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Story Title: Heat Wave!.

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1 Story Title: Heat Wave!

2 Author Helen Ketteman Illustrator Scott Goto

3 Selection Summary A fantastic heat wave hits a Kansas farm, roasting the geese, popping the corn in the fields, and causing other distressing events. The farm girl tries a few clever ways to get rid of it, and finally succeeds when she plants iceberg lettuce.

4 Tall Tale Characters with exaggerated qualities and abilities to perform fantastic feats.

5 What is a heat wave? Effects of a heat wave


7 affected Caused a change in
When people carelessly throw pollution into the ocean, many innocent animals’ health can be affected. Caused a change in


9 resist Fight the urge for
Crows can’t resist the smell of baking bread, and soon every crow in Kansas came flocking to the farm.

10 miscalculated Figured incorrectly
I miscalculated the amount of lettuce I needed and planted too much. miscalculated

11 singe You can singe the edges of paper or wood to make the piece look older. To burn slightly

12 yeast A substance that is used to make bread dough rise.
We dumped several fifty-pound bags of flour and a bunch of yeast in the trough by the barn, then stirred in water with shovels yeast




16 Words ending with –ed or -ing
dancing dared phoning skipped dimmed fainted hiking rubbing flipped striped Challenge Words snapping wasting breathing raced traced tiring landed stripped urged pleasing tanning scrubbed 9. checking smelling striving

17 Present, Past, and Future Tenses
The tense of a verb tells when something happens. A present tense verb shows action that is happening NOW. A past tense verb shows action that has ALREADY happened. Add –ed to most verbs to form the past tense. Remember the rules for spelling past tense of verbs. A future tense verb shows action that is GOING to happen. Verbs in the future tense use the helping verb will.

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