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1 Energy Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Eucard2 – Energy EuCard² EnEfficient – Energy Efficiency of Particle.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Energy Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Eucard2 – Energy EuCard² EnEfficient – Energy Efficiency of Particle."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Eucard2 – Energy management @SOLEIL EuCard² EnEfficient – Energy Efficiency of Particle Accelerators Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL Set-up Methods First results Smart Building/Grid Management

2 2 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Synchrotron Soleil Facility booster (110 MeV) storage ring (2.75 GeV) electrons gun electrons way SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL Facilities

3 3 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Site buildings SOLEIL Site Entrance buildingGuest houseRestaurant Technical offices and workshop (T4)Technical building (T3-T2) Storage and external offices (T5) Treatment buildingMain Offices buildingSynchrotron Nanoscopium BeamlineIpanema building

4 4 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Electricity Electricity is ½ of the exploitation and maintenance costs Electricity is the only energy source at SOLEIL

5 5 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Objective of Energy management Objective: DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL Article 8: Energy audits and energy management systems 1 January 2016, in accordance with Article L.337-9 of the Code of energy, consumer sites whose connection power is greater than 36 kVA will no longer benefit from regulated electricity rates. END OF REGULATED ELECTRICITY RATES Lowering the Energy footprint of SOLEIL Start in 2008 by creating a workgroup composed by representative of personnel

6 6 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Method foreseen 1 - Installation of energy measurements in all electrical cabinets 2 – Record data's of energy consumption by type of consumers Only main breakers were equipped 3 – Define and follow energy performance indicator Baseline consumption by type of consumer 4 – Find and Define significant energy use energy use that represents a significant portion of energy consumption and / or with potential considerable of energy performance improvement Method 5 – Energetic review and actions Real Energy Efficiency vs calculated/estimated efficiency

7 7 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Adaptation of BMS for energy survey Adapt the Centralized technical management system for Energy management The entire site All buildings All infrastructures 16 000 technical values recorded 1 - Installation of energy measurements in all electrical cabinets 2008 - 2014

8 8 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Example BMS energy follow-up All of 260 electric circuit breaker equipped for electricity record Since January 2015 complete electrical follow up of the site

9 9 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Records of local consumption Cooling plant Main office Building Storage ring magnets A lot of data: No filter Treatment of singularities 2 – Record data's of energy consumption by type of consumers Record every 10 min

10 10 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Indicators Week 14 3 – Define and follow energy performance indicator Main indicators can be defined

11 11 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Improvements done and foreseen Improvements: Changing lamps by LED during renewing Time programs or presence detection on lights Modifying the Night/Day for HVAC Changing water temperature for cooling from 8/14°C to 6/12°C -> Improving the efficiency of the HVAC units Include Energy efficiency in future designs

12 12 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Test on a beamline Test on a Beamline Follow up of energy consumption of a beamline (electricity and cooling power) Daily variations due to 0.8 kW of lighting!

13 13 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Energy recovery Estimated cost 1,1 m€ Energy price: 15,060 c€/kWh janv-15 données SOeS/base Pégase, tarifs réglementés pour le gaz naturel et l'électricité Recuperation of 7000 MW/year Energy recovery

14 14 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Not Enough … Need To go more in detail in order to get the significant energy use. The picture is more complicated … Not Enough ….

15 15 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Being able to analyze local and global energy consumption of the site: Reduce Energy consumption and Apply for ISO 50001 General scheme Equipping all building and infrastructure with energy sensors Storage and Security Analyzing Improving Having an open protocol for data treatment Consolidating energy data Cost and reliability Existing solution for building and process ? Cloud ? Data center? User Management User Management Compatibility of data from equipment manufacturer Protocol: TCP/IP, LON, ModBus Big data treatment Will? Priorities ? Will? Priorities ? Investment return Manpower ! Cost Reporting and communication Automatic and reliable treatment of data

16 16 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Smart Building

17 17 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 What is smartbuilding TECHNOLOGI E SMART EQUIPEMENTLOGICIEL AUTOMATISM E DOMOTIQUE G ROUPEMENTS D ’E NTREPRISES pme C ATALOGUE DE BRIQUES TECHNOLOGIQUES D EMANDES C LIENTS pme Communication protocols Automates for energy management Big data storage and treatment Analysis tools

18 18 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Application Need of having an internal solution Solution mainly for offices building or homes Houses ≠ Offices ≠ Process

19 19 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 POC on the same beamline ENERGIE DOMOTIQUE GESTION DE LA PERFORMANCE ENERGETIQUE Test on a beamline of an industrial solution for follow-up of production

20 20 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 LiveGrid Energy Management is a district matter Elaborating standards and solutions for energy management Results: May 2015

21 21 Energy Management @ Synchrotron SOLEIL EuCard² - Annual meeting 2015 Thank you THANK YOU

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