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Measure of impact FETP India

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1 Measure of impact FETP India
What comes from what? Measure of impact FETP India

2 Competency to be gained from this lecture
Calculate an attributable fraction

3 Terminology Attributable fraction Etiologic fraction Attributable risk
Same thing

4 True or false? The relative risk of lung cancer among smokers is 9 Therefore, if nobody was smoking, the incidence of lung cancer would be divided by nine  False Measures of association are not measures of impact: It is not only the strength of association that matters but also the proportion of the population exposed to the risk factor.

5 True or false? 90% of patients with lung cancer are smokers Therefore, if nobody was smoking, the incidence of lung cancer would be reduced by 90%  False The proportion of a disease that may be explained by a specific exposure does not depend on the proportion of cases exposed. It also depends upon the strength of the association (90% of patients with lung cancer also eat masala dosa)

6 Presentation of the data of an analytical study in a 2 x 2 table
Ill Non ill Total Exposed a b a+b Non exposed c d c+d Total a+c b+d a+b+c+d Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases

7 Key areas Attributable fraction among exposed
Attributable fraction in the population

8 Attributable fraction among exposed
Proportion of disease that could be prevented if the risk factor was suppressed from among a population where 100% are exposed This does not make sense in the absence of causality Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

9 Concept of attributable fraction among exposed
Let’s see what is the risk of disease among exposed… Of this risk, what is the proportion that is attributable to the exposure? Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

10 Attributable fraction among exposed: From concept to formula
Estimate the risk among exposed (Denominator) Estimate the proportion of it that is attributable to the exposure (Numerator) Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

11 Attributable fraction among exposed: Finding the right formula
Portion of the risk among exposed that is attributable to the exposure _________________ Risk among exposed Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

12 Attributable fraction among exposed
The risk difference quantifies the excess of risk among exposed in a cohort Ill Non ill Total Exposed a b L1 Non exposed c d L0 Total a+c b+d L1 + L0 Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases Risk difference = R1- R0 = (a/L1) - (c/L0) Attributable fraction among exposed

13 Attributable fraction among exposed
Risk difference _________________ Risk among exposed Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

14 Attributable fraction among exposed in a cohort study: Conceptual formula
Ill Non ill Total Exposed a b L1 Non exposed c d L0 Total a+c b+d L1 + L0 Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases AF e = (R1-R0) /R1 = [(a/L1) - (c/L0)] / (a/L1) Attributable fraction among exposed

15 Attributable fraction among exposed: Formula used in calculations
AF e = (R1-R0) /R1 = RR-1 / RR Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases (Can be demonstrated) Attributable fraction among exposed

16 Attributable fraction among exposed
Risk of leishmaniasis according to water bodies within 25 metres of house, Chatrakhali, West Bengal, Leishmaniasis Non ill Total Water bodies No water bodies Total Exemple Quelle est la population? Quelle est l'exposition? Prière de vérifier les calculs! Traduction en langage naturel: qui se lance? Relative risk = (139/626) / (11/125) = 22% / 9% = 2.5 AF e = (2.5-1)/2.5 = 0.6 = 60% (Try to calculate using both formula) Attributable fraction among exposed

17 Attributable fraction among exposed
The attributable fraction among exposed only depends on the relative risk RR= 1; AFe = 0 RR= 2; AFe = 1/2 = 50% RR= 3; AFe = 2/3 = 66% RR= 4; AFe = 3/4 = 75% RR= 5; AFe= 4/5 = 80% And so on… with a plateau Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

18 Attributable fraction among exposed
Population attributable fraction among exposed according to the relative risk 100.0% 90.0% AFe 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% Attributable fraction among exposed 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Relative risks

19 Case of a protective exposure: Preventable fraction among exposed
Ill Non ill Total Exposed a b L1 Non exposed c d L0 Total ? ? L1 + L0 Lien avec les types d'études Sens de l'observation On ne connaît pas le nombre de malades et de non malades au début de l'étude On connaît le nombre des exposés et des non exposés PFe = (R0-R1) /R0 = 1 - RR Attributable fraction among exposed

20 Vaccine efficacy = Preventable fraction among exposed to a vaccine
Proportion of cases potentially avoided among vaccinated Proportion of the cases that would have occurred among vaccinated but that were avoided because of vaccination VE = (ARNV - ARV) / ARNV Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction among exposed

