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Embedding Knowledge management in the QMS Mária Dologová, QM, SO SR, Slovakia Ján Dolog, EOQ senior consultant for QMS Q2008, Rome, 8-11 July 2008 SO SR.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding Knowledge management in the QMS Mária Dologová, QM, SO SR, Slovakia Ján Dolog, EOQ senior consultant for QMS Q2008, Rome, 8-11 July 2008 SO SR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding Knowledge management in the QMS Mária Dologová, QM, SO SR, Slovakia Ján Dolog, EOQ senior consultant for QMS Q2008, Rome, 8-11 July 2008 SO SR

2 Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog2 Contents NSI and managing knowledge Integration of KM into the QMS content focus suitable infrastructure Benefits

3 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog3 NSI - environment need for statistical K products / services - for successful implementation of policies changes of statistical procedures, methods integration – need to exchange K within ESS,... lack of resources - need for intensive develop. LF mobility, seniority - threat of loosing K ICT development NSI and managing knowledge NSI - character K organisation high level of embodied K  power on the side of. individuals high level of tacit K K - key resource KM - key competence

4 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog4 marketing Communication with customer def. of way of obtaining data Prep. & realis. of stat. survey. & data processing Creation of PrBD/PuBD & other work. DB Creation of product & dissemination Strategic -, tactical -, operational mgnt Customer & his satisfaction Customer requirements Info sources mgnt HRM ICT- M M-Infra FM Isolated ad-hoc approach to KM

5 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog5 integrate KM into the QMS (VAP +SP)... achieve „up-knowledging“ of the QMS Conscious & systematic approach to KM

6 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog6 Supportive Infrastructure: Organisation of work HR practices - Culture - ICT... 2) institution-wide projects related to its strategic goals 1) Decision on KM implementation Decision on Content focus: Integration of KM into the QMS

7 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog7 Decision on KM implementation Reflected in: Vision (we are... information and knowledge institution...) Mission (... to provide statistical products and services. with the aim to support the improvement of information. and intellectual capital of our customers...) Common shared values (... knowledge sharing,. openness to new ideas,...) Strategic objective (... implement KM to support. strategic objectives of the institution...) general approach, supported by SO SR examples

8 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog8 Decision on content focus Projects covering NSI processes clearly linked. to strategic objectives and heavily depending on K (VAP – value-adding process... it contributes directly to creation of value to customer.... especially through creation of knowledge products /. services) then focus on: K needed (resulting) in (from) the process (K audit – what, who, where, how, what for?)

9 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog9 marketing Communication with customer def. of way of obtaining data Prep. & realis. of stat. survey. & data processing Creation of PrBD/PuBD & other work. DB Creation of product & dissemination Customer & his satisfaction Customer requirements IN: K of customer „language“, K on product required – K on customer intention, goals, way of using the product, comm. skills (elicitation), K on transfer of requirements into product specification,... etc. OUT: customer KB,..., K on way of obtaining input data, K on suppliers, intro K on way of producing the product, meeting records,..., lessons learned, good practice,... etc. Expected results: K bases int. and ext. experts online „who knows what“

10 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog10 Supportive infrastructure: HRM practices - creation of suitable culture encouraging: continual interest in own learning / development, willingness to share and use K (tacit!) based on: trust, reciprocity, fairness Expected results: revised priorities in all HRM practices - esp. in development & learning, motivation - performance mgnt & rewards) managing K workers! (coaching)

11 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog11 Organisational forms / structures encouraging K sharing by: putting people with different K together and allowing them to share, use,..., create K Expected results: teams, communities of practice, networks (intra org. & cross ESS context) workplace design („talk rooms“, conversations „at the coffee machine“, etc.)

12 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog12 ICT infrastructure supporting K processes (capturing, sharing, using, creating...): explicit K - creation and use of K bases /files tacit K - limited use (to facilitate communication) Expected results: intranet solutions for K files discovering hidden K (visualization – „see and know“) connecting people in time & space (video conferencing,...)

13 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog13 VAP (... QMS) „up-knowledged“ by KM marketing Communication with customer def. of way of obtaining data Prep. & realis. of stat. survey. & data processing Creation of PrBD/PuBD & other work. DB Creation of product & dissemination Strategic -, tactical -, operational mgnt Customer & his satisfaction Customer requirements Info sources mgnt HRM ICT- M M-Infra FM Benefits

14 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog14 VALUE of the institution LEARNING & GROWTH CUSTOMER. INTERNAL PROCESSES embedding K in products / services = creating K products / services (value to customer) - improving K on customers - developing K sharing culture - building institutional memory - improving K-flow across boundaries etc. From embedding K in products / services to benefits for the institution via BSC

15 SO SR Mária Dologová, Ján Dolog15 Thank you for your attention

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