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All living organisms reproduce All living organisms grow and develop All living organisms have cellular organization.

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2 All living organisms reproduce All living organisms grow and develop All living organisms have cellular organization

3 All living organisms reproduce All living organisms grow and develop All living organisms have cellular organization

4 Through dividing process! Bacteria cell division (Binary Fission) Somatic cell division (Mitosis) Gametic cell division (Meiosis) omnis cellula e cellula

5 The larger the cell: The more demands on DNA (gene expression) The more difficult homeostasis becomes (photo/resp)

6 Prokaryotic Cells DNA is replicated Proteins control when the cell membrane divides Daughter cells are identical to parent cells

7 Eukaryotic Cells DNA is replicated, packaged, & organized! Proteins control when the cell membrane divides Daughter cells are identical to parent cells

8 Eukaryotic Cells DNA is replicated, packaged, swapped, & organized! Proteins control when the cell membrane divides twice! Daughter cells are not identical to parent cells


10 Life cycle of an individual cell

11 Eukaryotic Cells DNA is replicated, packaged, & organized! Proteins control when the cell membrane divides Daughter cells are identical to parent cells

12 Cellular processes occur normally DNA is packaged around histones into chromosome

13 DNA is replicated

14 Cellular processes occur normally DNA is packaged around histones into chromosome

15 DNA is organized Proteins control when the cell membrane divides Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis Daughter cells are identical to parent cells

16 Division of one cell reproduces the entire organism Asexual Reproduction (mitosis)

17 Division is necessary for growth & repair Asexual Reproduction (mitosis)

18 http://highered.mcgraw- nimation_-_cell_division.html http://highered.mcgraw- nimation_-_cell_division.html


20 All humans start as 1 cell All humans at birth contain 100,000,000,000,000 cells

21 Zygote cells are not specialized (stem cells) Baby/Adult cells are specialized (somatic cells)

22 Process in which cells become specialized Gene expression controls the destiny of each cell

23 After differentiation occurs, genes are turned off

24 Build specialized cells/tissues for treatment


26 Concentration of Cyclins (protein) build in a cell Threshold of Cyclins are reached, cell divides CDK break down Cyclin & levels fall after mitosis

27 If a cell fails a checkpoints G0 phase Resting/non-dividing phase Cell undergoes apoptosis Programmed cell death

28 Ignore checkpoints Avoid apoptosis Experience a short interphase Form tumors

29 Benign: Cells are normal but overgrown Malignant: Cells are abnormal & break away Cells invade other tissues

30 ~230 different types of human cells/cancer In 2007, 7.9 million people died of cancer

31 What causes cancer cells to form? Environment: UV radiation (sun), natural chemicals (benzene) Diet (obesity), Drugs (cigarettes & alcohol) Genetics? HBOC Syndrome Infection? Viruses (Human Papilloma, Epstein Barr)

32 Oncogenes: sections of DNA that code for uncontrolled growth Tumor Suppressor Genes: sections of DNA that code for cancer inhibition

33 Carcinogens cause mutation Oncogenes are turned on Tumor suppressing genes are turned off

34 Determine how to stop tumors. Chemotherapy & Radiation Determine how cells avoid checkpoints. Cyclin & CDK, and other molecules Determine how genes are turned on/off.

35 http://highered.mcgraw- nimation__control_of_the_cell_cycle.html http://highered.mcgraw- nimation__control_of_the_cell_cycle.html

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