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RTI Response to Instruction. Better to be safe than..............Punch a 5th grader Better to be safe than..............Punch a 5th grader Strike while.

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Presentation on theme: "RTI Response to Instruction. Better to be safe than..............Punch a 5th grader Better to be safe than..............Punch a 5th grader Strike while."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTI Response to Instruction

2 Better to be safe than..............Punch a 5th grader Better to be safe than..............Punch a 5th grader Strike while the.....................Bug is close Strike while the.....................Bug is close It's always darkest before......... Daylight Savings Time It's always darkest before......... Daylight Savings Time Never underestimate the power of.......Termites Never underestimate the power of.......Termites You can lead a horse to water You can lead a horse to water Don't bite the hand that.............. looks dirty Don't bite the hand that.............. looks dirty No news is................................impossible No news is................................impossible You can't teach an old dog new..........math You can't teach an old dog new..........math If you lie down with dogs, you'll......stink in the morning If you lie down with dogs, you'll......stink in the morning

3 Love all, Love all, The pen is mightier than the..........pigs The pen is mightier than the..........pigs An idle mind is....................The best way to relax An idle mind is....................The best way to relax Where there's smoke there's.......pollution Where there's smoke there's.......pollution Happy the bride who...............gets all the presents Happy the bride who...............gets all the presents A penny saved is..................... not much A penny saved is..................... not much

4 Tier II Contents Review Review Paperwork information Paperwork information Procedures Procedures Examples Examples

5 Level I Consultation Between Teachers-Parents Level II Consultation With Other Resources Intensity of Problem Amount of Resources Needed to Solve Problem Level III Consultation with the Problem Solving Team Level IV IEP Consideration Define the problem Develop a Plan Implement Plan Evaluate


7 RTI Procedures Activities at Tier II Activities at Tier II Steps of cyclical problem-solving model repeat, but more school personnel are involved as needed on a consultation basis Steps of cyclical problem-solving model repeat, but more school personnel are involved as needed on a consultation basis Parent Parent Teacher Teacher Grade level teams, counselor, school psychologist, diagnostician, reading teacher, administrator, social worker, curriculum coordinator nurse, etc. Grade level teams, counselor, school psychologist, diagnostician, reading teacher, administrator, social worker, curriculum coordinator nurse, etc.


9 Key people in Tier II Parents Parents Grade level teams Grade level teams Case Colleagues Case Colleagues Other people who can provide needed help and support Other people who can provide needed help and support

10 Tier II Paperwork Tier II Intervention Plan consists of: Tier II Intervention Plan consists of: Student info Student info Define Problem, Develop a Plan, Set Goal Define Problem, Develop a Plan, Set Goal Progress Monitoring Information Progress Monitoring Information Evaluation of Plan Evaluation of Plan Contact with Parent Contact with Parent Decision to continue, modify, discontinue, or move to Tier III Decision to continue, modify, discontinue, or move to Tier III

11 Tier II Paperwork Teachers will keep copies of Tier II paperwork in a folder in their rooms Teachers will keep copies of Tier II paperwork in a folder in their rooms 1 folder for each student 1 folder for each student This folder will also contain the Tier 1 paperwork This folder will also contain the Tier 1 paperwork Case colleagues will make copies of paperwork to be placed in a folder in front office Case colleagues will make copies of paperwork to be placed in a folder in front office

12 Tier II Paperwork Teachers will keep progress monitoring data in this folder along with Tier II paper work Teachers will keep progress monitoring data in this folder along with Tier II paper work

13 Progress Monitoring for Students in Tier II K-2 teachers will progress monitor reading progress using DIBELS K-2 teachers will progress monitor reading progress using DIBELS Progress monitoring using DIBELS will be done on a weekly basis Progress monitoring using DIBELS will be done on a weekly basis Space is provided on the Tier II paperwork for progress monitoring data Space is provided on the Tier II paperwork for progress monitoring data

14 Progress Monitoring for Students in Tier II K-2 subjects other than reading and 3-5 all subjects: K-2 subjects other than reading and 3-5 all subjects: Students will be monitored on a weekly basis using: Students will be monitored on a weekly basis using: Curriculum Based Measurements Curriculum Based Measurements

15 Tier II for Behavior Students who do not make progress in Tier I will move to Tier II/Tier III Students who do not make progress in Tier I will move to Tier II/Tier III -At this level the teacher will start meeting with the problem solving team to help with behavior plans

16 Tier II Procedures Parents will also be notified with a letter when their child enters Tier II Parents will also be notified with a letter when their child enters Tier II At the beginning of Tier I the child will be screened for health problems (vision, hearing, etc.) At the beginning of Tier I the child will be screened for health problems (vision, hearing, etc.) Interventions can consist of targeted groups within the classroom Interventions can consist of targeted groups within the classroom Parents will be contacted at the end of the intervention phase Parents will be contacted at the end of the intervention phase

17 Tier II: Strategic Interventions Scientifically research-based interventions Scientifically research-based interventions Academic – reading, math & writing Academic – reading, math & writing Behavior Behavior Standard course of study with supplemental materials Standard course of study with supplemental materials Differentiated instruction in the classroom Differentiated instruction in the classroom

18 Student Social & Academic Behaviors Are Strongly Influenced by the Instructional Setting (Lentz & Shapiro, 1986) Students with learning problems do not exist in isolation. Rather, their instructional environment plays an enormously important role in these students eventual success or failure Students with learning problems do not exist in isolation. Rather, their instructional environment plays an enormously important role in these students eventual success or failure Source: Lentz, F. E. & Shapiro, E. S. (1986). Functional assessment of the academic environment. School Psychology Review, 15, 346-57.

