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1 By the time humans appeared, our closest living relatives were probably the hominids known as “Neandertals” (or, “Neanderthals”). When Homo sapiens groups.

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Presentation on theme: "1 By the time humans appeared, our closest living relatives were probably the hominids known as “Neandertals” (or, “Neanderthals”). When Homo sapiens groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 By the time humans appeared, our closest living relatives were probably the hominids known as “Neandertals” (or, “Neanderthals”). When Homo sapiens groups arrived in western Asia and Europe, Neandertals were already there. By 100,000 years ago Neandertals were living from Spain to Inner Eurasia. They had a long record of living successfully in both warm and cold environments. But they disappeared from the record about 30,000 years ago. Were other surviving hominids changing in the same way as Homo sapiens?

2 2 Approximate geographical range of Neandertals, 100,000-28,000 years ago Approximate geographical range of Homo sapiens by 28,000 years ago Did Homo sapiens meet Neandertals?

3 3 Would they have: Learned from each other? Fought? Traded? Eaten each other? Mated? What do you think might have happened when Homo sapiens met Neandertals?

4 4 Migrations of Homo sapiens Possible coastal routes of human migration Possible landward routes of human migration Migrations in Oceania Human Origins 200,000-250,000 years ago Southwest Asia 100,000 years ago Europe 40,000 years ago Siberia 40,000 years ago Australia as many as 60,000 years ago North America 12,000-30,000 years ago Oceania 1600 B.C.E.-500 C.E. Chile 12,000-13,000 years ago






10 The Stone Age PaleolithicNeolithic Old Stone AgeNew Stone Age 2.5 Million Years Ago – 12,000 Years Ago 12,000 Years Ago – 6,000 Years Ago Hunting and GatheringFarming Found or Sharpened Stones for Hunting Used Stones and other Tools for Farming

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