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HOMEOSTASIS What is homeostasis? Temperature control Your body needs to be kept at a c_______ temperature, particularly at your core, which contains all.

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Presentation on theme: "HOMEOSTASIS What is homeostasis? Temperature control Your body needs to be kept at a c_______ temperature, particularly at your core, which contains all."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOMEOSTASIS What is homeostasis? Temperature control Your body needs to be kept at a c_______ temperature, particularly at your core, which contains all the important o_____. Heat is produced during r________ and lost to the a____. Heat stroke What causes heat stroke? What are the symptoms of heat stroke? How is heat stroke treated? Hypothermia At what temperature can hypothermia start? What are the symptoms of hypothermia? How is hypothermia treated? How does it work? The skin and brain have temperature r______. The b____ is the processing centre. S______ helps you cool down. S______ and the hairs standing up keeps you w____. What are enzymes? What do we call the model that is used to explain how enzymes work? Draw a graph to show what happens to enzyme activity as temperature increases? temperature activity What happens to enzymes at high temperatures? ______________ Enzymes How do control systems work? How does your body gain water? How does your body lose water? Water balance Excess amino acids are broken down by the l_____ and excreted by the k______. All s_____, and some w_____ are reabsorbed. partially permeable membrane What is a partially permeable membrane? Name 3 things that move in or out of cells: What is osmosis? Osmosis Control s_____ keep conditions constant. They have r_____ to detect s_____. The processing c_____ decides what r______ is needed and send instructions to the e______.

2 Chemical Patterns Atomic structure Label parts of the atom: ParticleCharge Electron Proton Neutron Complete the table: Na 23 11 Sodium as shown in periodic table. Label proton number and mass number: How many electrons are there in sodium? Alkali metals Which group are the alkali metals in the periodic table? ________ What happens to reactivity as you go down the group? __________________________ Why are the called the alkali metals? ____________________ __________________________ Complete the word equation: Metal hydroxide +metalW____ +H____ What are the reactants for this reaction? __________________ Hazard symbols What is the meaning of this hazard symbol? Flame test Complete the table with the flame colours: ElementFlame colour Lithium Sodium Potassium Calcium copper How can the colour emitted be analysed? _______________ If a compound gives out a green flame what metal is likely to be in it? ______________ Periodic table What is a row called in the periodic table? _______ Where are the metals found in the periodic table? ________ Halogens Complete the table about halogens: ElementSymbol Appearance flourine bromine Cl I Yellow gas Green gas Brown liquid Black solid Which group are the halogens? _______________________ What happens to reactivity going down group? __________ ________________________ Electron arrangement What is maximum number of electrons in first shell?_______ Second shell? ________ Draw a sodium atom (proton number11): Ions and ionic compounds _____ are formed when atoms lose of gain electrons. Metal atoms lose electrons to form _______ ions. Non-metals gain electrons to form _______ ions. Ionic compounds form ______ because opposite charges attract. crystals ions positive negative What is another property of an ionic compound? _____________________________________ Chemical equations Write a word equation for carbon reacting with oxygen:

3 Explaining Motion Distance-time graph Where was the car moving fastest? ______ When is the car not moving? ______ What is the speed between A and B? ______ Velocity-time graph Forces What are forces measured in? ___________ For every force there is a force that is equal and acting in opposite direction. What is this force known as? _________ What is the force that opposes motion? ______ Speed Use formula to calculate speed. Calculate the speed for a car that went a distance of 125 miles in 2 hours time. _____________________ How much time does it take for a bird flying at a speed of 45 miles per hour to travel a distance of 1,800 miles? _____________________ s d t Resultant force The resultant force is the overall force acting on an object. Calculate the resultant force: What happens to the speed of an object when the forces are unbalanced? 500N 200N Momentum The momentum of an object is effected by m_____ and v______. In a car crash we try to reduce the f_____ acting on passengers. Airbags, seat belts and crumple zones do this by slowing d_____ the change in m_______ Work Complete the formula: Work done = f____ X d_____ (j____) A force of 10N is applied to a box to move it 2m along the floor. What is the work done on the box? What do we mean by conservation of energy? Conservation of energy What is the object doing when the graph is flat? _________ What is the object doing when the graph is sloped?_________ When is the car returning to its start point? _________ Keywords: Accelerating Decelerating Steady Kinetic energy Kinetic energy = 1/2 x mass x speed 2 What is the kinetic energy of a 2 kg dog running at 6 m/s? Gravitational potential energy Change in GPE= weight x change in height What is the change in gravitational potential energy (GPE) when a 1kg mass is raised from 1m above ground to 3m above ground?

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