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Published byDana Watts Modified over 9 years ago
Janet M. HasBrouck Teacher Librarian – Arcadia High School A presentation completed as part of the requirements for ELIB580 Library Media Teacher Services Credential California State University, Long Beach
Contents Professional statement and experience Personal information Standards Field Experience
Professional Statement and Experience My philosophy as a Teacher Librarian My resume (Both documents have been sent to the Field Experience Coordinator and the supervising Teacher Librarian as email attachments, as I didn’t want to post them on a public website or wiki) My personal motto in the school library: “Better information, faster!”
Personal Information Librarian for 25 years, 10 years as TL Married to a teacher, with 2 grown daughters Love to read, travel & learn to use new technology, digital gadgets & equipment
Library Media Teacher Standards Information Specialist Instructional Leader Teacher Administrative Leader Management and Organization Communication Diversity Human Relationships Literature and Literacy Access to Information Professionalism
Information Specialist: policy development, resource management Choice of evidence - I have chosen an evaluation plan and a technology report for my library, created for ELIB510, and a 2 part assessment of reference sources created in ELIB520 Evidence AHS Library Evaluation Plan; AHS Technology Report; Reference Sources Assessment, part 1, and Reference Assessment, part 2AHS Library Evaluation PlanAHS Technology ReportReference Sources Assessment, part 1Reference Assessment, part 2 Learning reflection – The Selection and Reference classes helped me to evaluate the collections in my library. I discovered new information about the library and confirmed some things I only assumed before the studies. At Arcadia High School, there is some input from the school community, including the students, but very little input from the local community. Collaboration with the teachers produces information about resources needed for particular research and lists for outside reading. Whenever possible, I try to collect all reading lists and try to purchase as many of the books as possible with the available budgets. A library is a living thing and needs to be evaluated often and thoroughly. The technology used in the library is a result of the district technology plan and planning by the TL. The current list of electronic databases subscribed to by the library as been tested and evaluated over the past few years. New resources have been added and underused ones not renewed. User statistics are studied to find those sources being used most heavily. Those not being used have been cut. Video production is one area not supported by the library but is supported in other areas of the curriculum. It would be good to have more support for the student who wants to work on his/her own. The Reference assessments helped me to analyze the reference collection and determine areas of the collection that are obsolete and those that need new resources
Instructional Leader: lead in systematic design, implementation and assessment of curriculum instruction and learning Choice of evidence – I have chosen the online library orientation as evidence of instructional leadership. Evidence - “The Library Tour” Learning reflection - This year, I created an online library tour for the 9th grade library orientation. Every 9th grade English class and every English Language Development class received the three basic library orientation lessons, including a tour of library facilities and services, how to find a book on the online library catalog (OPAC) and how to use school, district and Internet resources on school computers. While using the library computers, we were able to verify student passwords and identified their student folders. Students seemed to like the online tour and we were able to accommodate more students in a shorter time period than in the past, using a more interesting format. This will be an ongoing project, keeping this up-to-date for future years. Students liked this and it was easy to adapt for English language learners.
Teacher: help ensure that students use resources systematically to meet learning and curriculum objectives Choice of evidence – I have chosen the lesson and pathfinder created for ELIB520 and the library research wiki where I now post all of the research pathfinders used with research lessons. The wiki is easy to update and add new resources to for new projects and I can easily make sure they are all up to date and aligned with the curriculum. Evidence – Lesson Plan for Cold War documentary - Cold War Documentary Lesson Plan ; also see the Cold War pathfinder page in the link to the wiki linked hereCold War Documentary Lesson Plan Library Research wiki: AHSpagespace - Cold War Resources Learning reflection - Working in collaboration with classroom teachers, I continue to integrate information literacy skills into content curriculum, encouraging teachers and students to use the Library resources to support classroom instruction. Subject pathfinders were created or updated to supplement the research lessons presented. The Cold War lesson was created for ELIB520 and connects with the pathfinder found on the library research wiki.
Administrative Leader: lead in planning, budgeting, promoting, implementing and evaluating school library media programs to meet established educational goals Choice of evidence – I have chosen the collection analysis created for the Collection Development class and the Library Action Plan for 2008-2009 that was included as an appendix to the AHS Single School Plan Evidence - Collection Analysis of the AHS Library, created for ELIB510; Library Action Plan 2008-2009Collection Analysis of the AHS Library Library Action Plan 2008-2009 and BudgetLibrary Action Plan 2008-2009 Budget Learning reflection - A School Library Plan and budget for 2008-2009 was developed and presented to the School Site Council for recommendation to the Governing Board. The Plan and budget were approved by the SSC for inclusion in the AHS Site Single Plan. The Governing Board allocated to the AHS Library approximately $30,000 to fund the budget proposed by the Library Plan. This is very encouraging and allows the school to continue the subscriptions to various subject databases, as well as purchase books in areas where needed as identified by the Plan. This year, with the uncertainty of future library funding, the plan included subscriptions to the databases for the next 2 years, as the funds were available. This was approved by SSC and the subscriptions were renewed for 2 years. Some subscriptions were dropped, as the cost was not justified by the amount of usage of the resources. New databases were added as needed to provide better support to the curriculum, especially in science and world affairs. I have been able to assess some parts of the collection and identify obsolete and worn out materials that need to be replaced, but this is a continuing process and I feel that I don’t get enough time to work on this. I have been able to weed some very old and obsolete resources that no longer support the high school curriculum and replace worn out items. New fiction has been added to the collection to support classroom reading lists and meet student requests for free reading materials.
