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Unit A: Leadership & Supervised Agricultural Experience

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1 Unit A: Leadership & Supervised Agricultural Experience
ESSENTIAL STANDARD 1.00: Understand leadership qualities involved in successful employment.

2 Objective 1.01 Understand leadership qualities and career building techniques desired by the animal science industry.

3 Leadership Activity Name in your notebook as many qualities of a good leaders as you can Example: Courage Name a good leader and describe what makes them a good leader Be ready to share your answers

4 Leadership Integrity Management Honesty
Using people, resources, process to reach a goal

5 Leadership Unselfishness Enthusiasm
Placing the desires and welfare of others above yourself Enthusiasm Energy to do a job and the inspiration to encourage others

6 Leadership Plan Knowledge Able top think through, determine procedures
Awareness, understanding

7 Leadership Loyalty Courage Tact
reliable support for an individual, group or cause Courage willing to go forward under difficult conditions Tact saying or doing the right thing without offending

8 The FFA Mission FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

9 Agriculture Education
3 integral components Classroom/Lab Instruction FFA Leadership Communication Citizenship SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience programs) FFA Classroom SAE

10 Structure of the FFA

11 North Carolina FFA Association
Crest FFA Chapter Piedmont Federation Southwest Region North Carolina FFA Association National FFA

12 Crest FFA Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Reporter Sentinel Chaplain Historian Parliamentarian

13 Ceremonies Rituals conducted at each meeting
Opening ceremony Closing ceremony Outlined in the FFA Student Manual

14 Opening Ceremony- “All in Unison”
President: “FFA members, why are we here?” All members say: “To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”

15 FFA Degrees Discovery FFA Degree (Middle School) Greenhand FFA Degree
Chapter FFA Degree State FFA Degree American FFA Degree

16 FFA Websites National FFA Organization North Carolina FFA Association
North Carolina FFA Association

17 Public Speaking

18 Types of Speeches Informative
gives knowledge or information to audiences

19 Types of Speeches Persuasive
convinces people to believe or do something

20 Types of Speeches Integrative
pep talks, welcome speeches, or an introduction of a speaker

21 Types of Speeches Prepared speech is written and learned

22 Types of Speeches Extemporaneous speech with little or no preparation

23 Variables to Consider Purpose- Why are you giving the speech?
Audience- What group is hearing the speech?

24 Variables to Consider Occasion- What is the event?
Content- What is in the speech? Composition- How is the speech written and organized?

25 Building a Speech Introduction Body Conclusion

26 Introduction Capture attention Enthusiasm and Emotion
Indicate the need for the speech Makes the audience want to know more Short stories and real life is a good start

27 Body The largest part of the speech
Contains the information you want to tell Consist of several major points surrounded by a central objective

28 Conclusion Remind the audience of the objective or topic
Move people to action Use powerful well planed words

29 Delivering a Speech Know your audience and what to expect
Stage Presence posture appearance attitude confidence personality poise

30 Workforce Preparation
Resume Designed to give the employer information about your background skills, job experience and education Should be tailored for each job applied for Purpose is to get an interview Most resumes should be one (1) page, but no more than (2) pages

31 Workforce Preparation
Items to Include in Resume Name and address Objective Education Experience Activities Skills References

32 Workforce Preparation
Cover Letter Preview to your resume Should be brief ½ page, but not more than one (1) page Items to Include Position you are applying for Outline your key selling points Address the needs of your employer Invite employer to contact you

33 Job Interview Cover letter sent in to assist in establishing an interview date. Follow-up phone call is typically recommended to secure interview. Resume is sent with cover letter. Typically suggested that the individual bring a copy of resume to interview as well. Individual should dress in professional attire.

34 Common questions asked during interview:
What are your 3 greatest attributes or strengths? What are your 3 biggest weaknesses or things you would like to improve upon? Where do you want to be in 5 years? What leadership qualities can you bring to our company? Why are you the best candidate for job?

35 Objective 1.02 Understand parliamentary procedure.

36 What is Parliamentary Procedure?
Parliamentary procedure is a systematic way of organizing meetings. Parliamentary procedure is governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

37 Parliamentary Law Robert’s Rule of Order
Rules for conducting a meeting Assures that all sides are treated fairly and that everyone has the opportunity to discuss and vote

38 Parliamentary Law Main Objective: Focus on one item at a time
Extend courtesy to everyone Observe the rule of the majority Ensure the rights of the minority

39 Methods of Voting Voice Rising Secret Ballot Roll Call

40 Voting Simple majority Two-thirds majority
one vote more than 50% of the votes cast Two-thirds majority 2/3 of the members must be for the motion usually used when the rights of the members are limited

41 Voting Quorum number of members required to conduct business

42 Gavel Symbol of authority Meaning of the taps 1 tap means to be seated
2 taps means the meeting is called to order 3 taps means that members should stand Series of taps “be quite and orderly”

43 Table of Motions Highest Lowest Privileged Incidental Subsidiary
Unclassified Lowest

44 Table of Motions Motions must be higher ranking or arise out of the motion that is on the floor to be made when an item of business is on the floor Example: Adjourn Highest ranking of all motions Can be made at any time

45 The Gavel The president uses the gavel to control aspects of the meeting. The number of taps determines the meaning.

46 Presiding Officer Chapter FFA President Must be fair and impartial
Must relinquish the chair when the president desires to discuss business

47 Motions

48 Main Motion Used to get group approval for a new project or some other course of action Wording: “I move” NOT “I make a motion”

