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Surveon NVR2100 Series Spec In Guide Line Product & Marketing Department Surveon Technology 2014 Ver.2.0 2014/9/5.

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Presentation on theme: "Surveon NVR2100 Series Spec In Guide Line Product & Marketing Department Surveon Technology 2014 Ver.2.0 2014/9/5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveon NVR2100 Series Spec In Guide Line Product & Marketing Department Surveon Technology 2014 Ver.2.0 2014/9/5

2 Surveon NVR Solutions Overview 2 NVR2100 + iSCSI StorageSMR & NVR5000 SeriesNVR3000 Series

3 Outline 3 Spec in business Flow Why subsystem storage? Subsystem Storage vs. all in one NVR Surveon NVR2100 solutions overview Surveon NVR2100 special features highlight

4 Spec in business flow. 4 Find out the potential competitors’ product spec. Get the unique features from Surveon NVR 2100 Modify the features to the RFP with Surveon spec.

5 Surveon Spec In Flow and Sales Tools. 5

6 Why storage subsystem is the basic requirement for so many security projects? 6

7 Types of Storage Solutions 7 SolutionsMain Applications IO Performance ReliabilityProtection PC Built In HDD Standard (Home, Office) Low None Software RAIDSMB, SOHO NASLow – MiddleMiddle PC + RAID Card Purpose Build Server MiddleLow-MiddleHigh Subsystem Storage Data Intensive Professional Project High

8 Solutions Overview for Video Storage 8 Solutions FeaturesRef Product Application Notes PC Built In HDD Not Design for NVR I/O Loading Storage Reliability Dell PC Simple Application. < 16 CH D1 SW RAID NASSMB, Software RAID Synonlogy, QNAP NAS Limited CH and IO Performance RAID Card SW RAID Flexible, Integration effort, Function Rich Local SI, CTOS NVR Integration Interference from PC Enterprise RAID Subsystem HW RAID High Performance I/O Storage, Capacity Bosch, Honeywell Most Reliable Solutions

9 9 Design Guide from AXIS Quote from AXIS Applications Note, Page 31.

10 10 Reference Solutions – Security Company BOSCH Security HW RAID Controller Storage Honeywell Security HW RAID Controller Storage

11 11 Why SI partners chose Surveon Surveon is the only supplier providing E2E solutions and its own design full line enterprise storage subsystem. Megapixel Camera RAID NVR Enterprise Video Storage Video Management Software Empower our partners with high quality enterprise solutions at competitive cost.

12 Storage Subsystem vs. All in one NVR 12

13 13 Solutions for Megapixel Recording NVR Pool (Computing) Storage Subsystem (Recording) iSCSI/SAS Fiber NVR built in HDD 1. Once the PC failed, it will impact the storage. 2. The storage can not be shared with one another. 3. Thermal, vibration not optimized for storage.

14 14 What is Storage RAID Subsystem? The RAID Storage subsystem is an dedicated system for server, PC or NVR for data storage. It connected with the server through the SAS, Fiber or the iSCSI interface. The controller based system with a dedicated “RAID controller” provide the highest performance and reliability for the mission critical applications like database, banking, multimedia or security. The reference providers for storage subsystem includes IBM, Dell, EMC, Infortrend or HP.

15 15 An overview for Storage Subsystem 3U 16 BAY RAID Storage SubsystemStandard short depth chassis High Density Modules, Cable less Design Swappable Controller Module

16 16 What is all in one PC solutions? One of the common solutions for NVR is to used a commercial off the shelf solution to assemble the motherboard, chassis and the RAID card into a complete systems. It is called CTOS based solutions. The benefits for the CTOS are flexible and low cost. It’s also the only solution for suppliers with neither design nor manufacturing capacity. The disadvantages are integration risk and lack of reliability. Its storage solutions come from a PC + RAID card. This all in one architecture brings the low cost advantages but with lower reliability and performance compared to the subsystem storage.

17 17 An overview for all in one NVR 3U Storage Server – Motherboard + Cable + Fan + RAID Card … Concern on… Dust Cable Thermal Interference Integration

18 Storage Subsystem vs. All in one Solution 18 Subsystem StorageAll in one SolutionsPro and Con System ArchitectureRAID SubsystemPC Built in When PC is down, so is the storage. Overall Design Cable less, whole module designed, anti-vibration and advanced thermal design Cables, dusts, vibration and need to combine thermal issues with CPU and HDD HDD are prone to failure Total HDD needlessMoreOver Provisioning PerformanceEnterprise RAID Subsystem RAID Card or software RAID High performance and high stability Maintenance Hot swappable hard disks, controller & central management, None or Difficult Lower maintenance cost and risk ScalabilityYesNoneCosts on expansion Occupied spaceLess than 1/3StandardSave space Data servicesYes (Local, remote replication..)NOMore Features SizeStandard short RackNeed the long depth rackSpace & Cost PowerLower power consumptionStandardSave operation cost

19 Why spec in NVR2100 solutions? 19

20 20 Projects with no Subsystem Storage spec in Surveon All in one NVR Series Common All in one NVR Use Surveon Standard E2E solutions to compete with the competitor’s solutions with the SMR series. Leverage the standard VMS and camera spec in feature list for the tender.

