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1 Improving Single Audits to Protect Taxpayers 2008 Federal Financial Management Conference Mary M. Foelster, CPA American Institute of CPAs March 11,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Improving Single Audits to Protect Taxpayers 2008 Federal Financial Management Conference Mary M. Foelster, CPA American Institute of CPAs March 11,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Improving Single Audits to Protect Taxpayers 2008 Federal Financial Management Conference Mary M. Foelster, CPA American Institute of CPAs March 11, 2008

2 2 What I Will Cover AICPA Viewpoints Expressed in Senate Testimony AICPA Initiatives in Response to PCIE Study Governmental Audit Quality Center Update and Other AICPA Resources

3 3 AICPA Viewpoints Expressed in Senate Testimony

4 4 AICPA Viewpoint Single audits are important in helping safeguard taxpayer dollars Poorly performed audits are always unacceptable AICPA will continue its ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of governmental audits

5 5 AICPA Viewpoint The profession has taken many steps since the reviewed audits took place, including the establishment of its Governmental Audit Quality Center Significant improvement in the quality of governmental audits will only occur when all the key single audit stakeholder groups—the auditing profession, the procurers of single audit services, and the federal agencies—are involved in the solution

6 6 AICPA Initiatives in Response to PCIE Study

7 7 AICPA Task Forces Seven task forces to examine the study's detailed findings and recommendations for the AICPA as follows: Sampling/Materiality Issues In A Single Audit Environment Internal Control And Compliance Responsibilities In A Single Audit Environment Schedule Of Expenditures Federal Awards Reporting Issues Reporting Audit Findings In A Single Audit Single Audit Training Needs And Continuing Professional Education Evaluation Practice Monitoring In A Single Audit Environment Compliance Auditing Considerations In Audits Of Governmental Entities And Recipients Of Governmental Financial Assistance Will be interacting with related federal Task Forces

8 8 Sampling/Materiality Issues in a Single Audit Areas of focus: Provide clarifying guidance for implementing SAS No. 111 revisions in the context of single audits (e.g. tables or formulas) Explain how sample universes and transactions tested should be documented Provide specific guidance on, and examples of, the kind of documentation that auditors should create, as a minimum, to document risk assessments of individual federal programs Provide specific guidance and/or illustrative examples to properly document materiality in single audits

9 9 Sampling/Materiality Issues in a Single Audit Task Force Activities: Assessing current sampling guidance to the single audit environment Controls testing Compliance testing

10 10 Internal Control & Compliance Responsibilities in a Single Audit Areas of Focus: Better describe the minimum audit documentation required to document the auditor’s understanding of, and testing of, internal controls related to compliance by developing examples of such documentation Assist auditors in documenting their performance of compliance testing for all applicable compliance requirements identified in the OMB Compliance Supplement, unless the auditor concludes that a compliance requirement is not direct and material to his or her specific client situation

11 11 Internal Control & Compliance Responsibilities in a Single Audit Task Force Activities: Development of practice aids to assist auditors in applying COSO to single audits and documenting compliance testing Development of practice aids to assist auditors in making and documenting risk assessments at the appropriate level

12 12 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) Reporting Issues Areas of Focus: Assist practitioners in understanding procedures an auditor should perform to provide in-relation-to reporting on the SEFA Emphasize the importance of reviewing the SEFA to determine that its content and presentation meets the minimum requirements set forth in A-133 §.310(b) Emphasize that correct SEFA content (including clusters) & CFDA numbers are critical for properly executing a single audit Emphasize that a lack of or ineffective internal controls over SEFA preparation may be a significant deficiency, and potentially a material weakness

13 13 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Reporting Issues Task Force Activities: Development of improved guidance for providing the in-relation-to opinion on the SEFA Development of a disclosure checklist practice aid to highlight the minimum requirements set forth in A-133 §.310(b)

14 14 Reporting Audit Findings in a Single Audit Areas of Focus: Clarify when audit findings must be reported Clarify “likely questioned costs,” including example approaches for calculating them Develop illustrative examples of properly presented audit findings

15 15 Reporting Audit Findings in a Single Audit Task Force Activities: Development of a practice aid to help auditors develop and evaluate findings for single audits and Yellow Book financial statement audits Development of illustrative audit finding samples using the new worksheet Clarifying updates to AICPA Audit Guide, Government Auditing Standards and Circular A-133 Audits Development of guidance for determining and documenting “likely questioned costs”

16 16 Single Audit Training & CPE Evaluation Areas of Focus: Considering whether there are best practices when it comes to training for auditors performing single audits Evaluate the AICPA current course offerings that relate to single audits to determine the following: Appropriateness (in light of the study results) Effectiveness and whether they address quality issues cited in the PCIE study Identification of potential gaps in the AICPA offerings based on study results and training “best practices” determined by the task force

17 17 Single Audit Training & CPE Evaluation Task Force Activities: Drafting a proposed best practice single audit training curriculum that is structured for 3 staff levels (basic, intermediate, advanced) that includes specific topics and suggestions for annual updates

18 18 Other AICPA Task Forces Peer review SAS No. 74

19 19 Governmental Audit Quality Center Update and Other AICPA Assistance

20 20 Council authorized in October 2003 BOD approved membership requirements in July 2004 Center launched at end of September 2004 February 2008 – approximately 975 member firms GAQC Milestones:

21 21 Who Should Consider Joining Audit firms that perform not-for-profit organization or governmental audits (under the Yellow Book and/or single audit rules) Audit firms that perform audits under federal audit guides (for example, HUD, Department of Education, etc.) Peer review firms that review these audits

22 22 AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center AICPA helps firms achieve the highest standards in performing quality governmental audits Firm demonstrates its commitment to governmental audit quality (must adhere to membership requirements—see the GAQC Web site at: for additional questions and answers about the requirements)

23 23 GAQC Members By Firm Size (# of CPAs) 51% of members have less than 10 CPAS 39% have between 10 to 49 CPAs

24 24 Other Interesting Facts 42% of member firms perform 1-10 audits under the Yellow Book and another 25% perform 11-25 Member firms cover over 83% of the federal expenditures covered in single audits performed by CPA firms Member firms audit almost 40% of the total number of single audits performed by CPA firms

25 25 GAQC Web site

26 26 GAQC Member Value Member Communications  E-Alerts  Update Newsletters  Conference Calls  Webcasts

27 27 GAQC Goals Improve quality statistics Represent members that practice in the governmental audit quality arena, particularly as it relates to issuance of federal quality results Grow membership and single audit coverage Regulator and stakeholder outreach and education

28 28 AICPA Audit Resources AICPA Conferences NPO Conference – June Government Accounting and Auditing Update Conference – August (east) and September (west) Government and NPO Training Program - October National Healthcare Industry Conference - November Archived AICPA Webcasts NPO Strategic Briefing SLG Strategic Briefing AICPA Infobytes Other CPE courses, including State Society courses

29 29 AICPA Audit Resources A&A Guides GAS/A133 SLG NPO HC Audit Risk Alerts GAS/A133 SLG NPO HC Practice Aid, Auditing Recipients of Federal Awards: Practical Guidance for Applying OMB Circular A-133 (product number 006621)

30 30 GAQC Team General Inquiries Mary Foelster, Director 202-434-9259 or Laura Hyland, Technical Manager 202-434-9233 or Rafael Roman, Technical Manager 202-434-9272 or

31 31 Questions ?????

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