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One Goal Dictionary By: Taylor Heath. Goal 1 Foundations of the US Political System.

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Presentation on theme: "One Goal Dictionary By: Taylor Heath. Goal 1 Foundations of the US Political System."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Goal Dictionary By: Taylor Heath

2 Goal 1 Foundations of the US Political System

3 Aristocracy The Higher class of people have the power and give poor people a hard time getting out of poverty.

4 Autocracy A single person has the power.

5 Bacon’s Rebellion Wanted equal representation in the government, not just the wealthy citizens.

6 Branches of the Government can change each other’s decision if needed.

7 The government must follow the rules of criminal proceedings before arresting someone.

8 Establishment Clause Congress can’t establish a religion

9 Factions Group of people who believe in the same cause or belief.

10 Montesquieu French Philosopher who believed that separation of powers is the best government.

11 Self-Incrimination Testifying against themselves in court.

12 Separation of Powers The three branches' power being separated.

13 Social Contract Theory Citizens have rights when born but are willing to give up some of those rights to maintain order.

14 Three Fifths Compromise Each slave would count as 3/5 th of a person when choosing congress.

15 Townshend Acts Taxes on imported goods like glass and tea.

16 Treaty of Paris Recognition of the United States as a separate and free nation by Great Britain. Ended the American Revolution

17 Virginia Plan Government separated into three branches; legislative, executive and judicial.

18 Article II Establishes the offices of President and Vice president.

19 Bill A proposed law

20 Bills of Attainder Convict people of crime without a trial.

21 Budget Surplus When the government spends less then it has in revenue.

22 ATF Enforces laws dealing with firearms and explosives.

23 Censure When a senator or representative is publicly reprimanded by his/her colleagues for inappropriate behavior.

24 Chief Executive The president has the power to appoint officials.

25 Constitutional Convention When 2/3 of the states call for a special meeting to consider proposing amendments to the constitution.

26 Deficit Spending Spending money the government doesn’t have.

27 Economic Leader The policies and programs the he/she implements affect the economy.

28 FBI Federal Governments top law enforcement agency.

29 Head of State The President

30 Judicial Review One of the most important powers of the judicial Branch.

31 Law A rule which society must abide by. Rules

32 User Fees Charges for certain services.

33 Alderman Member of the City Council

34 Board of Education Body of government established for a special district.

35 Cabinet Cabinet members consist of Secretary of Administration, Commerce, Correction, Crime Control and Public Safety, Cultural Resources, Environment and Natural Resources, Health and Human Services, Revenue, Juvenile Justice, and Transportation.