21 21 NVR2100 Solutions Spec In Flow Use Surveon E2E products and RAID subsystem with high Integration, and proven E2E solutions. Competitive Cost from Surveon. Single contact support. Need to obtain other storage solutions (IBM, EMC..) with higher costs, integration issues, unconfirm performance and other supporting issues. Surveon Storage Subsystem Common All in one NVR Increase 50% project winning rate

22 NVR2100 Solution Overview 22

23 NVR2100 series solution overview 23 Two Solutions: DAS Series & iSCSI Series Enterprise Storage Subsystem Solutions Easy Scalable solutions for hundreds channels Easy Scalable recording solutions Max. 960TB per NVR Built in Enterprise grade VMS

24 Selection Guide for NVR2100 Series 24 Easy Scalable for numerous camera channels Easy Scalable for the storage capacity

25 1. NVR2100 Special Feature Overview 25

26 26 Spec in Guide Line ItemsTypeItemsType 1A11B 2A12B 3A13B 4A14B 5A15B 6A16B 7B17B 8B18NA 9B19NA 10B20NA If the project didn’t spec in the “storage subsystem” architecture. Partners can also use the features in type B to spec in the project and to use better specifications to compete with the all in one NVR solutions.

27 27 The video recording device should use subsystem storage through SAS/iSCSI/Fiber channel* connected with the NVR server to provide a high performance and reliable megapixel video recording” 1. Subsystem Storage Solutions * Choose one from SAS/iSCSI/Fiber Channel SAS cables Ethernet cables Ethernet switch FC cables FC Switch SASiSCSIFC NVR

28 28 The subsystem storage should be a hardware RAID controller based solution (instead of the common PC, RAID card or Linux software RAID solution to ensure system reliability.) 2. Controller Based Subsystem Storage

29 29 All the main components for the system include power supplier, RAID controller and the fan should be designed as reliable modulate to support easy swappable and cable less(without cable plug in/out). 3. Modulate and cable less design

30 30 The system should support SAS expansion capability to support at most 240 hard drives through the JBOD. 4. Storage Expandability Storage RAID JBOD SAS

31 31 The system should support iSCSI connectivity to support the storage area network (SAN). Each controller supports 4 x 1GbE iSCSI ports for video data in and out. 5. iSCSI Connectivity – When using for SAN Ethernet cables Ethernet switch iSCSI

32 32 The system should support the SAS 6G connectivity to provide the maximum performance in the DAS topology. Each controller supports 2 x SAS 6G ports for video data in and out. 6. SAS Connectivity – when using for DAS SAS cables SAS NVR

33 33 The system should support the 3.5” 6Gb/s SAS Hard Drive and the 3.5” 6G/s SATA Hard Drive. It also supports the S.M.A.R.T and the automatic bad sector assignment. 7. The Drive Connectivity Serial Attached SCSI is a point to point serial protocol. It overwrites the older parallel SCSI interface. SAS offers backward compatibility with SATA. The SAS disk brings higher performance and reliability for most of the enterprise applications. The common all in one NVR doesn’t support the SAS drive

34 34 The system should support the RAID level 0, 1(0+1), 3, 5, 6, 10, 30, 50, 60 up to 32 logical drives and 64 partitions per logical volume up to 1024 LUNs. It supports the on-line RAID expansions and migrations. 8. RAID Configuration P(2N-1, 2N)‏ 11 10 P(7,8)‏ 5 4 P(1,2)‏ Disk 1 12 P(9,10)‏ 7 6 P(3,4)‏ 1 2N-1 Disk 2 P(11,12)‏ 9 8 P(5,6)‏ 3 2 2N Disk 3 N Blocks Striping with interspersed parity RAID 5 Topology

35 35 The system should in the 2U/3U, 19-inch rack mount form factor. The depth of the chassis need to be limited under 520mm to make it fit in to the common surveillance rack in a shorter depth. 9. Form Factors Short depth chassis < 520mm Common COTS Server, depth > 600mm

36 36 The storage device should support the redundant power supplier. And the power supplier need to be 80 PLUS-certified delivering more than 80% energy efficiency 10. Power Supplier

37 37 The NVR needs to offer an easy management tool through network to handle account management, storage provisioning, status, alarm monitoring and data services maintenance. The management tool can support windows, Linux and MAC platforms. 11. Management

38 38 The NVR needs to offer an event notification tool based on user configured methods and event sensitivities. Support notification methods via email, SNMP, SMS. The events include storage status, media error, abnormal recording performance, disk error, RAID failure, abnormal hardware status. 12. Alarm and Notification for Storage

39 39 The NVR needs to support local replication in a remote virtual point to record the data state at any given moment. This enables NVR to restore the accidently deleted video. 13. Local Replication Snapshot – data services Snapshot A B C A B D Source S0 S1 S0 index S0 index C

40 40 The storage devices need to support or be certificated by windows server 2012 (hyper –V), CITRIX, VMware, RedHat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux to offer flexible deployment. 14. O.S. Support

41 41 The system should support the sync or async full data copies across systems. It is used for centralized data backup or the disaster recovery. 15. Remote Replications FC/iSCSI SAN WAN FC/iSCSI SAN Source Target Primary Site Remote Site

42 42 The NVR should support thin provisioning to dynamically allocate the storage capacity when the data block are written. It can reduce the storage capacity, prevent over provisioning on disk and support the volume expansion without downtime. 16. Thin Provisioning – data services

43 43 The system should support full redundant solutions to meet the maximum reliability for power supplier and the RAID controller. 17. Full Redundant architecture

44 44 More Product Specifications Materials

45 45 Question & Answer

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