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CHRISTMAS DISHES IN ROMANIA. TRANSYLVANIAN TOBA Ingredients and quantities: A pork belly 500 grams of meat (sirloin) 2 kidneys 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon.

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Presentation on theme: "CHRISTMAS DISHES IN ROMANIA. TRANSYLVANIAN TOBA Ingredients and quantities: A pork belly 500 grams of meat (sirloin) 2 kidneys 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon."— Presentation transcript:


2 TRANSYLVANIAN TOBA Ingredients and quantities: A pork belly 500 grams of meat (sirloin) 2 kidneys 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika A language a few strips of rind 2 ears (tips) 1 pinch ground pepper 200 grams of fat (belly as a long piece) Preparation: 1. Cut all meat, bacon strips and language, is given with pepper,salt and paprika and bring to a boil in a little water, enough tocover them. 2. Remove tripe, then filled well, putting as much as possible, the strips of meat, tongue and bacon on the long, often sew sew andstings do not crack. 3. Return to boil in cold water (to boil a half hour from the first boil),seasoned with an onion, 3 bay leaves, 1 glass of wine and ateaspoon of black peppercorns. 4. One day be pressed between two wooden bott oms and then is ready for Christmas dinner.


4 WIRE (SARMALE) Ingredients 2kg minced pork 800gr onion 400gr rice salt, pepper paprika thyme, dill and bay leaves + a few tablespoons dried tomatopaste Sauerkraut small belly 2 Preparation I cut the onion and put it to cook. Meanwhile wash the rice and prepared spices and seasonings I put the rice. I mixed well and put over the meat. I mixed the meat and then I twisted rolls. In the pot I put thyme, dried dill and bay leaves then I did the cabbageshredde d couch. I put wires nice pot, I covered them with some shreddedcabbage over which I put a few tablespoons of tomato paste and then I put hot water and put to boil. 4:00 We cooked over low heat. Serving Mode Serve with sour cream and pickled chili peppers.


6 SAUSAGES Ingredients: pork from the neck, front legs, other pieces, salt, pepper, coriander, allspice, garlic, broth, pig intestines. Preparation: It gives the meat through the machine and put it into a large bowl or in a lighneas. Add salt, pepper, crushed coriander, allspice and strained juice from garlic. It is this: take a little broth, the soup boiling pig’s head for drum or is particular to this end, a little soup. Crush a head of garlic, place in a bowl with hot soup. The strained juice, put a little bit of meat, knead the dough with your hands like a. Wash well casings are laughing inside, wash them well again and let stand in cold water. Prepare a meat grinder, remove the box and sieve, place the sausages filled tube, pull checkmate, wrinkled it, that is squeezing it all on the tube. Place the meat in the car. With your left hand to checkmate the end. The crank spins and sausage begins to fill. A few inches need not be kept. Roll up, that sausage is interrupted and then continues. This gives the sausage length. It is usually about 15 cm. When sausages are done, put out on a wooden bar, to paste. Mentions: Serve fresh, fried in the pan, or put smoked.


8 SPONGE CAKE WITH NUTS Ingredients (enough for 4 sponge cakes): 2 kilos of flour 1 l of milk 1 kilo of sugar 8 eggs a lemon’s shaved peel a pinch of salt a packet of yeast (50 grams) 200 ml of oil 200 grams of butter crumbled nuts rum essence Preparation: Sieve flour and place in bowl the dough is kneaded. Make a dimple in the flour pour yeast dissolved in lukewarm water and mix with flour. Add warm milk, in which were dissolved in 500 grams of sugar, salt and lemon’s shaved peel, kneading well until all flour is fulfilled. Add yolks one at a time, oil and melted butter and then whipped egg whites. Continue kneading until the dough becomes smooth and easily falls off the bowl and the hands. Sprinkle a little flour on top, cover with a cloth napkin and leave the yeast in a warm place, away from drafts. Put the yeasted dough on a board sprinkled with flour and cut it into 4 equal parts. Spread them sheet and sprinkle remaining sugar mixed with crumbled nuts and rum. Roll carefully, place in the trays of cake and brush with a beaten egg. Bake at medium heat for 45 minutes. Remove from pans, place on a wooden board and cover with a cloth towel until cool.


10 CAKE WITH NUTS Nuts are ingredients of the holiday season always present. They are tasty, nutritious and have bittersweet scent of childhood... This cake with nuts will reign with delicacy among other dishes on the menu, bringing a special flavor to a meal so special. Ingredients 500 g flour, 250 g butter 150 g sugar, 2 tablespoons / 50 g cream, 3 eggs, baking soda, vanilla. Filling: 100 g ground nuts, jam or marmalade. Glaze: 50 g butter, 4 tablespoons/120 g sugar, 2 tablespoons/35 cocoa, 3 tablespoons water. Preparation: 1. Mix flour with butter, add 2 yolks and 1 whole egg, 150 g sugar, cream, a pinch of baking soda and vanilla to taste. 2. It is a well-kneaded dough and divide into 3 layers. 3. Lay a sheet sucitorul. The sheet should cover the surface of the pie pan. 4. Brush the sheet with jam (any kind of jam) or marmalade, place the second sheet and rub with jam and ground walnuts, then place a third sheet and bake in baking heat. 5. Mix glaze ingredients needed to be put on the fire to boil, and after that is done, pour glaze over cake and spread over baked. 6. Rectangular cake cut into squares and serve or, after it cooled.


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