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Controlling Software Process Improvement Marcello Visconti Departamento de Informática Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaíso, Chile.

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Presentation on theme: "Controlling Software Process Improvement Marcello Visconti Departamento de Informática Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaíso, Chile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controlling Software Process Improvement Marcello Visconti Departamento de Informática Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaíso, Chile

2 Motivation  Many improvement initiatives have shown a clear immaturity for the software process - especially in SQA (Software Quality Assurance) and SCM (Software Configuration Management)

3 State of the practice (CMM)

4 19941995 199619971998.... 2001 SQA, Doc. & SCM Maturity Models INTEC Project SPIN-CHILE S:PRIME Assessments ISO-9000 Certification Initiative First 2 companies certified ISO First 3 CMM Assessments What happens in Chile?


6 Great difficulty to move past diagnosis/planning into real action - there is a need to close this gap

7 Our approach to bridge the gap  Improve specific software practices (ex: SQA, SCM practices) through the development and implantation of a set of generic tools - templates, checklists and guides  Manage quantitatively the quality of the implantation of specific tools to assure their usefulness in improving the process - adaptation of SQUID methodology

8 SQUID  Software QUality In the Development process, aims to provide an integrated approach to quality  Provides a framework to support > different views of quality > different quality measures > flexible models of quality  View: controlling internal properties (software development) will determine external behaviour (end product)  Developed as part of a European ESPRIT research project  Commercially available tool set (October 1999)

9 SQUID  SQUID supports various processes needed to manage quality > quality specification - specific targets for external characteristics (operational behaviour) > quality planning - specific targets for internal characteristics (development) > quality monitoring - tracking internal properties (development) > quality evaluation - comparing target and actual for external properties (operational behaviour)

10 SQUID adaptation  SQUID approach requires > integration of different types of measures (internal & external) for software developed > integration of different models (quality, development and measurement models)  Proposal for SQUID adaptation requires > integration of different types of measures (internal & external) for tools implanted > integration of different models (quality, implantation and measurement models)




14 Pilot application  SQUID adaptation proposed was tested at a medium-size software development company to manage (partially) the implantation of a set of tools related to one key SQA practice, formal technical reviews  Target values were set based mainly on personnel experience  Actual values were collected for the preparation phase (first phase)


16 Preliminary findings  Use of SQUID adaptation motivated formalization and stronger commitment for implantation process  Defining target values made expectations more realistic  Generic models proposed for SQUID adaptation were a good starting point  Most target values were reached  Some measurements were hard/impossible to collect

17 Projections  Proposed tools and measurement-based approach to manage their implantation appears interesting to close the gap diagnosis/planning - action  SQUID is flexible enough to manage the quality of developing any product  Adaptation of SQUID - a promising framework for the tool implantation context  Generic models and measurement proposed are subject to review/improvement  Preliminary results are encouraging - need to extend the application to other scenarios

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