Management and Organization: implement goals, policies and procedures for the library media program Choice of evidence – I have chosen the AHS Collection Plan, created for ELIB510 as an example of documents used to maximize the use of any available funds and create the Library Action Plan and the facilities plan for remodeling the library Evidence – AHS Collection PlanAHS Collection Plan AHS Library Modernization Plan Learning reflection - The collection plan was interesting to compile and bring together real information about the library collection. I chose the facilities plan to demonstrate what I hope the library will become in about 5 years. In the past year I have been very involved with the planning of the remodeling of the library in the school master plan. The library is the 3rd phase of the rebuilding and remodeling and will increase in size as classroom space is incorporated into the library proper. I am quite excited with the plans and the architects have been very responsive to my requests and suggestions. They have been particularly responsive to planning for the textbook storage and distribution to remove it from the library space. At this time, the textbooks block the usage of the library at the beginning and end of the school year and prohibit us from opening the library when school begins for student use.
Communication: communicate effectively with the school and larger community Choice of evidence – I have chosen the library website and wiki as the effective communication vehicles of the library with the school and the community Evidence - Library website, linked from the school website Library research wiki – AHSpagespace - Learning reflection - I have served on school-wide committees such as the School Site Council, the School Site Leadership Team, the site Dept. Chair Council and the District technology committee. I promote the library whenever I can. I meet weekly with my supervising Assistant Principal, so good communication goes both ways. I send out email updates and notes about new online and print resources to the entire school and district. When we get a new online subscription, I invite teachers in the subject area (or anyone interested) to come to a short after school in-service on how to use the new resource. I present to any dept. meeting that will invite me to bring them up to date on the latest info on our “virtual library.” I have developed several library wikis to use for research lessons and better communication with students and teachers. I post articles in our PTSA print newsletter, as well as on the PTSA weekly “What’s Happening” email list serve and wiki. I maintain the library website and the site is linked to the school website.
Diversity: plan/use instructional strategies, activities and resources appropriate to diverse needs/interests/learning styles of all students Choice of evidence – the online library orientation was used by all of the ELD level 2 classes with the modifications indicated in the reflection below Evidence – Library Orientation - - click on “The Library Tour”; Community Assessment Community Assessment Learning reflection - I was able to modify lessons and implement effective strategies such as vocabulary building and special signage during orientations to more effectively meet the needs of the special populations. Teachers were supplied with vocabulary words prior to coming to the library for the Library orientations. Students were given their own copies of the library map to complete and take away after the orientations. Students checked out reading books after the orientation. Community Assessment from ELIB510 - Our school site is composed of 67% of students from various Asian countries, with some Hispanic students and the rest Caucasian students. It’s a very high achieving HS, but we have a lot of ELD students. I have traveled in Asia, and spent 3 months in both Japan and the Philippines working with students, so I feel like I am aware of some of the differences in Asian cultures. I have worked closely with our ELD teachers to differentiate and scaffold the library orientation lessons, and to develop lists of books to purchase with high interest/low reading levels. I have also worked with our English teachers who have classes of at-risk students who need reading intervention. Again, books with high interest/low reading levels have been purchased to interest these students. The classes come into the library and I book talk the latest new books to attract them to reading.
Human Relationships: promote compatibility among students/staff, work effectively with school community Choice of evidence – I have chosen the community assessment, the report of a local bookstore visit, a promotion report, and a list of strategies for collaboration Evidence Community Assessment, a Bookstore Visit, a Library Promotion Project, Strategies for Collaborating with TeachersCommunity AssessmentBookstore Visit Library Promotion Project Strategies for Collaborating with Teachers Learning reflection - I live in the community where I work and both of my children attended the HS where I now work. My family has a long history in the community and I appreciate the privilege I have to live and work here now. I have been very active in the PTA at all school levels, including being a PTA president and being an officer of the district PTA Council. My involvement with Legislation with the PTA has provided me with knowledge of our state government and how it affects education in the state. Our district is relatively small, and with only 10 school sites, I am able to know the principals, the superintendent and the members of the school board. I am able to attend PTSA meetings to promote library information. I have a good relationship with the public library and librarians in the community and we share information about events and assignments every school year. This year I continue to work with more teachers on classroom assignments and have also participated on the School Site Council (serving as chair of SSC), and on the Department Chair Council. I enjoy the relationship I am able to build with all the members of the school site and I have been excited and encouraged by the improvements we have seen at the school this past year. It has been especially rewarding to work with the many new teachers at the school this past year. The PR project aims at all students and particularly the intervention reading classes. The bookstore is a great resource in a neighboring community and a favorite.
