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QUALITY AND STANDARDS GROUP 11 Ferdinand Rimando Edelyn Nolasco Lovely Rose Cabalo Emy Jimenez.

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Presentation on theme: "QUALITY AND STANDARDS GROUP 11 Ferdinand Rimando Edelyn Nolasco Lovely Rose Cabalo Emy Jimenez."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUALITY AND STANDARDS GROUP 11 Ferdinand Rimando Edelyn Nolasco Lovely Rose Cabalo Emy Jimenez

2 WHAT IS QUALITY AFTER ALL?  ‘Fitness for use’ – Juran  ‘Conformance to requirements’ – Crosby  ‘Customer satisfaction/delight’ – Deming  ‘Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics, fulfils requirements’ - ISO 9000:2000

3 Standardization? The process of developing and agreeing upon Standards.

4 9 Aims of Standardization  Fitness for purpose  Interchangeability  Variety reduction  Compatibility  Guarding against factors that affect the health and safety of consumers  Environmental protection  Better utilization of resources  Better communication and understanding  Removal of trade barriers

5 What is Standard? Standards are documented agreements containing technical specifications or precise criteria to be used consistently as a guideline of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their intended purpose.

6 TYPES OF STANDARDS Vocabulary standards: Glossaries, signs and symbols; A few examples are Paper Vocabulary, List of Equivalent Terms Used in the Plastic Industry, Vocabulary for the Refractory Industry and Vocabulary of Information Processing.

7 TYPES OF STANDARDS Measurement standards: Material measure or physical property that defines or reproduces the unit of measurement of a base or derived quantity. Such as units of measures; The seven basic units of the SI (International System of Measurement) system e.g. the meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole the basic International System unit of amount of a substance equal to the amount containing the same number of elementary units as the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12

8 TYPES OF STANDARDS Product standards: Cover specifications for dimensions, performance, health, safety, environmental protection and documentation; Standards for inspection, test methods and analysis.

9 TYPES OF STANDARDS Management Standards: Standards that focus on organization, such as for logistics, maintenance, inventory management, quality management, project management and production management such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 17025, SA 8000, HACCP etc

10 Attributes of a standard A standard generally has three attributes: 1. Level: such as at the company, national or international level. 2. Subject: such as engineering, food, textile or management. 3. Aspect: such as specification, testing and analysis, packaging and labeling (more than one aspect may be covered in a single standard: a standard may include specification of items such as the product, its sampling and inspection, related tests and analysis, packaging and labeling).

11 Attributes of a standard  For example the term “Pakistan Standard Specification of Biscuits”, means that the standard is a national standard (level), in the food area (subject), and provides specifications (aspect) for the biscuits.

12 Renowned Standardization Bodies ISOInternational Organization for Standardization ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials DINDeutsches Institut für Normung ENEuropean Norms IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission BSIBritish Standards Institute

13 Certification 1. Means Compliance with a standard or specification (e.g. Systems or Product Standards). 2. May be general in the scope of recognition 3. Considers total business.

14 Accreditation 1. It means recognition of competence in a specific area and scope. 2. Its scope is highly specific. 3. Evaluates people, skills and knowledge.


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