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APEH: Review Quiz #9. Contestants do not forget to –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play.

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Presentation on theme: "APEH: Review Quiz #9. Contestants do not forget to –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play."— Presentation transcript:

1 APEH: Review Quiz #9

2 Contestants do not forget to –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play

3 $100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 In the NavyMacho ManYMCAGo West Ready for the ‘ 80s Final Jeopardy

4 In 1588 the English defeated the navy of this 16th century power. In the Navy $100

5 In the Navy $200 Although most remembered as Britain's prime minister during the Second World War, he was the First Lord of the Admiralty during the First World War.

6 Refusing to allow its naval fleet to be given to the British as per the Treaty of Versailles, this country scuttled its fleet in 1919 before it arrived at Scapa Flow in Scotland. In the Navy $300

7 In the Anglo-German naval race that preceded World War I, Britain introduced this new class of modern naval battleships. In the Navy $400

8 This admiral led the 1805 British naval victory over France's imperial navy. In the Navy $500

9 This gigantic Russian tsar was famous for building ships with his own hands while working in Dutch shipyards. Macho Man $100

10 Macho Man $200 This founding father of Bolshevism was known to do push-ups and sit-ups while in prison in Siberia.

11 Macho Man $300 He led the French resistance in World War II and later became the president of the Fifth French Republic.

12 Macho Man $400 Because this British Restoration king had no legitimate children––although having sired over 10 illegitimate children––the crown was passed to his divine rightist brother, James II.

13 Macho Man $500 In the 1930s, this Russian miner allegedly broke Soviet coal mining records and was used as a tool of the Soviet propaganda machine.

14 YMCA $100 In the closing decade of the 20th century, Serb nationalist Slobodan Milosevic led this country into a bloody civil war.

15 YMCA $200 In the 1780s, the out-of-touch advice "Let them eat cake" was allegedly given by this French queen of Austrian birth.

16 YMCA $300 In 1790, the National Assembly of France passed this legislation, which nationalized Roman Catholic Church lands and put priests on the state payroll.

17 YMCA $400 He emancipated Russian serfs in 1861.

18 YMCA $500 This World War II conference––held in the Soviet Crimea in 1945––was attended by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.

19 Go West $100 In 1492, this Genoese explorer sought his fortune in India by voyaging west from Spain.

20 Go West $200 In World War I it was the name of the front which ran roughly from the North Sea to the Swiss border.

21 Go West $300 This western island of the British Isles suffered a devastating potato famine in the 1840s.

22 Go West $400 Peter the Great built this "window to the west."

23 Go West $500 The Schleiffen Plan called for Germany to attack and defeat this country before fighting Russia.

24 Ready for the ‘ 80s $100 Vowing to reverse some of the economic damages she believed had been done by years of Labour socialism, this Conservative British prime minister began privatizing many of Britain's largest national companies in the 1980s.

25 Ready for the ‘ 80s $200 William and Mary became the ruling monarchs of Britain during this 1688 event.

26 Ready for the ‘ 80s $300 Soon after winning the Wars of the Roses in 1485, this English king banned nobles from having their own armies and established the Star Chamber.

27 Ready for the ‘ 80s $400 To address issues of African colonialism, Otto von Bismarck convened this conference in 1885.

28 Ready for the ‘ 80s $500 In the 1780s, he published "What is the Third Estate?"

29 In the Navy $100 What was SPAIN?

30 In the Navy $200 Who was WINSTON CHURCHILL?

31 In the Navy $300 What was GERMANY?

32 In the Navy $400 What was DREADNOUGHT?

33 In the Navy $500 Who was LORD HORATIO NELSON?

34 Macho Man $100 Who was PETER THE GREAT?

35 Macho Man $200 Who was V.I. LENIN?

36 Macho Man $300 Who was CHARLES DE GAULLE?

37 Macho Man $400 Who was CHARLES II?

38 Macho Man $500 Who was ALEKSEI STAKHANOV?

39 YMCA $100 What was YUGOSLAVIA?



42 YMCA $400 Who was ALEXANDER II?

43 YMCA $500 What was YALTA?

44 Go West $100 Who was CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS?

45 Go West $200 What was WESTERN FRONT?

46 Go West $300 What is IRELAND?

47 Go West $400 What is ST. PETERSBURG?

48 Go West $500 What was FRANCE?

49 Ready for the ‘ 80s $100 Who was MARGARET THATCHER?

50 Ready for the ‘ 80s $200 What was the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION?

51 Ready for the ‘ 80s $300 Who was HENRY VII?

52 Ready for the ‘ 80s $400 What was the BERLIN CONFERENCE?

53 Ready for the ‘ 80s $500 Who was ABBÉ SIÈYES?

54 Final Jeopardy Category is …... Village People Make your wagers please ….

55 FINAL Fearing their population was falling behind that of Germany, the French government in the late 19th century promoted this program which encouraged women to have more children. ANSWER

56 What is What was Natalism?

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