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Enabling E Research ANU Data Commons. What is it ? Building a repository for data sets o data can be deposited o updated o published to Research Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling E Research ANU Data Commons. What is it ? Building a repository for data sets o data can be deposited o updated o published to Research Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling E Research ANU Data Commons

2 What is it ? Building a repository for data sets o data can be deposited o updated o published to Research Data Australia Researcher retains ownership of data o can decide what can/should be made public

3 Context Built on the back of two ANDS funded projects o Seeding the Commons  Identify existing datasets, including orphan and legacy datasets and publish descriptions of them in Research Data Australia  ANU Data Commons metadata will be sufficient for data to be discovered and accessed.  Data Capture  Build workflows and mechanisms in Earth Sciences, Optical Astronomy, Phenomics, and Digital Humanities to capture research data as it is generated and publish it

4 There's a third related project... Metadata stores aims to provide a virtual solution that will tie together information about individual researcher's identity and their research (grants, publications, other outputs and research data), thus providing a whole of institution view of scholarly research.

5 Technology Based on Fedora Commons o rich access control o web interface to allow researchers to upload, update, publish data o also a command line tool that is scriptable for automated upload

6 Storage Storage including backup provided by DOI storage infrastructure Currently no restrictions on size or type of data deposited

7 Progress Almost here o most functionality present o data can be deposited and retrived o collection records can be published to RDA o keen to work with researchers to get data into the ANU Data Commons and flowing into RDA during the Beta phase. o in November there will be a user interface for self deposit.

8 Populating the commons Lisa Bradley seconded from library to conduct audit of datasets o will be contacting yourselves and individual researchers about data o you may get queries from your researchers o aim is to get at least 50 data sets into Research Data Australia Happy to work with individual researchers to upload data during open beta

9 Questions

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