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Our Road to Success PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT. Student Demographics  Enrollment 734 students pre-K through 8 th  2.1% American Indian/Alaskan Native 

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2 Student Demographics  Enrollment 734 students pre-K through 8 th  2.1% American Indian/Alaskan Native  0.8% African American  9.6% Hispanic/Latino  80.4% White  63.4% Free or Reduced  25.3% Special Education Challenges  63.4% Free or Reduced  ESEA Focus School label: August of 2011  Non-High District  High percentage of students in Special Education  HR Issues PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT

3 MSP Reading AssessmentsMSP Math Assessments PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT

4 State Student Growth Percentiles-MSP 2013 Special Education Math  Pioneer 43%, state average 41% Special Education Reading  Pioneer 41%, state average 42% Special Education Enrollment May 2013 25.3%, February 2014 17.99% Free and Reduced Population-MSP 2013 9 of 16 MSP subgroup scores above state average STUDENT GROWTH, A DEEPER LOOK

5 Purpose – Invest all staff in the process of student growth and encourage ownership of building model  Building Leadership Team  Action Planning Teams  Focus on Learning  English Language Arts  Math  Positive Behavior Interventions and Support  Teacher Principal Evaluation Project District Support – Intentional district focus: district professional development, support building budgets, and Professional Learning Communities  District provides buildings with restrictive funds for these five areas of work BUILDING CAPACITY FOR LEADERSHIP

6 Response to Intervention/Data Driven Instruction  Primary Level – walk to read, walk to math, master schedule that provides three tier instructional opportunities and does not supplant  Intermediate Level – Intervention Specialist funded with Title I, LAP and Special Education dollars, science and writing specialists, walk to math  Middle School Level – Co-Teaching in ELA, Core Plus in math, tier 3 interventions, core instruction for special education students  Data driven decision making Additional Learning Opportunities  Community, ECEAP, and Developmental Preschool  21 st Century afterschool learning centers  1:1 technology with middle school students FOCUS ON LEARNING WITH COMMON CORE TRANSITION

7  Curriculum Alignment  Pathway to the Common Core  Gap Analysis  MBA/RBA  Moving to Common Core Standards in Testing  Formative Assessments/Exit Slips  Intervention Strategies  Differentiation Strategies  Assessments prior to MSP  Prior to Smarter Balanced ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS AND MATH WITH COMMON CORE TRANSITION

8  District Level Training  System of Support  Teaching School-wide Expectations  Tier 2 Support such as Check in/Check out  Tier 3 Support including Behavior Plans  Behavior Data Analysis  Instructional Rigor  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Student Engagement PBIS WITH COMMON CORE TRANSITION

9  A team of six teachers, including the association president, principal, and superintendent engaged in a 2 year training cycle, including: Danielson Framework official training, and TPEP Educational Service District cohort  Very collaborative process, including: All staff participation in selection of the model, systematic updates led by teachers, full day of training for all staff, determining clear expectations of responsible party for artifacts/evidence  Implementation this year, third year of project:  Teachers from the leadership team above are participating  provisional teachers  All others on a PGO, but required to use one of the eight criterion  Clear target, higher order questioning, student assessments, and assessments drive instructional practice TEACHER PRINCIPAL EVALUATION PROJECT WITH COMMON CORE TRANSITION

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