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Laying the Ground Work – How to Begin Successful Implementation Carolinas Innovations in Education Conference 2007 Giancarlo Anselmo Cleveland County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Laying the Ground Work – How to Begin Successful Implementation Carolinas Innovations in Education Conference 2007 Giancarlo Anselmo Cleveland County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laying the Ground Work – How to Begin Successful Implementation Carolinas Innovations in Education Conference 2007 Giancarlo Anselmo Cleveland County Schools

2 Cleveland County Schools Implementation 2006-2007 school year started RTI procedures at two elementary schools 2006-2007 school year started RTI procedures at two elementary schools One large school (700 students) One large school (700 students) One small school (300 students) One small school (300 students) 2007-2008 two new schools are currently being trained and using RTI procedures for this school year 2007-2008 two new schools are currently being trained and using RTI procedures for this school year Both medium sized elementary schools Both medium sized elementary schools

3 What is the Best Way to Train a Problem Solving Team First Year Training Consisted of training teams using PowerPoints from state training Consisted of training teams using PowerPoints from state training Trained teams from two schools at once Trained teams from two schools at once Second Year Training Trainings consisted of sitting down with each PST team and going over case studies Cases from their own schools were used to help them go through the process

4 PST Team Makeup People who might be on your team Principal Principal School Psychologist School Psychologist EC representative EC representative Regular Education Teacher Regular Education Teacher Interventionists Interventionists Teacher of student Teacher of student Parents Parents Others as needed Others as needed

5 How PST Team Changed Last Year Principal Principal School psychologist School psychologist EC teacher EC teacher Diagnostician Diagnostician Teacher of student Teacher of student Regular ed teacher Regular ed teacher Title 1 reading specialist Title 1 reading specialist Counselor Counselor Social worker Social worker Parent Parent This Year Principal School Psychologist Case Colleague Title 1/Interventionist Parent Teacher of student Others used as needed

6 Case Colleagues Every grade has a case colleague Every grade has a case colleague Case colleagues help teachers with paperwork, interventions, moral support, and scheduling of meetings Case colleagues help teachers with paperwork, interventions, moral support, and scheduling of meetings Case colleagues meet with teachers on a weekly basis Case colleagues meet with teachers on a weekly basis

7 Roles of Team Members Who will run the meetings? Who will run the meetings? Who will take notes? Who will take notes? Who will write on paperwork? Who will write on paperwork? Who will be time keeper? Who will be time keeper? Who will coordinate with parents about meetings? Who will coordinate with parents about meetings?

8 Scheduling Team could meet once a week Team could meet once a week Team could meet twice: Team could meet twice: 1 st time without parents 1 st time without parents 2 nd time with parents 2 nd time with parents Not all team members need to be at all meetings Not all team members need to be at all meetings

9 Questions

10 Burning Questions Who can be interventionists? Where will they come from? Who can be interventionists? Where will they come from? Reading teachers, TAs, Title I. Research into differentiation and deliver interventions in the classroom. Dont need to provide Special Education under a different name. Changes have to come in regular education. Divide into centers with not as much whole group. Let TA do instruction with whole class and specialized teacher with specific student. Reading teachers, TAs, Title I. Research into differentiation and deliver interventions in the classroom. Dont need to provide Special Education under a different name. Changes have to come in regular education. Divide into centers with not as much whole group. Let TA do instruction with whole class and specialized teacher with specific student.

11 Burning Questions

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