21 Attributable fraction among exposed: Case-control study
Cases Controls Total Exposed a b ? Unexposed c d ? Total C1 C0 C1+C0 Etude cas- témoins correspondant à la cohorte Rétrospective dans sa logique Sac de cas contre sac de témoins Sens de la lecture f1 et f2 Adieu risque If rare disease: (OR - 1)/OR Vaccine efficacy: 1 - OR Attributable fraction among exposed

22 Attributable fraction among exposed
Habits of sleeping in work clothes among scrub typhus cases and controls, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, S. typhus Controls Total Sleeping in work clothes Changing clothes to sleep Total Exemple Concept OR Signification Incidence: 4.1% Rare RR estimé Attention ad/bc Odds ratio = (66x33)/(56x13) =3.0 AF e = (3-1)/3 = 66% Attributable fraction among exposed

23 Attributable fraction among exposed
Number of hepatitis B vaccine doses received by HBsAg+ cases and controls, Romania, HBsAg (+) HBsAg (-) Cases Controls 3 doses 3 25 < 3 doses 4 2 7 27 OR= 0.06 Vaccine efficacy = 1- OR = 94% Attributable fraction among exposed

24 Key areas Attributable fraction among exposed
Attributable fraction in the population

25 Attributable fraction in the population
Proportion of disease that could be prevented if the risk factor was suppressed in the population Does not make sense in the absence of causality Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

26 Concept of attributable fraction in the population
Let’s see what is the risk of disease in the population… Of this risk, what is the proportion that is attributable to the exposure? Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

27 Attributable fraction in the population: From concept to formula
Estimate the risk in the population (Denominator) Estimate the proportion of it that is attributable to the exposure (Numerator) Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

28 Attributable fraction in the population: Finding the right formula
Portion of the risk in the population that is attributable to the exposure _________________ Risk in the population Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

29 Excess of risk in the population in a cohort
Ill Non ill Total Exposed a b L1 Non exposed c d L0 Total a+c b+d L1 + L0 Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases Excess of risk in the population = Rp- R0 = (a+c/L1+L0) - (c/L0) Attributable fraction in the population

30 Attributable fraction in the population
Excess of risk in the population _________________ Risk in the population Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

31 Attributable fraction in the population
Attributable fraction in the population in a cohort study: Conceptual formula Ill Non ill Total Exposed a b L1 Non exposed c d L0 Total a+c b+d L1 + L0 Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases AFp = (Rp-R0) /Rp Attributable fraction in the population

32 AFp = (Rp-R0) /Rp = P1x(RR-1/RR) P1: Proportion of cases exposed
Attributable fraction in the population in a cohort study: Formula used in calculations AFp = (Rp-R0) /Rp = P1x(RR-1/RR) P1: Proportion of cases exposed Rappelez vous de ce tableau à 4 cases (Can be demonstrated) Attributable fraction in the population

33 Attributable fraction in the population
Risk of leishmaniasis according to water bodies within 25 metres of house, Chatrakhali, West Bengal, Leishmaniasis Non ill Total Water bodies No water bodies Total Exemple Quelle est la population? Quelle est l'exposition? Prière de vérifier les calculs! Traduction en langage naturel: qui se lance? Relative risk = (139/626) / (11/125) = 22% / 9% = 2.5 AF e = (2.5-1)/2.5 = 0.6 = 60% AF p = (139/150) x 60% = 93% x 60% = 56% (Try the two formulas) Attributable fraction in the population

34 Attributable fraction in the population
Incidence of gastro-enteritis according to food items consumed, wedding dinner, West Bengal, 2005 In c id e nc a m o n g t h os wh ate d i ot at I l Tot % Cold d r inks 153 186 82% 25 41 61% Sal 144 189 76% 34 38 89% Fi s h Fry 173 195 5 32 16% Fish C urry 119 149 80% 59 78 Mu ton 158 200 79% 20 27 74% R osgulla 159 202 79% 19 25 76% Ice cre a m 166 211 79% 12 16 75% Pan 148 181 82% 30 46 65% Relative risk: 5.6, Attributable fraction among exposed = 82% Attributable fraction in the population = (173/178) x 82% = 80% The source identified explains most cases Attributable fraction in the population

35 Attack rate of gastro-enteritis by food items, Coochbehar, West Bengal, India, 2005
Relative risk 95% confidence interval Ate Did not eat Raw custard* 90% 51% 1.8 Fruits 76% 86% 0.88 Sugar candy 75% 88% 0.85 Puffed rice 80% 84% 0.95 Seasoned rice 67% 0.79 This slide summarizes the attack rate by food items. You can see that of five food items, the raw custard was the only food item for which the attack rate was significantly different among cases and controls, with attack rates of 90% and 51% respectively among those who ate and those who did not eat. However, you can see that the relative risk was not high and than the population attributable fraction suggested that this food item did not explain the majority of cases. Thus, we had to look further. * 87% of cases exposed, population attributable fraction: 38%

