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Inclusion in PE ? For, Against, Why? HPS 468 Dr. Joe G. Schmalfeldt.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusion in PE ? For, Against, Why? HPS 468 Dr. Joe G. Schmalfeldt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusion in PE ? For, Against, Why? HPS 468 Dr. Joe G. Schmalfeldt

2 Pros and Cons of Inclusion Pros and Cons of Inclusion

3 Assessment in Adapted Physical Education ?

4 Why?

5 To Determine: 1- Most Appropriate Placement Placement

6 To Determine: 2- Present Level of Performance

7 To Determine: 3- Performance Goal Objectives

8 To Determine: 4- Lesson Plan development

9 To Determine: 5- Educational Accountability

10 Must physical education be made available to all children with disabilities?

11 Yes, Federal regulations implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) at 34 CFR 300.307 Physical Education states:

12 NM State Law: Chapter 22, Article 13, Sections 22-13-5 through 22-13-8 NM Public School Code

13 Are there any circumstances in which a child with a disability may be exempted or excused from physical education participation?

14 Yes? or No?

15 Must the child with a disability receive the same amount of physical education instruction as the student without a disability?

16 Yes? or No?

17 ?

18 The Adapted Phy. Ed. Process

19 Must be an "exceptional” student. 1. Must be an "exceptional” student.

20 2.Fail a screening test and/or a motor assessment administrated by a person qualified in motor assessment. APE Screening Instrument

21 3.Motor evaluation report written as part of a multidisciplinary team report (tri-annual). (completed in 60 calendar days)

22 4.IEP committee meets with parent(s)/guardian(s)- services necessary to meet student's needs in attendance i.e. APE, speech therapy, OT, PT.- IEP goals and objectives are written (annually). (completed in 10 calendar days)

23 5.Lesson plans based on IEPs/checklists.

24 6.Six or nine week progress reports written.

25 Does this student demonstrate difficulty with any or all of the following motor tasks?- Check off all items that apply. 1. ____Demonstrates difficulty in walking or running? 2. ____Demonstrates difficulty in balancing on one foot? 3. ____Demonstrates difficulty in kicking a playground ball? 4. ____Demonstrates difficulty in throwing a tennis ball overhand? 5. ____Demonstrates difficulty in catching a playground ball with hands only? 6. ____Demonstrates difficulty in dribbling a ball with one hand? 7. ____Demonstrates difficulty in staying on task in PE class? 8. ____No Motor Concerns!

26 Simple Motor Screening Instrument (Handout)

27 Assessment Instruments (Handout)

28 Adapted Physical Education Websites Physical Education for Students with Disabilities Physical Education for Students with Disabilities Physical Education for Students with Disabilities

29 Adapted Physical Education Websites PE Central Adapted Phy. Ed. Section PE Central Adapted Phy. Ed. Section PE Central Adapted Phy. Ed. Section

30 Adapted Physical Education Websites The “Mother” of all APE Websites The “Mother” of all APE Websites The “Mother” of all APE Websites

31 Who can Teach Adapted Physical Education in New Mexico ?

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