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Rethinking Social Media II September 29, 2011. Communications Planning Getting Organized and Making a Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Rethinking Social Media II September 29, 2011. Communications Planning Getting Organized and Making a Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rethinking Social Media II September 29, 2011

2 Communications Planning Getting Organized and Making a Plan

3 Brand and Reputation

4 Brand is more than a logo and tagline; it is the promise you make and sets up expectations for consistent experiences. Brand

5 (Internal and external) = The individuals, groups, stakeholders and other influencers that influence your progress. Relationships

6 Whether people believe you fulfill the brand promise and how it influences attitudes and behaviors toward your organization and its products/services; reputation evolves over time, but can be quickly destroyed. Reputation

7 Where Are You in the Process?

8 Research and Defining the Challenge

9 The problem, concern or opportunity Whats the desired situation? Research examples: – GoogleNews/Blogs – Social Media Monitoring – Radian6 – Search Engine Optimization Step One: Program Goal

10 Social Media Listening Dashboard Social Networks Blogs Social Ads Micro-Blogs RSS Feeds Wikis Applications Social Bookmarking User Generated Content Multi-Media Sharing Tagging Forums Communities Widgets

11 Radian6/Social Media


13 Both Internal and External Whats happening now? – Positive /Negative Whos involved and/or affected and how? Step Two: Situation Analysis

14 Toolkit Application Opportunity to provide resources on reduction and reuse A lot of people tend to accumulate stuff when theyre going through life changes (marriage, children, etc.) and at a younger age People dont like to be told what to do; but they enjoy ads that make them laugh.

15 Planning

16 Step Three: Target Publics Who must the program respond to, reach and affect? – Internal Audiences – External Audiences

17 Step Four: Objectives What must be achieved with each public to accomplish the program goal? Informational or Motivational? – Contains four parts: 1.Audience 2.Behavior/Action 3.Measurement 4.Timeframe

18 What changes must be made to achieve objectives? What message content must be communicated to achieve objectives? Key messages answer what publics must know and believe to act in accordance with the goals and objectives. What media/channels best deliver content to target publics? Step Five: Action and Communication Strategies

19 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Key Dates Earth Day: 4/22 (Fri) America Recycles Day: 11/15 (Tues) PRn/a none - planning Green graduation parties Summer BBQs Patriotism & Recycling ( major push) Recycling Away from Home Waste Reduction (major push) Yard Waste/Fall Prep/Winter Composting Daylight Savings and CFLs none- 2011 recap Online Marketing n/a none - planningOnline Ad Support - Campaign 1 none Online Ad Support - Campaign 2 none Sun Column (1/mo.) New Year's Resolutions Green Valentine's Day Junk Mail ReductionReducing toxins in the home Green graduation parties Summer BBQs4th of July: Patriotism & Recycling Recycling Away from Home Waste Reduction Topics Yard Waste/Fall Prep/Winter Composting Daylight Savings and CFLs Waste Reduction Topic BlognoneGreen Valentine's Day and Gifts Junk Mail ReductionReducing toxins in the home Green graduation parties Summer BBQsPatriotism & Recycling Recycling Away from Home Waste Reduction Topics Yard Waste/Fall Prep/Winter Composting Daylight Savings and CFLs Waste Reduction Topic 2+/mo. Ramsey Cty Workshops Earth Day GiveawayEco Moms - Mothers Day News/Add Green HalloweenWaste Reduction Topic Holiday lights recycling Rain Barrel/ Compost Bin Sale Rethink Recycling Reader Tips FB, TwitterNew Year's Resolutions Green Valentine's Day and Gifts Junk Mail ReductionReducing toxins in the home Green graduation parties Summer BBQsRecycling and Patriotism Recycling Away from Home Waste Reduction Topics Yard Waste and Fall Prep Daylight Savings and CFLs Waste Reduction Topic 3+/mo.Can RecyclingHHW Signal WordsRAM Rain Barrels and Compost Bins Earth Day Giveaways Eco Moms - Mothers Day NNO/block partiesOutdoor games for kids News/AddGreen HalloweenWaste Reduction Topic Holiday lights Paper Recycling Reader TipsCompostingNews/Add RR Media Coverage (4) Partner Outreach Jan/Feb: 1/4Mar/Apr: 4/27May/June: 6/2July/Aug: late July/early Aug (TBD) Sept/Oct: 9/6Nov/Dec: 11/15 6/yr.Promote articles Jan - Mar2011 Look Ahead: Trigger Events and May - July Articles New RR Logo and Updated Tool KitsCommunications WorkshopNew Waste Reduction Tool KitCommunity POWER Toolkit Social media postsNNO ResourcesLook Ahead: Upcoming Triggers and August and October articles GreenGatherings Resources: Summer Parties and Events Look Ahead: Upcoming TriggersLook Ahead: Upcoming Triggers and 2012 Plans Community POWER grant round 11 released Event Resources AvailableLook Ahead: Upcoming Triggers and Nov- Dec Articles America Recycles Day New RR Logo Updated Resources - New Logo Waste Reduction Toolkit Survey Green TipsJan/FebMar/Apr: 4/26May/June: 5/24July/Aug: 6/28Sept/Oct: 9/13Nov/Dec: 11/1 5/yr.No Green TipsReducing Toxins in the HomeGreen graduation partiesRecycling and PatriotismWaste reduction topicsDaylight savings/CFLs Junk Mail ReductionSummer BBQsNational Night OutFall yard waste prep/compostingWaste Reduction Topics Toolkit Application: Activity Matrix

20 Toolkit Application Target Age 18-34 Inspire and educate them on reduction and reuse; motivate them without telling them what do to You dont have to buy green to be green, just buy less!

21 Implementation: Taking Action and Communicating

22 Step Six: Tactics Program Implementation Plans : – What are the specific communications mediums/channels and tools/materials that will be used? E.g., website, event, brochure, Facebook, news release, poster, feature story, blog, etc.

23 Social Media Tactics

24 Who will be responsible for implementing each of the action and communication tactics? What is the sequence of events and the schedule? Step Seven: Timeline

25 Toolkit Application: Resources ResourceTopic(s)VendorNotes 1) Ad Concept (1) LESS theme General design file available for user customization Risdall 2 ) Photos 1.Misc. bulk containers and items 2.Mail box with junk mail 3.Hands sharing tools 4.Garage Sale Sign 5.Cardboard box full of household stuff labeled "Donate" 6.Reusable Bag filled with grocery items RisdallExisting Images: - Phone book 3 ) LESS Thumbnail Image General thumbnail for partners Risdall 4 ) Short articles (1-2 par.)/ E-Newsletter Messages 1.General Waste Reduction 2.Buying from the Bulk Bins 3.Fix & Maintain 4.Refurbished Electronics 5.Junk Mail and Phone Books 6.Borrow and Share 7.Resale 8.Donation Opportunities 9.Smart Shopping ColleenSee outline for more details 5 ) Social media posts Article topics General concepts Colleen 6 ) Educational presentation General waste reduction overview 2-3 detailed how-tos: o Junk Mail/Phone Books o Resources available to get rid of stuff (specific) o Buying in bulk Tie detailed how-tos to environmental benefits Colleen Short bullets in PPT Include detailed notes for presenters 9 ) Box of LESS template 8.5 x 11 printable box label Risdall

26 How much will the program cost? – Time – Hard costs (out of pockets) Step Eight: Budget Implementation

27 Evaluation

28 How will the outcomes specified in the program goal and objectives be measured? Step Nine: Measurement Evaluation

29 How will the results of the evaluations be reported to management teams and used to make the program better? Step Ten: Feedback and Program Adjustment Evaluation

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