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1 Advanced Engineering Risk Audit Instruments SYRAS & QMAS Bob Bea National Science Foundation RESIN PROJECT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Advanced Engineering Risk Audit Instruments SYRAS & QMAS Bob Bea National Science Foundation RESIN PROJECT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Advanced Engineering Risk Audit Instruments SYRAS & QMAS Bob Bea National Science Foundation RESIN PROJECT

2 2

3 3 Managing Pfi

4 4 Managing Cfi

5 5 Resilience - time & cost to regain Functionality Time Functionality 100 % rescue repair recovery rehabilitation Good resililence Poor resililence

6 6 Sustainability - Utility during life cycle Time Utility Benefits / Costs InitiationImprovement Operation Low Sustainability High Sustainability Decay

7 7 PROACTIVE to prepare INTERACTIVE to respond REACTIVE to recover reduce consequences increase detection & correction reduce likelihoods

8 8 Analytical methods

9 9 System analysis approach

10 10 Screening analysis strategy

11 11 Objectives of analyses NOT prediction NOT numbers or analytical elegance Detect potential hazards and flaws Evaluate effects of mitigations Disciplined framework for thinking Empower those who have daily responsibilities for quality and reliability

12 12 Example QRA/PRA

13 13

14 14 Proactive - Robustness = damage tolerance Intensity of damage or defects defect tolerant defect in tolerant

15 15 SYRAS©

16 16 Failures of QA/QC Independent & Dependent Errors lack of expertise resource deficiencies excessive authority gradients communication malfunctions management breakdowns rejection of information violations Correction Detection Analysis

17 17 P[F] = P[F I |E] P[E]+P[F I |E]P[E]+P[F E |E]P[E] due to intrinsic causes with no error due to intrinsic causes with error due to extrinsic causes with error

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24 24 QMAS© Assessment instrument Assessment protocol Assessment team development Follow-up

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26 26 QMAS components

27 27 QMAS components, factors, attributes

28 28 QMAS factors

29 29 QMAS gradings

30 30

31 31 QMAS mean results Highest mitigation priorities

32 32 QMAS protocol

33 33 QMAS - coarse qualitative

34 34 QMAS detailed qualitative

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37 37 QMAS assessors QMAS counselor QMAS assessors –Facility operators –Facility management QMAS training program –HOF background –QMAS operations –QMAS applications

38 38 QMAS assessors: THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! Experienced –Facility –Process auditing Respected Integrity Motivated Observant Thoughtful, insightful

39 39 QMAS applications

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