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Published bySavannah Howe Modified over 11 years ago
EU-PWI Taskforce EU PWI TF Meeting Nov. 4 – 6, 2009, Warsaw Summary of the PSI facility review meeting presented by R. Neu based on the Summary of the EFDA Technical Meeting on European facilities for Plasma Surface Interaction (PSI) by the EFDA Leader
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 2 Purpose of meeting Meeting in Garching on 18/6/2009 organized by EFDA to assess the existing and projected Plasma-Surface Interaction (PSI) facilities and related laboratory activities in Europe, to avoid duplication and to focus on high priority facilities because scarcity of resources, to provide further programmatic background to support the on-going bilateral discussions between the EC and Associations. assessment supported by the PWI TF, performed solely on programmatic ground, funding issues were not addressed. >40 participants (17 Assoc.) + representatives of Commission, F4E, ITER > 20 talks Report presented to members of EFDA steering committee on July 8 2008 in Barcelona
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 3 Categories of PSI facilities type of facilitiesissues addressed plasma simulatorsPSI issues in ITER relevant conditions: fuel retention, dust pro- duction, mixed material formation, erosion / redeposition, … pulsed facilities (plasma guns …) impact of ITER relevant transient heat loads (ELMs, disruptions) on plasma facing materials high heat flux testingtesting of plasma facing components performance under steady state heat loads, thermal cycling, critical heat flux ion beam surface analysis facilities ion irradiation of samples for elementary processes study (erosion, fuel retention …) Simulation of neutron impact damage Post mortem analysis of components exposed in tokamaks or plasma simulators (fuel content etc …). facilities with capa- bility of investigating toxic and/or irradiated materials post mortem analysis of ITER relevant materials : Be components, neutron irradiated or T contaminated samples …
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 4 Requirements for plasma simulators low temperature plasmas corresponding to ITER semi detached divertor scenario high fluence to match ITER long pulse/high fluence conditions, in particular for fuel retention studies high target surface temperatures ability to handle toxic/irradiated materials (no capacity in EU at the moment for Be samples, neutron irradiated samples) transient heat and particle loads in addition to steady state plasma/power loads
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 5 Requirements for plasma simulators Plasma density10 18 - 10 22 m -3 Ion fluxup to 10 24 m -2 s -1 Fluence10 26 -10 27 m 2 T i (eV) 1 < 15 (for divertor study), <500 (for midplane FW study) T e (eV) 1 < 5 (divertor), < 200 (midplane) Power fluxup to 20 MW m -2 Magnetic field2.5 - 5 T Pulse duration300-500 s up to Steady state Plasma compositionD, T, He, seeding imp. (Ne, Ar, N 2 …), wall mat. (C, Be, W) Beam size>2 cm TargetMaterials: C, Be, W Flexible geometry (angle of incidence), gaps target temperature120 - 1000 °C (more for DEMO R&D), active cooling Irrad. / toxic materials<1 dpa for ITER (more for DEMO R&D), Be, T 1 steady state values. ELMs will lead to plasma temperatures up to 1 keV at the targets
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 6 PISCES-BNAGDIS-IIPilot- PSIVision IMagnum- PSI JulePaloma Plasma sim. AssociationUSAJapanFOMSCK.CENFOMFZJCIEMAT Plasma Density (m -3 )10 17 -10 19 <10 20 10 19 -10 21 10 16 -10 18 10 19 -10 21 10 17 -10 20 > 10 20 Ion Flux (10 24 /m 2 /s)Up to 0.1<0.1<100.0010.1-10<0.1<10 Fluence (10 26 m -2 )0.1-101<0.04<1<300<10 T i (eV) [2]< 20 (300)<10<5<20 (500)<10 (more with biasing) <10<5 T e (eV)2-40<10<5100.1-10<20<5 Power flux (MW/m²)1-10<1<30100.1<30 Magnetic Field (T)0.02- Pulse length (s)SS 4 Plasma compositionD, Li, Be, C, W, N, Ne, Ar H, HeD,C,N,Ne,Ar, W, metals D, T, C, W, Be, metals D,Li,C,N,Ne, Ar, W, metals D, C, W, metals D, He, C, Ne, Ar, W, metals Beam size (cm)2-31.5~20105-102-5 BerylliumYesNoYesNoYesNo T / n - irradiated mat.No/No Yes/YesNo /NoYes/ YesNo/No Target temp. (°C)<1100?120020-40020-15001200 Transientsstartingnostartingnoyesnoyes Availabilityoperating 2011201020152016 Capital Cost range[3] C tbcAA (10 M)B (6 M) [P1] Information to be completed[P1] Parameter space of existing / planned plasma simulators
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 7 Parameter space of existing / planned plasma simulators
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 8 Requirements for pulsed facilities Plasma ParametersDisruptionUnmitig. ELMsMitigated ELMs Energy Density (MJm -2 )< 305-200.5-1 Power Density (GWm -2 )< 1320-401-2 Pulse duration (msec)1.5-30.25-0.50.2-0.5 Plasma density (10 20 m -3 )~100~10~1 Ion Energy (keV)< 0.51-2.5 Plasma pressure (bar)0.05-0.1 <0.1 Magnetic Field (T)2.5-5 Rep. rate for ELMs (Hz) ITER divertor: >10 6 events ~120-40 Additional important parameters angle of incidence, gaps … materials (C, Be, W) T surf (120 - 1000 °C), active cooling n-irradiated / toxic materials : ~1 dpa for ITER (> for DEMO), Be, T
