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Parent Awareness Springmore Elementary School Kindergarten

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1 Parent Awareness Springmore Elementary School Kindergarten
Mrs. Whitaker and Mrs. Mayhue

2 Thank you! Thank you for attending!
Parent involvement is the number one most important thing you can do to help your child be successful in school!

3 Classroom Website Please check out our classroom website at:

4 Morning Arrival Students may arrive to school at 7:30 am. They wait in the gym and/or go to breakfast when it opens. Students can start to enter our classroom at 8:00 am. The tardy bell rings at 8:10 am. The moment of silence will be the second bell after 8:10 am. All students/teachers/parents will “freeze” for 40 seconds.

5 Transportation It is school policy that all transportation changes are in writing. Please send a note if there any transportation changes.

6 Donuts for Dad


8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 11th will be an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm. I will send home a parent/teacher conference sign-up sheet soon. Thanks!

9 Homework Notebooks Please initial your child’s homework/behavior sheet every night. School information is in your child’s folder.

10 Gave you a copy in your folder the first day of school!
PBIS PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Positive School wide behavior plan. Focused on consistent modeling of behavior and teaching social skills. Gave you a copy in your folder the first day of school!

11 What is the Matrix? D-Do What’s Right
The expectations for different areas of the school are found on the Matrix. D-Do What’s Right A-Always follow Rules and Procedures W-Winning Attitude Works G-Good Behavior is expected S- Safety for All

12 What is an MIR? An MIR (Minor Incident Report) is essentially a note from the teacher. A copy will be sent home. After three MIR’s (and three interventions) a child will visit the principal’s office.

13 Curriculum We use the Common Core Standards in Math, Reading Science and Social Studies. We use the WFTB (Write from the Beginning) writing program, Harcourt Reading program, Saxon Math, Building Blocks for kindergarten, Thinking Maps (graphic organizers) and themed integrated instructional units.

14 Important Things to work on at home…
Writing your first and last name (refer to sample alphabet). Capital at the beginning and all other letters lowercase. Knowing sounds of letters and recognizing letters of the alphabet out of sequence (Capital and lowercase).. Recognizing numbers 0-30 out of sequence and counting 0-30 objects. Recognizing attributes to shapes such as sides, corners, flat and solid. Working on recognizing the kindergarten sight words.

15 Lunch Please place all money in a labeled envelope with your child’s name and lunch number. Red(0) and yellow(1) at lunch. Please check in at the office and meet our class at the cafeteria or come down to the room.

16 Snack We will have snack at 9:30 and 1:30pm.
We will notify parents when we are in need of snack. Items such as crackers, cookies, pretzels, fruit, gold-fish, popsicles,rice crispy treats, pop-tarts, granola bars, Little Debbie cakes, juice boxes, Kool-aid Powder (no red), cups and small plates.

17 Box Tops Please collect Box Tops for our school.
Box Tops help raise money for technology in our classroom. Everyone has a smartboard, ipads and ipod carts(check-out).

18 Inclement Weather Please check the Cleveland County Schools website.
Springmore After School Care will be closed if school closes early. Check with the YMCA whether buses run.

19 Shelby Fire Department

20 Volunteers We will need volunteers throughout the school year.
Please fill out a Cleveland County Background check. You must complete a new form every year. See Mrs. Wallace for more information.

21 Thank You! . Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to learn more about Springmore and our classroom! Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you!

22 Thank you for coming!!! Thank you for a wonderful start to the school year!

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