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Enhancing learner opportunities by establishing partnerships with institutions of higher learning, industry, professional associations, and other agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing learner opportunities by establishing partnerships with institutions of higher learning, industry, professional associations, and other agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing learner opportunities by establishing partnerships with institutions of higher learning, industry, professional associations, and other agencies. Strategic Partnerships Credit for DAU courses toward degrees & certificates at colleges and universities – Shorter time to get your degree – Saves tuition assistance and out-of-pocket expenses TUI University

2 DAU Excelerate Program Excelerate Your Masters Degree… Excelerate is an exciting new program where you can earn your masters degree in less time. Through this program, several universities are offering the AT&L workforce credit toward masters degrees for DAWIA Level II and III certification.* *DAWIA course and masters programs vary More information on DAUs partnership program can be found at: TUI University

3 DAWIA Certification ExperienceTraining Education Strategic Partnerships Support Certification Requirements Equivalencies Degrees and Certificates Vital Element of AT&L Human Capital Strategic Plan

4 Degrees/Certificates Equivalency Benefits: Recognition of DAU equivalency for university courses. Credits for DAU courses toward certificates & degrees Increased availability of courses Supplement DAU faculty body of knowledge Partnerships with Academic Institutions University Courses DAU Courses Equivalency Agreements (Ex.) GW / ESI Florida Institute of Technology Bowie State University Naval Postgraduate School Northern Virginia Comm. College University of Virginia Webster University College of Southern Maryland Degree Programs (Examples) Undergraduate Capella Webster University of MD Univ College National-Louis University Masters Bellevue University Boston University University of MD Univ College Georgetown University Certificates University of Notre Dame Villanova University Tulane University

5 Partnering with Professional Associations & Government Agencies Partnerships with Government & Professional Organizations provide: – Sharing & Savings on Training Costs – Utilization of Existing Infrastructure & Facilities – Lessons Learned & Best Practices – Enhancement of DAU Faculty Domain Knowledge – Knowledge Management – Collaborative Research – Communities of Practice

6 Tools Commercial Best Practices Insights on government practices Benefits: Industry gains insights to trends, issues, experiences working with the DoD Acquisition System Government gains access to Off-the-Shelf commercial courses and industry tools Cross- faculty training between DAU and industry Opportunities to develop joint government/industry curricula Assistance with course development and acting as course mentors / guest lecturers Strategic Partnerships with Industry Industry DAU Rockwell Collins

7 Strategic Partnership Database Searchable database: Career field Region State Degree Institution

8 Partner with Universities & Organizations to Create Careers Certification Degree Careers Students who meet all student eligibility requirements may be eligible for an advanced in-hire pay rate at WR-ALC Provides access to online training & a liaison will be available to discuss issues concerning DAWIA certification training Will offer the sequence of three courses

9 DAU Alumni Association DAUAA Sponsors: Sponsors the DAU Acquisition Community Symposium on current defense/military service systems acquisition policies, procedures, & issues Edward Hirsch Acquisition Research & Writing Award Collected clothing for US military to distribute to Afghans living in the mountain villages Hot Topic Forums on hard hitting acquisition topics Bryant Alternative High School Scholarships DAUAA – Benefits and Activities: Opportunity to gain Continuous Learning Points through Symposiums & Hot Topic Forums Professional involvement in defense acquisition Ability to network with other members in the defense acquisition community Input on initiatives relating to defense acquisition matters Professional relationships with other premier associations (PMI, RMSP, NDIA, AIA, NCMA) Receptions for DAU courses and Senior Service College Defense industry corporate sponsor

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