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Downtown Façade Improvement Grant Fund Application Information Session 2 March 13, 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Downtown Façade Improvement Grant Fund Application Information Session 2 March 13, 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Downtown Façade Improvement Grant Fund Application Information Session 2
March 13, 2014 1

2 Agenda Introduction About the Fund Program Objectives
Eligibility and Requirements Priority Areas Technical Assistance Providers Project Timeline Program Fees Program Contacts Questions and Answers

3 Downtown Façade Improvement Grant Fund
Fund Manager: Invest Atlanta Funding Source: Up to $5 million of WTAD and ETAD Increment Purpose: To facilitate the investment in commercial properties in the Eastside and Westside TADs that will result in quality of life enhancements in Downtown. Grant Amounts: Commercial property owners are eligible to receive from $20,000-$400,000 per property. Business owners are eligible to receive from $5,000-$200,000 per property.

4 DFIG Objectives Enhance the appearance of commercial areas
Create safer and more stable neighborhoods Help businesses attract customers and generate increased revenues Support the Atlanta Streetcar and generate ridership Improve the MLK, Joseph E. Boone and Donald Lee Hollowell commercial corridors Leverage private investment Fund projects with critical mass Complement other community revitalization efforts

5 DFIG Eligibility and Requirements
Commercial properties in the Eastside and Westside TADs Businesses in the eligible area with consent from the property owner (must have at least 5 years remaining on the lease from the application approval) Properties less than 80,000 sf Properties on the tax role Requirements: Selected applicants MUST invest 33.33% of the cost of the project up front Design concepts must be in accordance with area regulations, codes, ordinances and design standards set forth by the City


7 DFIG Eligibility and Requirements
Capital improvements visible from public right of way Painting Lighting Windows Doors Stucco/brick/tile Historic restoration Associated soft costs/services Planning/design/engineering, legal, GC fees, contingencies Canopies Awnings Sidewalk repair Front/side patios Signage Landscaping

8 DFIG Eligibility and Requirements
Successful applications will include the following: Project description and purpose Property owner consent (where applicable) Designs/renderings/concept drawings Preliminary construction estimate provided by a building professional Architect/Engineer/General Contractor Financial sources for applicant’s 33.33% Project timeline

9 DFIG Application Process
Application Released by Invest Atlanta Application Informational Session Technical Assistance Application Due to Invest Atlanta Application Reviewed and Selected by Invest Atlanta IA Board Approval Applicant is provided terms to begin Phase II Invest Atlanta set closing Project Construction Commences

10 Technical Assistance Providers
The Epsten Group, Inc. Primary Contact: Pete Choquette Gardner, Spencer, Smith, Tench and Jarbeau Primary Contact: Joe Gardner Pimsler-Hoss Architects, Inc. Primary Contact: Randy Pimsler Square Feet Studios Primary Contact: Vivian and John Bencich Surber, Barber, Choate and Hertlein Architects, P.C. Primary Contact: Dennis Hertlein

11 Program Fees Application fee $250
Technical Assistance engagement fee $100 Administrative fee $2,500 Due at financial closing of grant for selected applicants

12 DFIG Timeline February 24, 2014 Application Released March 6, 2014 Information Session March 13, 2014 Information Session#2 March 14, 2014 Inquiries due to IA March 21, 2014 Responses to Inquires posted April 24, 2014 Applications due to IA by 5:00 PM May 27, 2014 Notification of Selected Applicants June 19, 2014 Invest Atlanta Board of Directors Approval July 17, 2014 Grant Agreements Executed

13 DFIG Primary Contacts S. Tarnace Watkins- Program Manager P: (404) Chris Leutzinger- Real Estate Development Specialist P: (404) Courtney Knight-Managing Director, P: (404)

14 Questions and Answers

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