: SEARCH "msgid""> : SEARCH "msgid"">

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STATUS-IN-LIST Open issue: If server runs into unexpected trouble getting STATUS info: a)Don't return STATUS for the mailbox and return NO for LIST reply.

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Presentation on theme: "STATUS-IN-LIST Open issue: If server runs into unexpected trouble getting STATUS info: a)Don't return STATUS for the mailbox and return NO for LIST reply."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATUS-IN-LIST Open issue: If server runs into unexpected trouble getting STATUS info: a)Don't return STATUS for the mailbox and return NO for LIST reply. b)Don't return STATUS for the mailbox but return OK for LIST reply. c)Return STATUS without any parameters. d)Something else? C: A01 LIST "" % RETURN (STATUS (MESSAGES UNSEEN)) S: * LIST () "." "INBOX S: * STATUS "INBOX" (MESSAGES 17 UNSEEN 16) S: * LIST () "." "foo S: A01 OK List completed.

2 Sort display Open issue: Should there be DISPLAYTO sort-key, and how should it work? a)Use first address b)Use other addresses somehow?

3 INTHREAD Open issue: How to encode Message-ID? a)RFC 5322 format with no encoding: SEARCH b)RFC 5322 format in IMAP string: SEARCH " c)Any format in IMAP string: SEARCH " d)Any format in IMAP string without <>: SEARCH "msgid"

4 Address search Set of address fields in ANY? Set of fields has changed little in last 30 years -> won't change anytime soon? a)Arnt's preferred option: Just the ones in RFC 5322. b)Fixed extension: Also the fields that have shown up and show some use in the wild: List-Unsubscribe, List-Post, List-Id, Mail-Copies-To, Mail- Followup-To, some variant of X-Abuse-To. c)Arbitrary extension I: The 5322 set now, plus whatever the WG adds later. d)Arbitrary extension II: 5322 plus whatever the server implementor wants. a UID SEARCH ADDRESS ANY fred@example.comfred@example.com a UID SEARCH DOMAIN ("From" "Sender" "Reply-To") example.com

5 Address search Searching non-toplevel messages? (message/rfc822 forwards, digests, etc.) a)Only search the top-level. b)MUST top-level, MAY others c)MUST all. d)New option to specify what is wanted? Make it more generic to allow searching other headers too? (new extension?)

6 Address search Editorial, general: Fallbacks or not? a)Not include fallbacks. b)Include fallbacks in most documents, except where obvious. c)Try it once and see what happens.

7 Fuzzy search C: A SEARCH RETURN (RELEVANCY ALL) FUZZY (TEXT "Helo" SMALLER 500) FROM iki.fiiki.fi S: * ESEARCH (TAG "A02") ALL 1,5,10 RELEVANCY (4 107 42) S: A OK Search completed. What to do about non-string matching search criteria? a)MUST match exactly b)SHOULD match fuzzily, with specific recommendations given (e.g. size within 10%) c)Servers can do whatever they want

8 Fuzzy search Relevancy scores are meaningful only when compared to other relevancy scores from the same server. – Is this ok? Search engines don't seem to be giving very useful scores. Even comparing between two different searches might not be useful.

9 Fuzzy search RELEVANCY shouldn't be used unless FUZZY search key is used. – Does someone really want non-fuzzy relevancy?

10 Views vs multi-mailbox search (if we have time and interest) + Easy to implement by existing clients. May not even require any changes. + Reduces roundtrips when fetching messages + No special error handling code requires if mailboxes change (deleted, renamed,..) between SEARCH and SELECT+FETCH. - Difficulties in getting a design that everyone is happy about.

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