh Canada! The symbols of Canada. – Beaver chosen in Eagles 1782 O Canada proclame hymne national en 1980 Maple Leaf was always liked to Canada history since the 1700’- (1860 incorporated in the military sign-the one cent coin has the maple leaf- During WII maple leaf for the Canadian expeditionary corps - Federally bilingual Cote of arm Only one provice recognize both language The crust of canada and the symbolsim- Union Jack etc…. Flag of Canada Symbols of canada book for help Slide 10: symbol of BC new slides.

10 Symbols of Canada Cont Official Languages? Canadian flag?
Canadian Crest? Bonjour! Official Lang: English and French/ New Brunswick only province where both language are recognized official – Quebec only province where French is official- all other provinces and territories English is the official lang. About 6M in QB and another 1M French-Canadian throughout the country. Canadian Flag- 1965/ US flag-1777-p.11 Coat of Arms Were adopted in 1921 by proclamation of King Georges V. In 1994, the arms were augmented with a ribbon displaying the motto of the order of canada (They desire a better country) The design: reflects the royal symbols of the UK and France (the 3 royal lions of England, the royal lion of Scotland, the royal fleur de lys of France and the royal Irish harp of Tara). A sprig of three canadian maple leaves representative of Canadians of all origins. The coat of arm is supported by the lion of England holding the Royal Flag and the unicorn of Scotland carrying the flag of Royal France. The crest above the shield features a crowned lion holding a red maple leaf.. At the base: the floral emblems associated the Canadian Monarchy: the English rose, the Scottish thistle, the French fleur de Lys ad the Irish shamrock/


12 Government Both Canada and the US are democracies
have a written Constitution Canadian Parliament and… American Congress

13 Government, cont. Both have a Head of Government who appoints members of Cabinet (e.g., Minister of Defence/Secretary of Defence) but…

14 Many Differences CANADA Prime Minister is not the Head of State
Prime Minister is elected by party – not people Prime Minister appoints elected Members of Parliament Prime Minister can stay in power for as many terms as he is elected US The President is the head of State + the Head of Govt The President is elected by people The President appoints members from outside the government The President is elected for 4 yrs, for a max of 8 yrs A person becom PM by being leadr for the party with the greatest number of seats in the House of Commons. Unlike the US Presient, whi is elected by th epeople at large (through the electoral College), the pM is elected only by voters in his own district, like all other members of the House odf Commons. The PM is requires to call an election at least once evry 5 years, and may decide when to do so within that time limit. -The PM selects other elected members from his own party to serve as ministers in the Cabinet. In Canada:each ministers are at the head of a gvt deprtment (Foreign affairs, Finance, Justice, Labour) -In US: their counterpart are Cabinet secretaries who are appointed by President(but do not come form the legislature)

15 Differences, cont Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy Member of the British Commonwealth Queen is Head of State Governor General represents the Queen Her Majesty the Queen, Elisabeth II -Queen and Gvernor Gral are Honorific role- gvernor gral symbolize the historical connection between Canada and England. The main duties are ceremonial and little political power. The monarch appoints the Governor General on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister, who is the Canadian Head of Government, after which the Governor General maintains direct contact with the monarch.[1] There is no specific term. As with other appointments, the incumbent is said to serve at Her Majesty's pleasure, but by convention usually serves for approximately five years. Also by convention, the position before the 1980s was a male only post while since then three of five Governors General have been female. It tends to alternate between anglophone and francophone communities His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston

16 Elections Canadians do not vote for the Prime Minister
Split between the executive and legislative branches of govt in US Two major political parties in the US vs. several in Canada Minority government

17 Popular Canadian Culture
“Je me souviens” or “I remember” referring to the Conquest of New France in 1759. Québec history is very much tied to North American history. New France and the Thirteen Colonies were founded at the same time – within a year of each other – and yet the Thirteen Colonies had 2 million settlers at the time that Britain conquered New France while New France had only 60,000 settlers. Those 60,000 are the ancestors of the 7 million-plus Québécois today since virtually no more immigrants came from New France after the Conquest. Today the Québec license plate reads, “Je me souviens” or “I