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 9 Parameters of existing/planned pulsed devices QSPA 2MK-200PUMAPALOMA plasma gun Pilot PSI/ MAGNUM- PSI (pulsed casc. Arc) Association / countryRFUkraineRFIPPLMCIEMATFOM Energy Dens. (MJm -2 )0.5-30 2<10021 Power Dens. (GWm -2 )<1002 Pulse duration (msec)0.1- Plas. dens. (10 20 m -3 )100 100010-100200 Ion Energy (keV)<0.10.4-0.9101 Electron Temp. (eV)<1010<510 Plasma pressure (Pa)<0.1 Magnetic Field (T)<1<0.71511.6-3 Repetition rate (Hz)> 1 0.3-1>1 Beam size (cm)101 2 Availabilityoperating 201320152010 Capital Cost range7 M4 M0.15 M
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 10 Requirements for high heat flux facilities High heat flux facilities (HHFFs) assessment of performance and lifetime of PFCs under steady state heat loads and eventually normal transient events like small repetitive ELMs qualification of ITER PFCs Necessary/desirable properties good matching of energy density and pulse duration, very flexible beam control, high repetition rate investigation of synergistic effects (combination of thermal shock and thermal fatigue loads) testing of complete modules, including water cooling, interfaces and temperature gradients testing of steady state and transient heat loads in-situ temperature (infra-red, TC) diagnostic, combined with ex-situ metallurgy
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 11 Properties of existing HHFF Facilityparticle type particle energy [keV] beam power [kW] max. load. area [m 2 ] power density [GWm -2 ] remarksinstitute ITER- partner status TSEFEYe-30600.250.2 scanned beam, = 20 mm beryllium tbc Efremov RF Operating ? JUDITH1 JUDITH2 e- 120 30 - 60 60 200 0.01 0.25 10 irradiated samples beryllium FZJ EU Operating 2010 FE 200e-200 1.060 scanned beam, 2 - 3 mm hot coolant loop CEA EU Operating JEBISe-1004000.182beam sweeping 1 - 2 mm JAEA JA Operating EB 1200e-4012000.2710 scanned beam, 2 - 12 mm hot coolant loop SNLA US operating DATSH+, He+5015000.10.062 ion sources at 0.75 MW 150 mm JAEA JA Operating GLADISH+, He+15-5022000.30.052 ion sources at 1.1 MW 70 mm IPP EU Operating MARIONH+, He+6050000.010.121 ion source at 5 MW 200 mm FZJ EU Operating [1
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 12 Role of ion beam facilities Ion beam facilities can be used in different areas of PSI research : measurements of the elementary processes linked with ion irradiation of materials with full control of the energy, impact angle, and species of bombarding ions, allowing the –production of databases of the atomic and molecular processes for modelling codes, –validation of computational simulations of elementary processes. simulation of the effect of neutron irradiation by creating damage at the surface of bombarded materials with high energy heavy ions (HI) post mortem analysis: NRA, RBS, ERDA, PIXE, … (preferentially located close to PSI simulators or tokamaks, to avoid long term air exposure of the samples before analysis.
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 13 Properties of IBA facilities for PSI studies IPPFOMMHESTVRUKAEA TEKESCIEMATENEAITN/ISTCEAGANIL Terminal voltage (MV) 332 (tandem) 532.55Linear I: 4 Linear II: 6 (tand.) 2.5 - > 20 33.5Low / high energy range Ion species H,D, He, Li, His H, He, O, HIs H, He, Li, HIs H,D, He,Be, C,O, W H, HeH, D, He H, CH, He, HIs others H, He, HIs H, 3 He, 4 He, HIs H,D, 3 He 4 He all species RBS, PESYes No NRAYes No ERDAYes NoYes No HI damageYes NoYesNo Yes NoYes Be/TYesNo Yes No YesNo large tilesYes NoYes ?No Yes µ beamNo Yes No Yes No AMSNo YesNo YesNo YesNo Insitu PSIYes No YesNo availabilityop.2012op. <2011>2011op.2015/op.op. PSI fract. % 100 5025>50~5025>7525>3025~0
EU PWI TF meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2009, WarsawR. Neu 14 Post mortem analysis facilities ActivityAssociations Tritium and Beryllium post mortem analysis facilities, activated materials SCK-CEN, VR, UKAEA, TEKES, FZJ, IPP, AEUL, MEdC, CEA, IST Ion Beam Analysis: NRA, RBS, PIXE, ERDA (micro beams) VR, MHEST, UKEA, IPP, TEKES, CEA, IST Spectroscopy & Microscopy: SEM- EDX, TDS, LIBS, SIMS, optical microscopy TEKES, AEUL, ENEA, SCK-CEN, FZJ, IPP, CEA, IPPLM, IST Deposition systems - samples production MEdC (TVA method - Be, C, W), TEKES Important capabilities of post mortem analysis facilities Quantitative, well calibrated range of surface analysis methods analysis of H-isotopes content for fuel retention studies Be, C, W compositional analysis Ability to treat large samples (full tiles from tokamaks) Ability to treat toxic/ irradiated samples (Be, T)
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