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TickIT Standard1 Advanced Software Engineering COM360 University of Sunderland.

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Presentation on theme: "TickIT Standard1 Advanced Software Engineering COM360 University of Sunderland."— Presentation transcript:

1 TickIT Standard1 Advanced Software Engineering COM360 University of Sunderland

2 TickIT Standard2 Quality is: 4a degree of excellence (OED) 4fitness for purpose 4conformant with requirements 4Crosby’s view :- the definition: conformant with requirements the system: prevention not cure the measure: cost of quality the target: zero defects

3 TickIT Standard3 Quality standards 4AQAP 1, 13 &14 (NATO) 4ANSI/IEEE - 730 4DEF-STAN 00-16 4FAA-STD-018 4DoD 2167 4(ISO 9001/BS5750/EN29000) 4TickIT (ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9000- 3:1997)

4 TickIT Standard4 What is TickIT? 4based upon the ISO 9000-3 standard - ISO9000-3:1997 …. the application of ISO 9001 to software 4a ‘sector certification scheme’ - run by the software profession

5 TickIT Standard5 Why go for TickIT? 4to retain market share and satisfy the customer 4sometimes mandatory condition of Govt. contracting 4to improve both process and product 4to stimulate (software) developers to think about (i) what quality really is, (ii) how it may be achieved

6 TickIT Standard6 The role of the Auditor 4various Auditor roles: first, second and third party audits 4the auditors: trained, registered and monitored 4basic principles: documented, implemented and effective QMS

7 TickIT Standard7 The audit process: 4application for certification 4certification audit 4‘health - check’ every 6 months 4full review for relevance every 3 years 4auditing: documentation, records and activities

8 TickIT Standard8 TickIT / ISO 9001:2000 In December 2000, following considerable review of the effectiveness of 9001:1994 and competitive systems such as the CMM, the International Standards Organisation (ISO/TC 176) published an update to ISO9001:1994. Existing QM systems have a maximum of 3 years for compliance with ISO9001:2000 New QM systems are assessed against ISO9001:2000.

9 TickIT Standard9 ISO 9001:2000 – aim, structure The stress is upon; meeting requirements, value of each process, measuring process performance and effectiveness, continual improvement. 9001 fundamentally takes a ‘process approach’ to QM systems – ‘plan, do, check, act’. The four Main sections of the standard are: - Management Responsibility; - Resource Management; - Product Realization; - Measurement, Analysis snd Improvement.

10 TickIT Standard10 Main Sections (i) There are FOUR main sections to 9001:2000 ; Management Responsibility Commitment, Policy, Planning, Responsibility Authority and Communication, Review Resource Management Provision, Human, Infrastructure, Environment

11 TickIT Standard11 Main Sections (ii) Product Realization - Planning, - Customer Related Processes, - Design and Development, - Purchasing, - Production and Service Provision, - Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement - each has specific notes to be adhered to…

12 TickIT Standard12 Main Sections (iii) Measurement, Customer Satisfaction, Internal Audit, of Processes, of Product, - Control of Nonconforming Product. Analysis - shall inform about conformity to requirements, trends in process and product, suppliers, and customer satisfaction. Improvement Continual Improvement, Corrective Action, Preventative Action.

13 TickIT Standard13 What is ISO 9000-3, in detail? 4quality system - framework 4quality system - life-cycle activities 4quality system - supporting activities

14 TickIT Standard14 Quality System - Framework (4) 4Management responsibility 4Quality system 4Internal QS audits 4Corrective action

15 TickIT Standard15 Quality System - Life-cycle Activities (10) 4Purchaser’s requirements specification 4Development planning 4Quality planning  Acceptance 4Design and implementation 4Testing and validation 4Replication, delivery and installation 4Maintenance

16 TickIT Standard16 Quality System - Supporting Activities (9) 4Config. management 4Document control 4Rules, practices and conventions 4Tools and techniques 4Included software product 4Measurement 4Purchasing 4Training 4Quality records

17 TickIT Standard17 Who Uses TickIT? 4British Aerospace 4British Telecom 4British Airways 4IBM (UK Laboratories) 4Barclays 4Oracle 4Praxis

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