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ITX TCM Project Proposal SWEN670. Meet Team: “iTX TCM” Name: Eric Everson Angie Chock Thomas Andersen Thomas Stewart Role: Team Lead/PM Documentation.

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Presentation on theme: "ITX TCM Project Proposal SWEN670. Meet Team: “iTX TCM” Name: Eric Everson Angie Chock Thomas Andersen Thomas Stewart Role: Team Lead/PM Documentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 iTX TCM Project Proposal SWEN670

2 Meet Team: “iTX TCM” Name: Eric Everson Angie Chock Thomas Andersen Thomas Stewart Role: Team Lead/PM Documentation Programmer Developer

3 “iTX TCM” The Team Name: So the question on everyone’s mind seems to be “How did we come up with our team name?” In short, we knew from the beginning we knew our clients identified needs. With a Total Customer Management solution in mind the “TCM” of our team name was a given. We also wanted to somehow identify it with the client specifically (In The Stix Broadband) so we came up with the “ITX”. After that we merely lowercased the “I” to “i” as a throw back to the iTX industry definition (wherein “iTX” is a software-based production and transmission solution built on standard IT hardware and advanced software technology)… Are you with us?

4 Project Introduction This project encompasses the development of an internal application that will be delivered to the client (In The Stix Broadband). The basis for this system has arisen from the clients business needs to improve the internal management and control of contact management data as well as introducing improvements in internal invoicing activities.

5 Project Purpose The purpose of this system is to digitize the contact management data of the client to better support the management of its customer base. Additionally, this system is designed to further digitize the invoice process for our client. Finally, this system will provide the platform for maintaining historical data for the client as well as establish a working platform by which the client can integrate additional features at a later date.

6 Scope Statement Within the evolution of Total Customer Management software we are designing an innovative solution to fit custom needs of our client. Based on existing infrastructure parameters, we will develop a customized software solution to fit the unique business needs of our client. This system will facilitate a number of tasks for the client including the following functionality: Manage its customer base. Generate, manage, and track invoices. Maintain historical information. It has been agreed that any features not included in the original version of this system will be integrated into the existing infrastructure at a later development phase. This is a secure web-based system which shall utilize a MySQL backend and PHP front end while based on a Linux Operating System.

7 Assumptions & Constraints Assumptions The iTXTCM system is expected to be operational in a Linux environment. All project team members are expected to have access to MYSQL, PHP, and Linux. System Constraints The iTXTCM system must be scalable to include additional features for later development. The iTXTCM system records cannot be deleted. All records must be maintained in the system with an active or inactive status. The iTXTCM system must include a secure web interface.

8 Alternatives The client has identified the shortcomings of an existing Microsoft Excel platform that is currently being used for customer data management. Since Excel does not support invoice generation or sufficient records retentions as needed by the client, alternatives must be sought. SharePoint has been noted as a platform for addressing the invoicing needs of the client which would also act to enhance the records retention and historical data collection that the client desires.SharePoint Though a potential element of the system design, SharePoint is not typically the most desirable solution for customer management features thus its use could not be sufficient as a standalone solution for the client.

9 Project Features Manage the Customer Base Generate, Manage, and Track Invoices Maintain Historical Information As further detailed in the Project Proposal the following functions represent the preliminary features of this system:

10 Estimated Cost With much of the licensing already procured and development products accessible to the team, the estimated costs of this solution are relatively low. This stands to benefit the client and likewise a custom development presents a more cost effective solution for the client as a result. It is expected that this solution has an estimated development cost of about $55. **The costs in this project are minimal as the labor is free, the tools and software platform have been made available from the university (free) or by the customer (free). Additionally the MySQL, PHP (MyAdmin), and Linux were made available from the customer without charge to the team.

11 Work Breakdown Structure

12 Risk Management As further detailed in our Project Proposal we have developed an extensive risk management plan.

13 Market Survey We have developed a more detailed Market Survey in our Project Proposal. Competitive Overview: There is no single turnkey COTS product available that fulfills the needs of our client. In assessing the existing COTS solutions many products capture specific features that the client is looking for, but none encompass the scope of the clients needs like a custom development.

14 iTX TCM Proposal Summary As the client is seeking a solution that addresses their unique needs, it will be much more cost efficient and to pursue a custom development. With the clients needs as the nucleus of this development we can render a solution that meets or otherwise exceeds their needs at a fraction of what it could cost to integrate the comparable COTS solutions available in the marketplace.

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