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Published byMarlene Carter Modified over 9 years ago
Final Report Luisa Kuroiwa National Institute of Health Peru
(1) Purpose for attending this training course To learn new methods of analysis of contaminants for Monitoring purposes in environmental samples, foods, drinking water, that are related to human and public health. To have a wide point of view from different perspectives from agricultural and environmental specialists and more over to learn how this is used in ecological and health risk assessment.
2) What you have studied mainly on environmental science and technology in this course The chemical contaminants and their metabolites can pollute and persist in the environment for many years and magnified through the food chain can accumulate in living organisms causing adverse effects to the health. There are two important conditions for this situation: 1.- The presence of the chemical contaminant 2.- Exposure to these contaminants The exposure is controlled preventing the Environment pollution (regulation of emission, effluents, waste disposals) and by Monitoring Air, Water quality and Foods.
In order to maintain low the exposure to contaminants, there are many Laws, regulations, Standars and Indicators (NOEL, LD50, TERs, ADI, MRL,TLV,BEI,HERP index, half life of pesticides in plants, Bio concentration factor, water quality standards.) These index are used in different kind of studies : Toxicological (No Observable Effect Level, Lethal Dose 50), limit in foods ( Acceptable Daily Intake, Maximum Residue Level), occupational health ( Thereshold Limit Value, Biological Exposure Index)
Monitoring of chemical contaminants is the tool for scientific verification if they are within those levels. The chemical contaminants became from agricultural (pesticides), industrial (heavy metals, atmospheric pollutants, PCBs) and waste (dioxins, benzopyrenes) processes The chemical contaminants became from agricultural (pesticides), industrial (heavy metals, atmospheric pollutants, PCBs) and waste (dioxins, benzopyrenes) processes Safety assesment must involve safety for the farmers workers, for the consumers and for the environment.
Regulations There are Laws to Control the pollution of Air, Water, Agricultural land soil; Waste and Public Cleansing, Food Sanitation and Promotion of effective utilization of resources. Monitoring Monitoring Institutions that makes continuous Monitoring of contaminants: 1.- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Kobe Quarantine Station : Pesticides in Imported Food 2.- Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences : particles, SO2, CO2, N2O, sulfur, ozone in Air pH, conductivity, ions in River water Dioxins from incinerators.
Waste Management Oriented to: Reduce the volume of wastes Solid wastes are separated in domestic, industrial and special controlled wastes.The wastes are sorted out, the flammable wastes are treated in Incinerators or Biological decomposition, the emission are controlled and vapor used. Land fields. Water Effluents from industries are treated Re-cycle tv, refrigerators, computers, washing machines, foods, containers and packings, construction materials
Endocrine Disrupting chemicals They are a group of substances that consist of synthetic and naturally occurring chemicals that affect the balance of normal hormonal functions in animals. The list of ED based on list from CDC, EPA and WWF from Canada includes pesticides, sexual hormones, heavy metals, styrene, benzopyrene, dioxins and PCBs, is expected that the number in the list will increase over the results of current researches. Persistent Organic Pollutants Persistent Organic Pollutants They are a group of chemicals that do not degrade and can accumulate in biological systems. Way down the food chain, gets larger dosage of contaminants. The man is in the top of food chain and the effects of them, even though in the scale of ppm or ppb, can affect our health in a chronic basis.
Pesticides There are some pesticides which use are banned but they can persist in the soil for many years, there are other pesticides that have fast degradability but have hormone disrupters activity, is necessary to study also their metabolites. Pesticides There are some pesticides which use are banned but they can persist in the soil for many years, there are other pesticides that have fast degradability but have hormone disrupters activity, is necessary to study also their metabolites. The tendency now is to produce more safety pesticides, to reduce the amount applied, to protect the workers that spray the pesticides and to follow Good Agricultural Practices and many farmers are not using pesticides now. Natural pesticides (cyanides) and natural toxins (aflatoxines, ochratoxines, solanine, patulin) Safety assessment of pesticides Safety assessment of pesticides Toxicological, Metabolism studies Toxicological, Metabolism studies
Dioxins One of the sources came from incinerators, so it’s monitored permanently in Japanese incinerators. Special attention is given to dioxins because the major sources are in our diet (meat and dairy products). The most potent dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD is considered a Class 1 carcinogen. Cadmium in soil, plants and water Pollluted from impurities in fertilizers, effluent water from metal mines and from coating and painting industry. Sex steroids contamination of water The sources became from natural sources, found close to sewage treatment plants. The assays for estrogenic substances in environmental water includes E-screen, Ishikawa cell-ALP, YES, ELISA and GC/MS.
Laboratory Practices MethodologySamplingPre-treatment Standard Operational Procedures Good Laboratory Practices Samples Different matrixes were analyzed and each one have it ’ s own difficulties : Air, Soil, River Water, Drinking water, Foods, Vegetables, Solid wastes Methods Methods ELISA, G C/M S, HPLC-uv, Ion Chromatography, G C/ PID, A A / hydride generator, I C P, Mercury analyzer Luminometer, Test packs
(3) Which subjects are most useful to solve environmental problems in your country? Rapid analysis and with high specificity as ELISA method is need for screening a large number of samples. Multi residues and confirmatory methods by GC/MS and LC/MS are need to identify and accurate quantification. The most useful subjects are that ones which can be applied in our laboratory as: Analysis of pesticides in crops. Analysis of Pesticides in foods Analysis of dioxins in foods. Analysis of Pesticides in drinking water Analysis of Pesticides and PVC plasticizers (DEHP 2-Diethylhexyl phthalate) in food Analysis of heavy metals in foods and food containers.
(4) Your Action Plan to transfer your technology studied in this course The National Institute of Health gives technical support to Ministry of Healht and other Government Institutes as General Direction of Health. Many samples involving intoxication cases are derived to our center including foods, river water, fruits and vegetables, drinking water, fishes and aquatic organisms among others The National Center for Feeding and Nutrition have equipments as GC/MS, LC/MS, HPLC, ELISA microplates reader, AA and ICP and is our need to perform more methods of analysis, including environmental contaminants in foods and drinking water..
Action Plan 1.- Make a report to the Chief of National Institute of Health and my superiors, so they can be informed on which subjects I had learned. Give copies of the materials given to me. 2.- Propose the new objectives of Monitoring carbamate and pyretroid pesticides in foods, crops and drinking water., to the Action Plan 2004 of the Center 3.- Review which methodologies are more convenient or are harmonized with international testing.
4.- Propose a protocol including validation, implementation of the methodology and monitoring, request for the materials need in the budget plan. 5.- Spread the importance of chemical contaminants (endocrine disrupters, persistent organic pollutants), monitoring of them and it’s consequences for the health. 6.- Collaborate with the Occupational Health Centre which now belongs to National Institute of Health. 7.- Training personnel in the new techniques learned
I came to Japan to learn And that’s what I got. I’m leaving to my home with My mind and heart full of good memories, knowledge, and more understanding of people and life. All these is deeply recorded in stone, so I’ll never forget what you taught me.
To JICA, JICE, sensei, Training Institutes, Professor leader, coordinator, my group colleagues Domo arigato godaimashita
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