36 Additional investigations, gastroenteritis outbreak, Coochbehar, West Bengal, India, 2005
Raw custard not refrigerated contained raw milk, flour, sugar, honey, banana, clarified butter In addition to food items, all persons took a spoon of diluted raw milk, explaining: High attack rate in persons unexposed to custard Low relative risk / attributable fraction for raw custard The attributable fraction in the population pointed to the fact the source of infection had two vehicles The raw custard had been prepared at 2 PM, and was not refrigerated. It was made of a mixture of raw milk, flour, sugar, honey, banana and clarified butter. The raw milk was purchased from the same salesman in the two houses. It was the only ingredient common to the two festivals. We also learned that, in addition to these food items, all persons took a spoon of diluted raw milk, explaining the high attack rate in persons unexposed to the custard and the low relative risk / attributable fraction for the raw custard. From the lab point of view, the rectal swab only grew proteus sp, which was most likely of no importance. No food leftovers available for testing.

37 Attributable fraction in the population
Depends upon the relative risk Depends upon the proportion of cases exposed Can never exceed the proportion of cases exposed Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

38 Attributable fraction in the population
From the proportion of cases exposed to the attributable fraction in the population 20% of cases exposed, OR very high Attributable fraction close to 20% 100% of cases exposed, OR = 1 Attributable fraction = 0% Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

39 Population attributable fraction
Population attributable fraction according to the relative risk for various level of exposure frequency among cases 100.0% Pe 10% 90.0% Pe 25% Pe 50% 80.0% Pe 75% Pe 100% (AFe) 70.0% 60.0% Population attributable fraction 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Relative risks

40 Attributable fraction in the population: Case-control study
Cases Controls Total Exposed a b ? Unexposed c d ? Total C1 C0 C1+C0 If rare disease: P1x [(OR - 1)/OR] Etude cas- témoins correspondant à la cohorte Rétrospective dans sa logique Sac de cas contre sac de témoins Sens de la lecture f1 et f2 Adieu risque Attributable fraction in the population

41 Attributable fraction in the population
Sleeping in work clothes and scrub typhus, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, S. typhus Controls Total Sleeping in work clothes Changing clothes to sleep Total Exemple Concept OR Signification Incidence: 4.1% Rare RR estimé Attention ad/bc Odds ratio = (66x33)/(56x13) =3.0 AF e = (3-1)/3 = 66% AF p = (66/122) x 66% = 54% x 66% = 36% Attributable fraction in the population

42 Attributable fraction in the population
Characteristics of acute hepatitis B cases and controls, Karachi, Pakistan, 2001 Exposure Acute hepatitis B (N=67) Healthy controls (N=247) OR Injection 43 (?%) 68 (?%) ? Transfusion 2 (?%) 1 (?%) Fraction attributable to injections: (43/67) x (4.7-1/4.7) = 64% x 79% = 50% Fraction attributable to transfusion: (2/67) x (7.6-1/7.6) = 3% x 87% = 2.5% Attributable fraction in the population

43 Risk assessment: Rule of thumb
There is more death and disability from frequent exposure to lower risks than to rare exposures to higher risks Examples: More people die from marginally elevated blood pressure (common) than from frankly elevated blood pressure (uncommon) More people acquire HCV from unsafe injection (common exposure, lower risk) than from unsafe blood (rare exposure, high risk) Nous allons voir les mesures dans trois contextes différents Attributable fraction in the population

44 Measures of impact in population for protective exposures
If you want to know what was actually prevented by the prevention measure as used currently Calculate the fraction prevented in the population Proportion of the population USING the prevention measure x preventable fraction among exposed If you want to know how much could be prevented if the prevention measure was used in the whole population Consider “failure to use the prevention measure” as risk factor (1/RR or 1/OR) Calculate attributable fraction in the population of the “failure to use the prevention measure” Proportion of the population NOT USING the prevention measure x attributable fraction among exposed

45 Attributable fraction in the population
Take home messages The attributable fraction among exposed translates the strength of association into an estimate of the proportion of cases attributable to the exposure among exposed The attributable fraction in the population translates the strength of association and the proportion of cases exposed into an estimate of the proportion of cases attributable to the exposure in the population Attributable fraction in the population

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