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Mr. Bair’s Class Welcome to my class, have a seat anywhere today. Tomorrow you will have a seating chart displayed here.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Bair’s Class Welcome to my class, have a seat anywhere today. Tomorrow you will have a seating chart displayed here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Bair’s Class Welcome to my class, have a seat anywhere today. Tomorrow you will have a seating chart displayed here.

2 About Me Graduated From Baylor Married with 1 beautiful daughter Like to build stuff My car’s name is Margarita

3 Family

4 Carpentry

5 Astronomy Schedule – Mon-Thur = Notes, Activities, Worksheets, Projects – Thur = Quiz at beginning of every class – Friday = Video Day Current Events/Observations – 2 articles/2 observations Grades – Daily = Notes/Activities/Worksheets/Parts of Projects – Test = Quizzes/Completed Large Projects

6 Aquatics I will be working with Mrs. Mellett, who has been teaching this for years. We will be doing traditional assignments, projects, activities, & going to the creek At the creek you will gather samples and make observations. When we go to the creek you will meet in class and we will go together.

7 Random things to know I am in 6 different rooms therefore I will have only what is essential with me. – So… Have your own paper/pen/materials I have been doing a fundraiser for years, but it may be hard now… – So… I may or may not have pop tarts for sale for $1 If I am dressed very casually, that means my aquatics classes are going to the creek. I reserve the right to change anything at anytime because I have never taught these classes before.

8 Rules 1) Don’t talk when I talk. – Beginning of class every day – During lecture 2) Bathroom – Don’t tell me – Just grab the pass and go (bring the pass back!)

9 Graphic Organizer Put a circle in the middle of your page Put the course title in it (astronomy/aquatics) Make lines coming out of it and write everything you know about the topic at the end of the line and circle it. – If that point can be divided into smaller topics, expand the diagram Things that you would like to know the most about, go back and color them in.

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