Literature and Literacy: know traditional/contemporary literature for youth; promote literacy and enjoyment of literature Choice of evidence – I have chosen a wiki I created for ELIB530A, children’s literature; I was privileged to take 530B from Joyce Roth and I’ve chosen to included an author web presentation I created for that class Evidence – ReadSpace, - especially the Let’s Read page; Colby Rodowski, an author web presentation Colby Rodowski Learning reflection - I try to keep up with current YA literature, as well as the literature used as core texts. There is always more to read and learn. I am trying to read as many of the new books purchased for the library so I can personally recommend books to students. I want to start a student book review on a library blog (accessed through the district portal), but so far that has been limited. A blog post about a free reading book was made part of the online library orientation this past year, and I want to expand that requirement. (see the link to “The Library Tour” under the evidence for Instructional Leader) My training is not in reading, but I want to work more with the intervention English teachers to help motivate students to read more. To encourage English language learners and reluctant readers, collections of high interest/lower reading level books were purchased and a category of “Silent Reading” books was added in the OPAC to allow students an easy way to find these books.
Access to Information: provide school community open and equitable physical/intellectual access to information/ideas Choice of evidence – I have chosen 3 online tools that I have created that provide ubiquitous access to many library resources, as well as a report on some solutions for access issues for English Language Learners. Evidence – Library website: - the library website was first created during the ELIB570 class Library Research Wiki: AHSpagespace AHS Library Wiki which includes the online library orientation - The Library Tour Equity Issues for English Language Learners, report for ELIB520Equity Issues for English Language Learners Learning reflection - Our library catalog is not available off site due to server issues, but all of our “virtual library” of online databases is available anywhere a student or teacher can log on to the web. Pathfinders and research guidelines are available 24/7 on library wikis and blogs through the district portal. The library is open before and after school and during lunch to as many students as we can fit in. We have flexible scheduling for classes to come in and use the library. I don’t like the filters we have to accommodate, but I am always keeping up with the latest info from our district technology office and am pushing for more access to web 2.0 tools. We do need to teach more cyber safety lessons at all levels in the district, rather than just blocking or filtering things, but this is an ongoing process.
Professionalism: show personal responsibility to profession and its role in society Choice of evidence – I have chosen several of my professional activities as evidence of professionalism Evidence – completion of the CSLA School Library Learning 2.0 and my blog PageSpace, found at http://hazzyblmt.blogspot.com Learning reflection - I have belonged to ALA, AASL and CSLA for many years. I learn so much from the people I meet at conferences and communicate with through the CALIBK12 list serve. I have been elected as a section rep. in the CSLA Southern Section for next year and I have presented at a CSLA Southern Section workshop. I carry professional journals around with me and read them while I wait at the doctor’s or when I’m at home. At school I sometimes have time to read book reviews, and I have several email notifications from YA publishers and organizations on my email or Google reader. I am trying to be an advocate for making more web 2.0 tools available for school. I enjoy following some nationally recognized library media teachers and educational technology leaders on their blogs and on Twitter and enjoy trying out the new tools they recommend. I try to pass useful things on to the teachers and students at my school as well. (Continued)
Professionalism: show personal responsibility to profession and its role in society - continued Last spring, I was able to attend the first National Training Academy for Discovery Education Streaming in Silver Spring, MD and learned many new ideas and tips about using Discovery Education Streaming (formerly UnitedStreaming) that I have been able to pass on to my teacher colleagues. I was able to conduct a short workshop on DE Streaming with the Special Education teachers during our staff development sessions when we returned to school last August, as well as for the new teachers. I have once again enjoyed my involvement during the year with the Advisory Committee to the Library Technician Program at Pasadena City College, and I recently participated in a job fair held at the PCC Library for the library technician candidates.
Field Experience Self-Assessment - sent to the Field Coordinator and the Supervising TL via email Logs and the following 3 projects are posted on the wiki ShelfSpace, found at: - check under the pages for Field Experience Teaching and Learning Project - Cyber Safety Lesson 1 for 3rd. grade with lesson plan, handouts, teacher follow up items & short quiz Information Access and Delivery Project - Wish list for junior fiction at Stevenson Elementary School Library Program Administration Project - curriculum for cyber safety lessons and cyber safety resource: KidSafe, a resource wiki found at: http://kidsafe.pbworks.com Final Reflection
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