36 Disposal Fees Paid to state or local government for the removal of waste.

37 Estate Tax Related to inheritance tax and is collected when someone dies.

38 Fifteenth Amendment Defines criminal proceedings.

39 Leandro Case All schools have the obligation to give all students a quality education.

40 Lottery A form of gambling that makes money for the state.

41 Mayor Chief executive officer and shares power with an elected city council.

42 Townships Smaller than cities and governed by town councils.

43 Activists People who engage in political activism

44 Apathy Not caring about free speech

45 Arbitration The decision of the third party is legally binding

46 Ballot Lists the candidates for office so the voters can choose. Bush Clinton Regan

47 Board of Elections Facilitates and oversees the voting process.

48 Campaign Strategy for winning when running for office. Vote For Me

49 Coalition Banding together of different groups to achieve political success.

50 Compromise Both sides give up something to reach an agreement.

51 Criminal Laws Defines the punishments for criminal offenses.

52 Damages Money

53 Democrats Liberal; favor active government.

54 Electors The other factor that goes into who wins a presidential election.

55 Fine Paying money as a form of punishment

56 Jury Duty Serving on a jury

57 Lawsuit Claim that a person,business,etc has been wronged

58 Mediation When a third party steps in to help settle a disagreement between two parties

59 Plank Individual policy within the platform Walk the plank

60 Volunteer Someone who takes time to help the community.

61 Goal 5 Dictionary

62 Arraignment The defendant is officially informed of the charges against him/her.

63 Arrest Warrant A legal document from the court saying the police can arrest you. We can arrest you

64 Bail Money paid by defendant in exchange for not having to remain in jail until his/her trial.

65 Bill Idea for a new law that is passed through either the House or Senate.

66 Charter Schools Public schools that are chartered by some sponsor group.

67 Cloture If 3/5 th of the senators present vote in favor of closing the debate then the filibuster is ended and a vote can occur.

68 Court Docket Schedule of court proceedings This case happens tomorrow This one happens next week

69 Debate Opposing sides present their position on an issue.

70 Torts Civil cases involving alleged injuries to one’s person, reputation, property, or business.

71 Voting Common way individuals voice their opinion on issues. Vote for Bush

72 Goal 6 Dictionary

73 Administrative Law Governs the operation of government agencies.

74 Agricultural Groups Provide aid to farmers in times of economic hardships.

75 Boot Camps Alternative to juvenile detention centers to instill discipline.

76 British Common Law Law based on traditions and past court precedents. Laws based on tradition

77 Civil Laws Laws concerned with relationships between individuals, businesses, organizations, etc. He refuses to trim the monkey tree

78 Death Penalty Being put to death as a punishment.

79 Detention Restriction of a person’s liberty to leave a given location.

80 Deterrence Meant to prevent future crimes.

81 EPA Regulates pollution laws Pollution Laws

82 Franking Privilege Elected officials can send mail for free. I can be sent for free

83 Government Publications Keep citizens informed of laws and decisions. This the new law

84 Special Task Forces Groups formed to study or investigate Specific areas.

85 Goal 7 Dictionary

86 Agribusiness Replacement of small, family-owned farms with large company owned-farms

87 Assembly Line Products move down the line and is assembled by workers whom all have a specific task.

88 Automation Replacing humor labor with machines

89 Capital Structures and equipment involved in the manufacturing process.

90 Competition Buyers and sellers competing to get what they want.

91 Consumer People that buy a service or good.

92 Cooperation Working together towards a common goal.

93 Factory Facility designed for production of a good.

94 Producer Sells and produces goods and services.

95 Technology Application of scientific breakthroughs to commerce and industry.

96 Goal 8

97 Arbitration Involves a third party and is legally binding.

98 Barter System Trade goods for goods

99 Coins Metal forms of money

100 Collateral Things that you give up if you can’t pay money to the bank.

101 Consumer Tastes What consumers prefer.

102 Cooperative Working together

103 Currency money

104 Demand What the consumers want or need.

105 Household Everyone that lives in the house

106 Personal Income Income of a particular person.

107 Goal 9

108 Bear Market Stock market prices lower

109 Business Cycle Trough, expansion, peak, and contraction.

110 Bull Market Stock market has steady rise in prices.

111 Child Labor Requiring a child to work.

112 Interest Rate Percentage that determines how much you owe on a loan.

113 Scarcity Limited availability of a product.

114 Revenue Money government takes in.

115 Tariffs Taxes on products from other countries

116 Treaties Written agreements between two countries These two countries agree

117 Patriot Act Government can look at mail etc if suspicious of terrorism.

118 Goal 10

119 Acid Rain Chemicals into the atmosphere are absorbed as water droplets in the clouds.

120 Ageism Discrimination based on age

121 Assimilate Become like mainstream US society

122 Baby Boomers Generation of US citizens born in the years following WWII

123 Bias Feelings for or against something.

124 Crime People committing criminal offenses.

125 Citizen Apathy Lack of concern on the part of citizens.

126 Patriotism Love of and devotion to the United States.

127 Poverty When individuals/families find themselves lacking the money and resources necessary to meet basic needs.

128 Social Choices Free to choose their own lifestyle.

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