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Frontiers Frederick Fenter Executive Editor, frontiers Lausanne, Switzerland Reaching out to Kids with our Open-Access Platform: frontiers for Young Minds.

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1 frontiers Frederick Fenter Executive Editor, frontiers Lausanne, Switzerland Reaching out to Kids with our Open-Access Platform: frontiers for Young Minds


3 frontiers ★ web-based scientific journal for kids ★ leverages frontiers open-access publication platform ★ scalable and expandable web technology ★ offering scientists a channel for outreach ★ engaging kids in a constructive and “critical” way frontiers for Young Minds

4 frontiers ★ frontiers for Young Minds explains cutting-edge science to the broadest possible public ★ the program founded on the vision of Professor Robert Knight ★ funders, researchers, and institutions are focussing on the need for better outreach ★ frontiers for Young Minds fits our mission why FYM was founded Bob Knight, Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers for Young Minds

5 frontiers ★ research is published in a scientific journal (frontiers, Nature, etc.) ★ the author is invited to write a kids version of the article ★ the article is sent to a mentor / reviewer team, or to a school class ★ the author revises his or her contribution ★ the article is published at how FYM works Leo M. Chalupa is Vice President for Research and Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology at George Washington University

6 frontiers ★ scientists as authors, editors and mentors ★ kids as reviewers ★ research funders, foundations, and institutions for support ★ schools for class projects who gets involved

7 frontiers ★ Spring 2013: Project green light ★ August 2013: Editorial board of 50 prominent neuroscientists formed ★ Fall 2013: Concept website developed ★ Sep. 2013: First article submitted ★ Nov. 2013: Proof of concept at SfN meeting (17 articles published) ★ Winter 2014: Jacobs Foundation support announced ★ April 2014: Official launch at USA Science and Engineering Festival ★ Fall 2014: Expansion into new subject areas what we have accomplished to date The Jacobs Foundation is one of the world’s leading charitable foundations dedicated to facilitating innovations for children and youth.

8 frontiers ★ Finish development of all processes: submission, production, publication ★ Open FYM to new subject areas: Astronomy, Earth and its Resources, Medicine ★ Establish editorial cross-linking with external Journals frontiers, Nature, EGU, etc. the next milestones Sample article abstract tiles

9 frontiers ★ language expansion (Spanish, German, Portuguese, etc.) ★ video abstracts or reviews ★ Scientific American blog and other initiatives ★ keyword navigation / other filters some ideas under consideration

10 frontiers thanks!

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