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‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’

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1 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’

2 PRESENTATION CONTENT Wastewater Infrastructure Water Demand Water Resource Infrastructure Long-term plans to balance Supply and Demand

3 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Wastewater Infrastructure

4 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ DARVILL WASTEWATER WORKS DARVILL WASTEWATER WORKS  Originally constructed in 1956  Serves the City of Pietermaritzburg  Owned and operated by Umgeni Water  Designed average dry weather flow of 65 Ml/day  Effluent mix: 90% domestic & 10% industrial  Inflow during last wet season reached 150 Ml/day!  Currently discharging approx. 60 Ml/day treated effluent into the Msunduzi River

5 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ DARVILL WASTEWATER WORKS DARVILL WASTEWATER WORKS This WWW has a current biological treatment capacity of 65 Mℓ/day. Current average daily inflow (Oct 2007 to Oct 2014) is approximately 81 Mℓ/day which is more than the plant’s capacity. The Darvill WWW serves the Msunduzi Municipality.

6 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ DARVILL WASTEWATER WORKS DARVILL WASTEWATER WORKS The graph also indicates the spike in flow in the summer seasons when there is ingress of stormwater into the sewer system.

7 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ DARVIL UPGRADE DARVIL UPGRADE This WWW is currently being upgraded to a biological treatment capacity of 100 Mℓ/day.

8 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Water Demand

9 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Population Distribution Source: CoGTA 2009 Harry Gwala Umgungundlovu Ugu eThekwini iLembe Msunduzi

10 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Households with water access below RDP levels : WATER SERVICE BACKLOG ERADICATION WATER SERVICE BACKLOG ERADICATION Source: Census 2011 WSABelow RDPAbove RDPTotal HH% below RDP eThekwini70 777885 935956 7127% Msunduzi12 709151 284163 9938% uMgungundlovu23 89484 780108 67422% iLembe48 533109 159157 69231% Ugu61 213118 231179 44434% Harry Gwala51 89760 384112 28146% TOTAL:269 0231 409 7731 678 79616%

11 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ NON REVENUE WATER NON REVENUE WATER Source: DWS 2014 % Non Revenue Water in 2013/2014 vs 2018/2019 WITH and WITHOUT intervention

12 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ NON REVENUE WATER NON REVENUE WATER Source: DWS 2014 Total Non Revenue Water for 2013/14 600 Ml/day Total Non Revenue Water for 2018/19 WITHOUT intervention 691 Ml/day Total Non Revenue Water for 2018/19 WITH intervention 418 Ml/day Total Capital Cost of InterventionR946 million Total Operating Cost of InterventionR286 million Responsibility for implementation: Water Service Authorities Support provided by DWS

13 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Water Resource Infrastructure

14 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Mearns Weir Spring Grove Dam Nagle Dam Inanda Dam Hazelmere Dam Midmar Dam Albert Falls Dam Mhlabatshane Dam Umzinto Dam EJ Smith Dam CURRENT WATER RESOURCES CURRENT WATER RESOURCES Mtwalume (run-of-river) Mvoti (run-of-river)

15 ResourceRiver Stochastic Yield (Ml/day) Demand (Ml/day) 1:501:100 Mgeni System (including MMTS-2B) uMngeni & Mooi111810811130 Mvoti (run-of-river)uMvoti9 Not Available 18 Hazelmere DamuMdloti555155 Nungwane DamNungwane109 E.J. Smith DamMzimayi5 3 4 Umzinto DamuMuziwezinto9 612 Mtwalume (run-of-river)uMtwalume53 10 Mhlabatshane DamMhlabatshane540.5 CURRENT WATER RESOURCE AVAILABILITY CURRENT WATER RESOURCE AVAILABILITY

16 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ Long Terms plans to balance Supply and Demand

17 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Mgeni Water Balance WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Mgeni Water Balance Source: Department of Water & Sanitation, June 2014 SHORTFALL

18 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ ResourceRiver Capacity (million m 3 ) Yield (Ml/day) 1:100 uMkhomazi Water Project Phase 1 (Smithfield Dam) uMkhomazi226602 uMkhomazi Water Project Phase 2 (Impendle Dam) uMkhomazi2701227 East Coast Desalination Plant – North-- 150 EWS Reuse Plants (Northern & KwaMashu)-- 110 PROPOSED WATER RESOURCE AUGMENTATION PROPOSED WATER RESOURCE AUGMENTATION

19 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ PROPOSED WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTS PROPOSED WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTS uMkhomazi Water Project

20 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ PROJECT CAPITAL COSTS PROJECT CAPITAL COSTS Project Capacity (Ml/day) Capital Cost (R) Responsibility uMkhomazi Water Project Phase 1 (Smithfield Dam) 60217 billion DWS Raw Water (R13.1 billion) UW Potable (R3.7 billion) East Coast Desalination Plant – North 1503.5 billionUW Reuse Plants (Northern & KwaMashu) 1102.5 billioneThekwini Metro

21 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ DEVELOPMENTAL BULK WATER SUPPLY INFRASTRUCTURE uMshwathi BWSS Greater Mpofana BWSS Maphumulo BWSS Richmond Pipeline Greater Eston BWSS Mhlabatshane BWSS Southern Ndwedwe Mzimkhulu BWSS Impendle BWSS

22 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’ SUMMARY SUMMARY Large augmentation schemes are necessary to sustain the projected demand over the long term It is primarily the responsibility of DWS and Umgeni Water to implement these schemes Total Municipal Non-Revenue Water in Umgeni Water’s supply area is currently 43% Savings in Non Revenue Water could defer implementation of large augmentation schemes Building large capital schemes are major undertakings that require significant lead times and funds to implement There will be a direct impact on the water tariff to consumers either via the CUC or UW tariff

23 ‘Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development’

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