19 Big Ideas: Learn Unit (Heward, 1996) The three essential elements of effective student learning include: 1. Academic Opportunity to Respond. The student is presented with a meaningful opportunity to respond to an academic task. A question posed by the teacher, a math word problem, and a spelling item on an educational computer Word Gobbler game could all be considered academic opportunities to respond. 2. Active Student Response. The student answers the item, solves the problem presented, or completes the academic task. Answering the teachers question, computing the answer to a math word problem (and showing all work), and typing in the correct spelling of an item when playing an educational computer game are all examples of active student responding. 3. Performance Feedback. The student receives timely feedback about whether his or her response is correctoften with praise and encouragement. A teacher exclaiming Right! Good job! when a student gives an response in class, a student using an answer key to check her answer to a math word problem, and a computer message that says Congratulations! You get 2 points for correctly spelling this word! are all examples of performance feedback.

20 The Four Stages of Learning Can Be Summed Up in the Instructional Hierarchy (Haring et al., 1978) Student learning can be thought of as a multi-stage process. The universal stages of learning include: Acquisition: The student is just acquiring the skill. Acquisition: The student is just acquiring the skill. Fluency: The student can perform the skill but must make that skill automatic. Fluency: The student can perform the skill but must make that skill automatic. Generalization: The student must perform the skill across situations or settings. Generalization: The student must perform the skill across situations or settings. Adaptation: The student confronts novel task demands that require that the student adapt a current skill to meet new requirements. Adaptation: The student confronts novel task demands that require that the student adapt a current skill to meet new requirements. Source: Haring, N.G., Lovitt, T.C., Eaton, M.D., & Hansen, C.L. (1978). The fourth R: Research in the classroom. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co.

21 Results of Tier II Tier II Move back to Tier I 1.No longer At-Risk 2.No longer concerned Continue with intervention Student still needs support But is progressing Move to Tier III After intervention student is still considered At-Risk

22 Moving back to Tier I Moving back to Tier I Fill out Tier I paperwork Fill out Tier I paperwork Information does not need to be new Information does not need to be new Document continuation of intervention that is working or how an intervention has been modified Document continuation of intervention that is working or how an intervention has been modified Must contact parent and notify the change in Tiers Must contact parent and notify the change in Tiers Moving to Tier III Finish filling out Tier II paper work Notify case colleague so PST team can place you on the agenda Make sure all progress monitoring data is included in students folders

23 Teacher Support Intervention Notebooks Intervention Notebooks Introduction of interventions within core curriculum Introduction of interventions within core curriculum Case colleague assigned by Problem Solving Team Case colleague assigned by Problem Solving Team

24 Roles of Case colleague Case colleague will meet with teacher at the beginning of Tier II to help with paperwork, interventions, and answer any other questions that arise Case colleague will meet with teacher at the beginning of Tier II to help with paperwork, interventions, and answer any other questions that arise Case colleagues will also meet with Teachers at the end of Tier II Case colleagues will also meet with Teachers at the end of Tier II Case colleagues will be in charge of transferring paperwork from teachers folder to office folder Case colleagues will be in charge of transferring paperwork from teachers folder to office folder Case colleagues will be in charge of setting up PST Team meeting if moving to Tier III Case colleagues will be in charge of setting up PST Team meeting if moving to Tier III





29 Problem Solving Team Please stand up!!!! Please stand up!!!! How these meetings run How these meetings run 1 st meeting is problem analysis and assessment plan development 1 st meeting is problem analysis and assessment plan development 2 nd meeting is to set up intervention plan and to go over assessment data 2 nd meeting is to set up intervention plan and to go over assessment data Progress monitoring is done on interventions 2-3 times a week by psychologist or interventionist Progress monitoring is done on interventions 2-3 times a week by psychologist or interventionist Team reconvenes in 6 weeks to go over progress or lack of progress Team reconvenes in 6 weeks to go over progress or lack of progress


31 Eligibility Based On RtI Data 3 Pronged Criteria: Educational Progress Educational Progress Discrepancy Discrepancy Instructional Needs Instructional Needs Grimes,J., Kurns, S (2003, December) An Intervention-based system for Addressing NCLB and IDEA Expectations: A Multiple Tired Model to Ensure Every Child Learns. Paper presented at the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities Responsiveness to Intervention Symposium, Kansas City, MO. Grimes,J., Kurns, S (2003, December) An Intervention-based system for Addressing NCLB and IDEA Expectations: A Multiple Tired Model to Ensure Every Child Learns. Paper presented at the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities Responsiveness to Intervention Symposium, Kansas City, MO.

32 Target Student Discrepancy 1: Skill Gap (Current Performance Level) Avg Classroom Academic Performance Level Discrepancy 2: Gap in Rate of Learning (Slope of Improvement)

33 Prong 1 – Criteria: Educational Progress Researched-based interventions have failed to improve a students rate of learning and additional resources are needed to enhance student learning or the interventions have improved the rate of learning but are too demanding to be implemented with integrity without intensive intervention Researched-based interventions have failed to improve a students rate of learning and additional resources are needed to enhance student learning or the interventions have improved the rate of learning but are too demanding to be implemented with integrity without intensive intervention

34 Prong 2 – Criteria: Discrepancy Given equal or enhanced opportunities, the students current level of performance is significantly lower than typical peers on identified standards Given equal or enhanced opportunities, the students current level of performance is significantly lower than typical peers on identified standards

35 Prong 3 – Criteria: Instructional Needs Instructional needs have been identified that are beyond what can be provided in general education – this is evident when curriculum, instruction or the environmental conditions need to be very different for the student as compared to the needs of other students in the general education environment. Instructional needs have been identified that are beyond what can be provided in general education – this is evident when curriculum, instruction or the environmental conditions need to be very different for the student as compared to the needs of other students in the general education environment.

36 Selected slides were reproduced from sources listed below

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