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Assessing Learning Spaces

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1 Assessing Learning Spaces
Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information

2 Information Commons Interest Group
Learning Spaces Information/learning commons Multi-media studios Computer labs Classrooms Group/social/informal areas in libraries Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

3 Information Commons Interest Group
Overview Why assess What to assess How to assess Examples Assessment tips Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

4 Two major concerns with current assessment of learning spaces
No clear link to institutional goals or learning priorities No thoughtful consideration of potential audience(s) and what will have most impact Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

5 Why assess learning spaces?
Clarify purpose of the project(s) Demonstrate value or effectiveness Measure satisfaction Provide data for administrators, funders, and accrediting agencies Identify needed changes Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

6 What to assess about learning spaces
Planning Stage What are the needs for learning spaces? Post-occupancy Stage: Do they accomplish their purpose(s)? Are users satisfied with the spaces? What changes are needed? Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

7 What to assess about learning spaces
MEASURE EXAMPLE Extensiveness How many courses, students, faculty are using the facility? Efficiency What is the cost of support for each hour of service or course? Effectiveness Does the use or pedagogy incorporate innovations enabled by technology? Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

8 What to assess about learning spaces
MEASURE EXAMPLE Service Quality Can students acquire assistance they need with multimedia? Impact Are students doing innovative group work? Usefulness Are faculty teaching in ways that enhance deeper learning? Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

9 How to assess learning spaces
Data collection User surveys Observation/Photos Focus groups Case studies Interviews Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

10 Information Commons Interest Group
Data Collection How many students and faculty are using the spaces What type of technology is being used How often do potential users need to be turned away What are the costs of equipping and servicing the facility How frequently are help services used Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

11 Information Commons Interest Group
User surveys What are users’ expectations Are students and faculty satisfied with the space and/or services What changes would the users like What kinds of uses are being made of the space What are the most important/least important aspects of the space for users Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

12 Information Commons Interest Group
Case studies Focus on department or school revamping curriculum & relationship to new spaces and implementing changes Focus on incorporation of a new technology in a large enrollment course and impact on success Focus on cutting edge use of technology in a course - in class and student projects Focus on at-risk students Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

13 Information Commons Interest Group
Interviews Faculty What difference does the facility make in their teaching - have they redesigned courses or curricula; do they use different methods Does the facility promote innovation How does the technology enhance learning Are they receiving the support they need What are their unmet expectations Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

14 Information Commons Interest Group
Interviews Students What difference does the facility make in their learning Are they able to do different types of projects than previously Does the facility promote a sense of community Are they using the facility for a variety of purposes Are needed services available What are their unmet expectations Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

15 Information Commons Interest Group
Interviews Staff What differences do they see in what campus constituencies are accomplishing What are the services most in demand What are service gaps Is staff receiving adequate training Are users receiving adequate training Is the facility a source of campus pride Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

16 Information Commons Interest Group
Assessment planning Assessment plan for an Information Commons Needs assessment Gate and group study room counts to monitor use and use trends Student and faculty student satisfaction survey Case study focusing on a course in which students develop multi-media projects Interviews with faculty, students, staff Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

17 Information Commons Interest Group
Assessment Tips Focus on the big picture Provide evidence of the value of the investment in technology for teaching and learning Align assessment goals with institutional goals Work with assessment experts Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

18 Information Commons Interest Group
Assessment Tips Understand what type of information would be valuable to administrators and funders Assemble stakeholders to shape the assessment effort Consider both quantitative and qualitative measures Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

19 Information Commons Interest Group
Assessment Tips Be persistent Use what you have learned to make improvements, gain support, make the case for additional resources, etc. Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

20 Information Commons Interest Group
Assessment Tips Use available outside resources EDUCAUSE ELI ARL LibQUAL+ ™ program TLT Flashlight Project Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

21 Information Commons Interest Group
Assessment Tips More resources Chauncey, Bonnie. C&RL News, Nov Association of American Colleges and Universities. Liberal Education Outcomes. Bailey, Donald R. “Assessing Success to Enhance Space and Improve Service.” Information Commons Handbook by Donald R. Beagle. NY: Neal-Schuman, 2006. Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

22 Information Commons Interest Group
Thanks Thanks to the many librarians and administrators who shared their assessment reports and instruments with me. Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

23 Information Commons Interest Group
Contact: Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information, Information Commons Interest Group ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007

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