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The ISO Standard ISO 9000.

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Presentation on theme: "The ISO Standard ISO 9000."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ISO Standard ISO 9000

2 Why standards They have a high signal value for the marked
They can be used for setting internal goals in the company

3 Standards Why do we have standards for quality assuance systems?
They describe what a standard is and how the standard can be used to set up requierments to the quality system

4 Standards ISO 9000 Purpose of this standard are:
To clarify the distinctions and interrelaqtionships among the principal quality concepts, and To provide guidelines for the selection and use of a series of international Standards on quality systems that can be used for internal quality management

5 Standards ISO 9000 The standard consists of:
ISO 8402, Quality – Vocabulary ISO 9001, Quality systems – Model for quality assuance in design/development, production, installation and servicing ISO 9002, Quality Systems – Model for quality assurance in production and installation

6 Standards ISO 9000 The standard consists of:
ISO 9003, Quality systems – Model for quality assuance in final inspection and test ISO 9004, Quality management and quality system elements - Guidelines

7 Standards ISO 9000 Paragraph 3 – Definitions Quality Policy
Quality Management Quality System Quality Control Quality Assurance

8 Quality Assurence System
Standards ISO 9000 ISO9000-3 Interpretation of ISO9001 ISO9000 Serie Requierments to the Quality System ISO9001 ISO9002 ISO9003 Quality Assurence System ISO9005

9 ISO 9000 Classical Model for QA
Business rules Strategic Quality goals Quality policy Organization Tactical Operationel Instructions Schemes Specifications

10 ISO 9000 Projects how? Inception Perhaps use of consultants
Systematical analysis Perhaps use of consultants Knowlege bank Katalyst Whip Different perspektive

11 ISO 9000 Projects how? Inception Perhaps use of consultants
Systematical analysis Perhaps use of consultants Knowlege bank Katalyst Whip Different perspektive

12 ISO 9000 Projects how? Set up a project organisation

13 ISO 9000 Projects how? Phase 1: Overview (customers, suppliers, etc.)
Phase 2: Describe your business (Who do what, when and how) Phase 3: Do we agt acording to ouer business rules? Phase 4: Tools are developed (schemes, instructors, guidelines)

14 ISO 9000 Projects how? Phase 5: Evaluation (where are we)
Phase 6: Test (does the system work) Phase 7: Implementation and use of the system

15 ISO 9000 Certification 1. part 2. part 3. part Customer Supplier

16 ISO 9000 Online

17 ISO 9000 Exercise What are the main arears of system requierments in ISO9000/9001? Look at it for a SW development companys point of view. How can ISO help you with solving the problem above?

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