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IRREGULAR FUTURE Maggie Korn Rebecca Dunn. Recall… The future tense is used to express what a person will do. The future is formed by taking the infinitive.

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Presentation on theme: "IRREGULAR FUTURE Maggie Korn Rebecca Dunn. Recall… The future tense is used to express what a person will do. The future is formed by taking the infinitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRREGULAR FUTURE Maggie Korn Rebecca Dunn

2 Recall… The future tense is used to express what a person will do. The future is formed by taking the infinitive of a verb and adding the corresponding future ending. But don’t forget! Remove the “e” from -re verbs before adding the future ending.

3 Future Endings Je -ai Tu -as Il/elle -a Nous -ons Vous -ez Ils/elles -ont

4 Example: I will sing. = Je chanterai.

5 But… Some verbs are irregular and cannot be formed by simply adding the future ending to the infinitive. These verbs have irregular stems, and the future endings listed before must be added to these irregular stems.

6 Irregular Future Verbs Verb Meaning Stem Faire to do/ make Fer- Être to be Ser- Aller to go Ir- Avoir to have Aur- Voir to see Verr- Pouvoir to be able to Pourr- Devoir to have to Devr- Vouloir to want Voudr- Venir to come Viendr-

7 Example: I will go. = J’irai.

8 Extra Practice! Write a paragraph about what you will do this month.

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