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Florida Department of Transportation District 5 Regional Commuter Assistance Program Courtney Miller Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Department of Transportation District 5 Regional Commuter Assistance Program Courtney Miller Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Department of Transportation District 5 Regional Commuter Assistance Program Courtney Miller Program Manager

2 About reThink 2 What?  Carpooling & Vanpooling  Biking & Walking  Riding Transit  Telecommuting Why?  Decrease traffic congestion  Improve air quality  Conserve natural resources  Save people money

3 Commute Challenges Top 3 Things You Can Do to Help Your Residents and Your Employees 3

4 Commute Challenges Pre-Tax Option  Allow employees to set aside up to $125 a month of their own money pre-tax to pay for transit pass or vanpool Cover the Cost  Provide up to $125 a month for employee transit pass or vanpool Combination  Split the cost with employee, up to $125/month WHY? #1 Commuter Tax Benefits 4

5 Commute Challenges WHY?  Support public transportation investments  Demonstrate “Best Practices” for private businesses to follow  Attract and retain quality employees  Enhance image with community stakeholders  Provide low- to no-cost employee benefit  Save money #1 Commuter Tax Benefits 5 Employees save on Federal income tax and Federal payroll tax (FICA) Employers save on payroll taxes and FICA

6 Commute Challenges Identify Existing Parking Areas  Large shopping plazas or City-/County-owned property Designate as “Shared-Use” Park & Ride location  Install signage and/or specialty markings Communicate to Residents  Promote as an amenity/resource #2 Park & Ride Locations 6

7 Commute Challenges Where Are Your Employees Coming From?  Map by zip code or exact address Identify Viable Transportation Options  Long-distance commuters = Carpooling, Vanpooling  Short-distance commuters = Bus, Biking, Walking Create Policies to Encourage Transportation Options  Carpool preferential parking spaces  Allow flextime  Adjust dress code #3 Zip Code Analysis 7

8 Commute Challenges Top 3 Things #1 Commuter Tax Benefits #2 Park & Ride Locations #3 Zip Code Analysis 8

9 Commute Challenges 9 Commuter Tax Benefit Briefings Park & Ride Best Practices & Promotions Employee Transportation Assessments Promotions of Transportation Options Extension of Your Staff – At No Cost to You! We’re Here to Help

10 1-866-610-RIDE (7433) Courtney Miller Program Manager 407-482-7877 Thank you!

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