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Mobile Communication Congestion Exposure Scenario

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1 Mobile Communication Congestion Exposure Scenario Dirk Kutscher Faisal Mir Rolf Winter Suresh Krishnan Ying Zhang 2011-03-311IETF-80, Prague

2 CONEX & Mobile Communications CONEX WG: Congestion exposure in a variety of use cases WG to focus on use case where end hosts and network containing destination host are CONEX-enabled – Other networks need not be Mobile communication networks – Well-defined roles for hosts, nodes, gateways – Well-defined network boundaries – Limited resources (wireless), fine-granular policing and accounting 2011-03-312IETF-80, Prague

3 Congestion in Mobile Communications Moving from telephony to data networks – Historically: congestion considered a non-issue – Strict resource management and adequate resource provisioning – Also: best-effort traffic considered expendable 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague3

4 Congestion in Mobile Communications Moving from telephony to data networks – Historically: congestion considered a non-issue – Strict resource management and adequate resource provisioning – Also: best-effort traffic considered expendable Inconvenient news 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague4

5 Shared Resources in LTE 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague5 UE eNBS-GWP-GW MME HSS PCRF Operator IP Services (IMS, PSS, etc) UuS1-US5/S8SGi S11 S1-MMEGxRx S6a

6 Shared Resources in LTE 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague6 UE eNBS-GWP-GW MME HSS PCRF Operator IP Services (IMS, PSS, etc) UuS1-US5/S8SGi S11 S1-MMEGxRx S6a TFT App UE HTTPVOIPP2PFTP Dedicated GBRDefault NGBR IP Flows Traffic Filters SDF Uplink Downlink EPS Bearers: QoS approach for managing them

7 More Resource Management Selected Traffic Offload – Mitigate congestion in core network by avoiding tunneling best-effort traffic to gateways, home networks etc. 3GPP chartered to add DPI to policy framework – In fact already deployed in many networks 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague7

8 Assumptions for Our Work Its really about capacity sharing – Static differentiation between best-effort and important traffic not useful for that: the Internet is best-effort – Need reasonable resource sharing and acceptable performance for all applications – Low delay just as important for good user experience Mobile communication networks are used just as any other access network – Bulk background traffic, interactive applications – all in parallel, on shared links – Dynamic incentives to back-off will be useful 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague8

9 draft-kutscher-conex-mobile-00 Describing 3GPPs EPS Analyzing CONEX use cases in mobile communication networks – Traffic management – Incentivize scavenger transport – Accounting for congestion volume – Differential QoS – Partial vs. Full Deployment CONEX in the EPS – Across operator domains – Within one operator network – Implementing CONEX mechanisms and policing functions Implications for CONEX – What we should consider for the mechanism spec 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague9

10 Implications for CONEX Consider dynamic path conditions – Wireless access, multi-access, mobility Requirements for fine-granular resource control (wireless) Tunneling Traffic Offload Roaming IPv4? 2011-03-31IETF-80, Prague10

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