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Formal CPO Lab Write-up: Requirements, Check List and Abbreviations Always include name, period, date, title (not just the lab number) Use pencil only.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal CPO Lab Write-up: Requirements, Check List and Abbreviations Always include name, period, date, title (not just the lab number) Use pencil only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal CPO Lab Write-up: Requirements, Check List and Abbreviations Always include name, period, date, title (not just the lab number) Use pencil only Order (blank line between each of these): –key question –background: definitions/formulas –drawing –lab sections Sections: –must be labeled –blank line between each section –section questions required: may be copied, paraphrased or imbedded in your answer

2 –data charts must include: Title Data Box Ruler for all lines Units w/in header/side bar (not in w/ numbers) Data analysis: resolution, sigfigs, does the data make sense? –graphs must follow the graphing rules

3 Graded abbreviations: –t – title –r – read –ru – ruler –re – resolution –sf – significant figures –q – question –u – units –v or u – vague/unclear –sp – space –dr – drawing –I – incomplete –bx – box –kq – key question –bkg – background –a/# - alpha-numeric symbol –ooo – out of order

4 Balance use review: Riders to left Riders “click” in Clean pan Zero balance Sensitivity: resolution is what? Tare mass pan: two techniques Carrying balance Putting away balance

5 Pre-Lab 2A: Mass, Volume, Indirect Measure (? page) (pre labs never get turned in, they are used to make your lab at home in advance so you have less to do on the day of the lab itself)

6 Key Question How can you find the mass of a single rice grain? (? page)

7 Background Define: mass- volume- indirect measure- sensitivity of our balance is- _____g

8 Drawing: draw this now

9 Procedure (only copy down the red/”nut”) What ways can you measure matter? Can we mass all things? Things which cannot be measured we can often measure indirectly. What does the word “indirect” mean/examples?

10 Section 1: You and your one partner will be cutting a 4 x 6 card and taping it into a box shape. Then you will fill it with rice grains and count them. Follow the rules for data charts: ? Section 2: No instrument is perfect: some are not accurate and some are not precise: what do each of these mean?

11 Section 3: You will repeat what you have done but with a larger cube and this time, mass the rice Follow the rules for data charts IMPORTANT: you must “tare” the mass of the box before you mass the rice Section 4: Omit only question “a”, do all the other questions

12 Post Lab 2A: Mass, volume, IM Define: mass volume indirect measure Sensitivity of our balance? b. Why does this experiment measure the average mass, not the actual? c. Why is average mass more useful than actual mass of a single rice grain?

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