49 Main Motion Requires second Debatable Amendable Majority vote required
Can be reconsidered

50 Amendments Used to change a main motion
3 ways to amend: addition, substitution, striking out Wording: “I move to amend the motion”

51 Amendments Requires second Debatable Amendable Majority vote required
Can be reconsidered

52 Adjourn Used to end a meeting Wording: “I move to adjourn”

53 Adjourn Cannot be debated Cannot be amended Cannot be reconsidered
Requires second Requires majority vote

54 Appeal Changes a decision made by the chair
Wording: “I appeal the decision of the chair”

55 Appeal Debatable Can be reconsidered Not amendable
President can debate Can be reconsidered Not amendable Majority vote required

56 Point of Order Used when one believes a parliamentary error has been made Wording: “I rise to a point of order”

57 Point of order Not debatable Not Amendable Does not require second
Cannot be reconsidered No vote required

58 Division of the House Calls for a counted vote
Wording: “I call for a division of the house.”

59 Division of the House (Assembly)
Not debatable Not Amendable Does not require second Cannot be reconsidered No vote required

60 Lay on the table To postpone a motion to the next meeting
Motion must be taken from the table at the next meeting to be discussed Wording: “I move to lay this motion on the table”

61 Lay on the table Requires second Not debatable Not amendable
Cannot be reconsidered Majority vote

62 Previous question Used to stop debate and vote
Wording: “I move to previous question”

63 Previous question Second required Not debatable Not amendable
Can be reconsidered before vote 2/3 vote required

64 Refer to committee Used to gain more information on a motion before voting Wording: “I move to refer this motion to a committee to report at our next meeting.”

65 Refer to committee Second required Debatable Amendable
Can be reconsidered Majority vote

66 Limit Debate Allows member to limit or extend debate to a specified time frame. Requires a second Cannot be debated Can be amended Can be reconsidered Requires a 2/3 majority vote

67 Additional Motions Recess Question of Privilege Suspend the rules
Take a break Question of Privilege Matters of comfort Suspend the rules To go against organizational rules

68 Additional Motions Withdraw a motion Take from the table Rescind
Removes an undesirable or unneeded motion Take from the table Bring an item from the table Rescind Undo something that has been voted on prior to actions taking place

69 ESSENTIAL STANDARD 2.00: Understand Supervised Agricultural Experience
Unit A: Leadership & Supervised Agricultural Experience ESSENTIAL STANDARD 2.00: Understand Supervised Agricultural Experience

70 Objective 2.01 Understand SAE components and application to work based learning

71 Supervised Agricultural Experience Types and Components
Entrepreneurship planning, implementing, operating and assuming financial risks in an agricultural business or farming activity raising hogs operating a farm supply store

72 Supervised Agricultural Experience Types and Components
Experimental planning and conducting an agricultural experiment using the scientific process or scientific method comparing different levels of protein on animal growth

73 Supervised Agricultural Experience Types and Components
Analytical identify an agricultural problem that cannot be solved by experiments and design a plan to investigate and analyze the problem a marketing display

74 Supervised Agricultural Experience Types and Components
Placement placing students in jobs outside of regular classroom hours that may be paid or unpaid work working at a farm supply store working on a poultry farm

75 Supervised Agricultural Experience Types and Components
Exploratory helps students learn about agriculture and become aware of possible agricultural careers through short times spent observing, shadowing or helping attending a career day interviewing a veterinarian assisting a horse owner

76 Supervised Agricultural Experience Types and Components
Improvement series of activities that improves the value or appearance of the place of employment, school, home or community building a fence computerizing records remodeling a building repairing equipment

77 Factors to Consider When Selecting a Career
Standard of living- pay, location Personal contact- working more with people or with things Educational requirements Practice experiences or skills required Location of employment Your interests, likes and dislikes Working conditions Working hours and time for leisure activities Retirement benefits Your health and happiness 

78 Steps in Choosing a Career
“Consider your interests, abilities, and other characteristics” should be the first step. Narrow the field of jobs. Study the requirements of the job- get good information. Plan for alternative occupations- the first choice may not work out. Prepare a plan for career preparation- early career planning can help you take the right courses in high school Be willing to pay the price for success- education, dedication Get work experience- SAE, coop., part-time job

79 Objective 2.02 Understand SAE components and application to work based learning

80 Net Worth Statement Total Assets = current assets + non-current assets

81 Net Worth Statement Current Assets
items that can quickly be converted to cash or that will be sold within 12 months cash on hand checking and savings accounts Stocks Bonds cash in value of life insurance money others owe you

82 Net Worth Statement Non-Current Assets
items that have a useful life of more than one year and are used in the business land

83 Net Worth Statement Total Liabilities = current liabilities (debts) + non-current liabilities (debts) Current Liabilities- accounts and notes payable. Example: this year’s part of non-current liabilities. Non-Current Liabilities- mortgages and other debts not due this year

84 Net Worth Statement Net Worth or Owner’s Equity = total assets minus total liabilities

85 Debt-to-Equity Ratio A measure of a company or individuals net worth compared to the liabilities Indicator of the debt and equity a company is using to finance assets Debt-to-Equity Ratio = total liabilities / net worth

86 Inventory an itemized list of things owned by a business with the beginning value and depreciated value

87 Non-Depreciable items that will be used up or sold within a year Feed
Supplies Medicines Fertilizer

88 Depreciable items that have a useful life of more than one year and lose value because of age, wear or becoming out-of-date because of technology advancements Land is NOT depreciable property

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