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2002-05 1 The Library of the Swedish National Road Administration: its Roles, Tasks and Networks Presentation at The SLA Annual Conference, June 7-12,

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Presentation on theme: "2002-05 1 The Library of the Swedish National Road Administration: its Roles, Tasks and Networks Presentation at The SLA Annual Conference, June 7-12,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2002-05 1 The Library of the Swedish National Road Administration: its Roles, Tasks and Networks Presentation at The SLA Annual Conference, June 7-12, 2003, New York by Anna Maria Magnusson Librarian at Swedish National Road Administration ( E-mail:

2 2002-05 2 Contents Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) SNRA Library Transportation information networks in Europe Library networks in Sweden Nordic and European library initiatives

3 2002-05 3 Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) Four main tasks within the Swedish road transport system: Sectorial responsibilities for road traffic safety, environmental impact, public transport, ITS etc Exercise of public authority drawing up an applying regulations for vehicles, driving licences, commercial traffic, maximum speed etc National road management developing and managing the state road network in the role of a client Contracted works planning and design, construction, operation and maintainance as contracted by the SNRA and others

4 2002-05 4 The role of the SNRA library Primary: to add value to SNRA by providing efficient and effective information sources and services Secondary: to be one of the providers of information from SNRA to external customers (students, researchers, other libraries, the general public etc)

5 2002-05 5 Library staff Anna Maria Magnusson Anna Hultqvist Inga-Maj Östlin

6 2002-05 6 Library activities and services For internal customers: Provide a relevant collection of literature searchable through a library database Provide a relevant collection of electronic information sources through the library intranet pages (databases, dictionaries, Internet link collection) Promote effective use of information sources through acting as consultants and through training courses in information searching Lending and acquisition, routing of periodicals, reference service, information searches, alerts Library experitise in projects (intranet, document management)

7 2002-05 7 Library activities and services For external customers: Provide a collection of mainly transportation literature searchable through the library database on Internet Provide a relevant collection of road transport links through the library Internet pages Loans directly to external customers Reference service mainly concerning the SNRA and its publications

8 2002-05 8 Library webb-pages Internet library webb-pages: Search form for the library database (in English) Road transport links: Road safety links

9 2002-05 9 Transportation information networks in Europe The Nordic-Baltic Library Circle mainly road transportation libraries from Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden Transtopic Transtopic a discusssion list, hosted at VTI, for European transportation libraries and information centres Network of ITRD centers in OECD member countries

10 2002-05 10 Library networks in Sweden The Swedish Association for Information Specialists (TLS) the Swedish equivalent to SLA The Swedish Library Association Libris the union catalogue of Swedish research libraries (about 300 libraries) BIBSAM National resource libraries

11 2002-05 11 Nordic and European library initiatives some examples NORDINFO (Nordic Council for Scientific Information) NORDINFOlit (information literacy) Mobility scolarships Nord I&D Conferences in Denmark 2004 Knowledge and Change RENARDUS A European Union project providing integrated access to subject gateways

12 2002-05 12 Thank you for inviting me! Making our networks widen

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