18 Famous Canadians Who can you name?
Mattew Perry, Jim Carrey, Barenaked ladies, Kenu Reeves, Avril Lavigne, Pamela Anderson, Mike Meyer (Austin Power), Justin Bieber, Sandra O`, Alanis Morissette, Daniel Reynolds, Celine Dion, Aidan Christophersen = Anakin Skywalker, Star War, William Shatner = Star Trek, ? , Nelly Furtado, Steve Nash (Basket) Hayden Christensen=Anakin Skywalker Steve Nash Larry Walker Joe Sake William Shatner – Star Trek Mattew Perry Barenaked ladies Natalie Furtado Alanis Morisstte Terry Fox- Terrance Stanley "Terry" Fox CC OD, (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) was a Canadian humanitarian, athlete, and cancer research activist. In 1980, with one leg having been amputated, he embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Although the spread of his cancer eventually forced him to end his quest after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 mi), and ultimately cost him his life, his efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy. The annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to involve millions of participants in over 60 countries and is now the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research; over C$500 million has been raised in his name. Fox was a distance runner and basketball player for his Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, high school and Simon Fraser University. His right leg was amputated in 1977 after he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, though he continued to run using an artificial leg. He also played wheelchair basketball in Vancouver, winning three national championships. In 1980, he began the Marathon of Hope, a cross-country run to raise money for cancer research. Fox hoped to raise one dollar for each of Canada's 24 million people. He started with little fanfare from St. John's, Newfoundland, in April and ran the equivalent of a full marathon every day. Fox had become a national star by the time he reached Ontario; he made numerous public appearances with businessmen, athletes, and politicians in his efforts to raise money. He was forced to end his run outside of Thunder Bay when the cancer spread to his lungs. His hopes of overcoming the disease and completing his marathon ended when he died nine months later. Fox was the youngest person ever named a Companion of the Order of Canada. He won the 1980 Lou Marsh Award as the nation's top sportsman and was named Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in both 1980 and Considered a national hero, he has had many buildings, roads and parks named in his honour across the country. Florence Nightingale Graham (December 31, 1878 – October 18, 1966), who went by the business name Elizabeth Arden, was a Canadian businesswoman who built a cosmetics empire in the United States. At the peak of her career, she was one of the wealthiest women in the world.

19 Canada-US Trade in 2010 Largest and strongest trading relationship in the world 1 Million dollars of goods & services cross border every minute of every day 8 Million US jobs depend on trade with Canada. 35,000 trucks + almost 400,000 people cross border every day Canada and the U.S share longest border in the world: 5,522 miles (8,891 kilometres) ► 37,000 cars and trucks cross the border every day ► In 2007, $626 billion in twoway trade; more than $1.7 billion of goods and services crossed the border daily ► Deepest relationship of any two countries in the world sharing world`s longest border: 5,522 miles (8,891 km) Source: Statistics Canada

20 Canada-US Trade cont Canada buys almost three times more from the United States than China does. The United States exports more to Canada than to China, Japan and the United Kingdom combined. Canada is the top export destination for 34 states, including Colorado Beyond buying and selling things to each other, Canadian and US companies make things together too. Through our integrated supply chains, products can cross our border multiple times before the finished product is ready for consumers. Ex: automobiles 5/ Beyond buying and selling things to each other, Canadian and U.S. companies make things together too. Through our integrated supply chains, products can cross our border multiple times before the finished product is ready for consumers. In the case of complex goods like automobiles, that means parts may travel back and forth as many as six times before a car is manufactured.

21 Canada-US Defence Ties
Partners in North American defence, World Wars I and II, Korea, Gulf War, Bosnia, and Afghanistan Shared continental defence in NORAD (North American Aerospace Command) since 1958 Unique border security cooperation in intelligence sharing and joint law enforcement Afghanistan N.O.R.A.D Border Security

22 Canada-Energy Relations
Canada is the largest foreign supplier of US oil (since 1999) Canada provides 90% of all US natural gas imports Canada and the US share an integrated electricity grid Canada provides almost all the US electricity imports

23 Shared Environment Shared waters, air, fisheries and wildlife
Partners in managing cross border parks, wilderness areas and sanctuaries

24 Canada and Colorado Canada is Colorado’s largest export market
Canada-US trade supports > 143,800 jobs 116 Canadian-owned companies employ 10,556 people in 304 locations in Colorado -Energy: Encana, Suncor, Transcanada, Clining Mining / New Elk Mine, Enerplus -Information-Technology: Great West Life, Teletec, -Agriculture: Agrium Inc. -Goods: Coors-Molsom Caanda –c0 – look in your binder find similar info in your state more than 8 million U.S. jobs depend on trade with Canada our bilateral trade relationship results in positive economic impacts — not only for Canada but also for the United States and Montana. Enerplus Resources, for example. Since 2005, the Canadian oil and gas company has steadily increased its presence in the U.S. oil and gas market with expanded operations, including in Montana, which is yet another example of the mutually beneficial economic relationship between Montana and Canada. The Sleeping Giant oil project in northeast Montana, for example, is the company’s single largest crude oil producing property. In 2009, Enerplus invested approximately $25 million in the area, and in 2010 it announced an allocation of $58 million to be invested in development activities. the shared trading relationship between Canada and the United States is the largest in the world, and that Canada is the No. 1 export market for 34 of the 50 states. Canada buys almost three times more from the United States than from China. In addition, the United States exports more to Canada than to China, Japan and the United Kingdom combined. Beyond buying and selling things to each other, Canadian and U.S. companies make things together too. Through our integrated supply chains, products can cross our border multiple times before the finished product is ready for consumers. In the case of complex goods like automobiles, that means parts may travel back and forth as many as six times before a car is manufactured. The United States and Canada have been and will continue to be each other’s best customer. More than 1 million dollars’ worth of goods and services cross our border every minute. We depend on one another to compete globally. When it comes to economic recovery and joint prosperity, we Canadians and Americans are in this together. 1/Colorado export more to Canada than anywhere else. 2/ Echo Star, Telesat Canada and Encana

25 Key Issues for Denver Consulate General
Border Security Beef-Cattle Energy-alternative Coal and Gas Carbon sequestration

26 7 consulates 13 Consulate General across the US Embassy: WSHDC Denver covers 4 territories

27 Thank You! Merci!

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