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This paper was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. LPP-0384-09: “Concept HCS model 3E vs. Concept Corporate.

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2 This paper was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. LPP-0384-09: “Concept HCS model 3E vs. Concept Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).” The paper is also a part of submitted KEGA project No. 037STU-4/2012 “Implementation of the subject “Corporate Social Responsibility Entrepreneurship” into the study programme Industrial management in the second degree at MTF STU Trnava”.

3 1.Integrated Management System (IMS) 2.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 3.Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR 2.0) 4.EFQM Model 2010 5.Decentralization of power 6.Socially useful industrial enterprise

4  The concentration of activities of management systems under a common keeping through horizontal and vertical integration of separate systems built on the basis of their common features, characteristics and activities.  The success of the enterprises is associated with efforts to develop enterprises activities through Total quality management and corporate social responsibility and do not stop for standards. ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001 ISO 26000 Another management system ISO 9001 IMS

5  First efforts:  19. century – Robert Owen (Great Britain), Andrew Carnegie (USA).  20. century – Baťa(Czechoslovakia).  The focus:  Increasing competitiveness and attractiveness of the entrepreneurship.  The sense:  Keeping with statutory requirements and identifying and meeting the reasonable needs of all stakeholders.  The essence:  From the perspective of the “profit-only” to the level of “triple-bottom-line”.  Figure: Shareholders and stakeholders (Crowther and Aras)

6  Figure: Motives that lead SME to CSR in SR (FOCUS, 2010)

7  Wayne Visser – CSR International.  A new generation of entrepreneurial sustainability and responsibility through critical debate on the classic CSR.  The sense:  To design and adapt the entrepreneurship model of sustainability and responsibility.  The essence:  Making a positive impact on society.  Ages of social responsiblity:  The age of greed.  The age of philanthropy.  The age of marketing.  The age of management.  The age of responsibility.  DNA CSR 2.0:  Strand of sustainability, which represents destination. Including challenges, vision, strategy and goals.  Strand of responsibility, which represents journey. Including solutions, responses, management and actions.

8  A tool that provides a holistic view of the organization.  Universal for all types of organizations.  Excellent organizations achieve and sustain permanently the highest level of performance, meeting or exceeding the expectations of all stakeholders.  ISO norm certification (the first step) → The age of management.  EFQM (the second step) → The age of responsibility.

9  Three integrated elements:  The first:  Figure: Fundamental principles

10  Three integrated elements:  The second:  Figure: EFQM Excellence model

11  Three integrated elements:  The third:  Figure: RADAR logic

12  „You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.“  Galileo Galilei  Represents transfer of central power to lower authorities.  The enterprise with integrated approach to managing should create process teams with the ability to make autonomous decisions.  Learning, creativity, innovation (EFQM Model) → It is necessary to utilize staff´s potential and prepare for project team working, which is indispensable in conditions of permanent changes.

13  The philosophy of socially useful industrial enterprise can be applied to any entrepreneurship that keeps the idea of sustainability and responsibility as the key idea of entrepreneurship. CSR 2.0 EFQM

14  Participatory workplace → Open and direct communication.  Process vs. project teams.  From responsibility to sustainability.  IMS establishes requirements for enterprise activities.  EFQM determines enablers of excellent results.  CSR 2.0 gives a new dimension to the enterprise activities because of ability to support the use of many existing tools and techniques (Kaizen, TPM, etc.).  Usefull - benefits for shareholders.  Socially usefull - benefits for all stakeholders and shareholders.


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