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Friendly Letter Grade: 2

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1 Friendly Letter Grade: 2
Abbey Lippert and Amber Washington ECED 4300 A Spring 2010 Dr. Tonja Root

2 Amber Washington Prewriting and Drafting ELA2W1
The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student d. begins to create graphic features (charts, tables, graphs). i. uses planning ideas to produce a rough draft

3 PLO The student will complete a graphic organizer for a friendly letter.

4 Friendly Letter informal letter communicate

5 Prewriting Before writing “sloppy copy” Ideas before writing
No complete sentences Determine purpose and audience

6 Citation for Published Example
Friendly letter example. (2010). Retrieved April 5, 2010 from hnology/lessons/internet_activities /g5/letter_fr.html

7 Needham, MA 02494 October 15, 2004 Dear Mom,
25 Central Ave. Needham, MA 02494 October 15, 2004 Dear Mom, I’m sending you this friendly letter to tell you how much fun I’m having at my friend’s house. We’re having a blast! Yesterday we went to the beach. Guess what? I learned how to swim underwater! I was so excited. I can’t wait to show you. I kept diving under and finding shells in the sane. I’m bringing them home to you. Tomorrow we’re going to a baseball game. I miss you and the rest of the family but I know I’ll be home in a few days. I’ll tell you all my adventures then. Give everyone a big hug and kiss for me! Love, Sarah

8 Friendly Letter Graphic Organizer
What is your address?   ______________________________________ (Your street number, street name, & apartment number (if living in an apartment)) (Your city, state, and zip code)

9 ______________________________ (Today’s date) Who will get your letter
______________________________ (Today’s date) Who will get your letter? ___________________________ (Greeting)

10 What can you tell that person about your friends and family?

11 Body What does that person want to know about what you have been doing and how you feel?   _________________________________________________

12 What can you ask about that person’s life?

13 _____________________ (Closing) (Your signature)
Root, T. (n.d.). Friendly letter graphic organizer. Retrieved April 1, 2010, from

14 Practice Activity As a class, 2nd graders will complete a graphic organizer for a friendly letter.

15 Assessment Activity 2nd Graders will complete a graphic organizer for a friendly letter to send to a friend or family member.

16 Abbey Lippert Drafting ELA2W1
The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student i. uses planning ideas to produce a rough draft

17 PLO The students will complete a draft of a friendly letter using their graphic organizer.

18 Friendly Letter Informal letter communicate

19 Drafting Spelling not important
Form complete sentences from ideas on the graphic organizer Skip every other line Mark lines skipped with an “X” Label rough draft

20 Citation for Published Example
Sample friendly letter. (2010). Retrieved April 5, 2010 from com/samplefriendlyletter.htm

21 506 Country Lane North Baysville, CA December 16, 2004 Dear Susan, It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it's only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great! I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest! On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn't too great but I love the job so much. I hope the summer's been going well for you too. There's only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it's back to school. Would you like to meet up some time to before school starts? Your friend, Signature P.S. John Austin says hi.

22 Practice Activity As a class,2nd graders will complete a draft of a friendly letter using the graphic organizer completed as a class.

23 Assessment Activity Students will complete a draft of a friendly letter using the graphic organizer that they have already completed.

24 Abbey Lippert Revising and Editing Stage
ELA2W1 The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process. The student j. Rereads writing to self and others, revises to add details, and edits to make corrections.

25 PLO With a pen, students will revise and edit their draft by changing, rearranging, deleting, and adding details and check spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

26 Revising and Editing Read word by word
Revising: delete, add, change, and rearrange Editing: punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar

27 Practice Activity 2nd Grade class will revise and edit a sample friendly letter using an interactive board.

28 Assessment Activity 2nd Grade Class
Revise friendly letter using blue pen Edit friendly letter using red pen

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