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Lihdat  Manual for Lihdat (single sample processing)

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Presentation on theme: "Lihdat  Manual for Lihdat (single sample processing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lihdat  Manual for Lihdat (single sample processing)

2 Startup  Launch Matlab  Type “lihdat” in the command window and hit enter. This will launch lihdat.

3 Sample Setup  Connect your inflow and outflow lines to a funnel.  Pre-screen your sample before adding it to the funnel. You will be prompted at the end of lihdat processing to enter the volume you put in the funnel. Automatic stirrer

4 Startup  Click on “Setup 1 Sample”

5 Startup  You can flush and backflush without recording data using the specified buttons.  It is recommended to flush with filtered sea water before processing your sample.  You should also perform a flush containing your sample to insure the first recorded data has an accurate density of your sample.

6 Startup  Enter your sample information  Once entered, hit START This value is critical to getting an accurate density calculation. It is the volume swept to collect this sample.

7 Running the sample  You will see messages in the status window displaying the processing sequence.  A window will pop up asking to start the sample. Click Yes, continue if you have sample in the funnel.

8 Running the Sample  The strobe will launch.  Two separate windows should launch to segment the ROIs. They will close automatically at the end of processing.

9  Once a stable average density has been calculated (threshold is standard error <.03). Your sample is done processing.  You will be prompted to enter the lihdat sample volume. This is the volume in your funnel, NOT the volume swept to collect the sample originally.  You will be asked to classify the last sample. If you choose “No” you can always process it later. Running the Sample

10  The outputs of lihdat are “ROIs” (Regions Of Interest) along with metadata and density calculations.  ROIs are recoreded into folders based on the time they were collected, for example: F:\data\lihdat\y2010\d095\h15\ roi.56074875.00.tif Collected Data

11  Classifying ROIs  You must close microsoft excel if you are looking at the classified data file already.  Type “do_everything”in Matlab window Classifier

12  Sample metadata comma delimited and can be imported into excel.  The metadata file is located: F:\data\lihdatlogs\one_sample_datasummary\one_sa mple_datasummeries.dat Example:  #fields: samplecode,sample_date,sample_time,site,water_col_pos,sample_label,orig_volume,te mp,sample_valve,num_subsamples,first_roipath,last_roipath,numrois,mean_subsample _density,std_subsample_density,num_subsamples,sample_site_density  20100330135635, 2009/07/15, 12:00:00, Menemsha, water col pos, mememsha_5, 77754.42, temp, 7, 22, F:\data\lihdat/y2010/d088/h13/roi.50260250.00.tif, F:\data\lihdat/y2010/d088/h14/roi.51355343.00.tif, 260, 0.23636, 0.13574, 22, 0.00030399  Metadata for each subsample processed for your sample is at: F:\data\lihdat\logs\one_sample_datalogs\  The classified data for ROIs has the same format with added identification data.  F:\data\lihdatlogs\one_sample_datasummary\one_sample_datas ummeries_classified.csv F:\data\lihdatlogs\one_sample_datasummary\one_sample_datas ummeries_classified.csv Collected Data

13 Troubleshooting  If pump is no longer working  Check to make sure all ports are plugged in on the side of the laptop.  You may hear the valves switching while the pump is not working  Press the reset buttons “1” then “2” on the side of the pump pictured below.

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