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Tests on TS samples at a laboratory scale of: 1.Laser detritiation technique focus on : layer removal Castellations treatments Dust control and removal.

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Presentation on theme: "Tests on TS samples at a laboratory scale of: 1.Laser detritiation technique focus on : layer removal Castellations treatments Dust control and removal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tests on TS samples at a laboratory scale of: 1.Laser detritiation technique focus on : layer removal Castellations treatments Dust control and removal 2.Test of thermal response of layers (layer characterisation) 3.Test of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) (layer composition) Comprehensive Goal : Prepare the installation of these techniques on the AIA H. Roche, C Grisolia

2 Ablation, thermal response & LIBS: lab studies (resp. H Roche) Ablation: System already existing (first trials in 3-4 months) To be coupled with characterisation (X Courtois) Thermal response: Detector etc. ok Need to be installed And tested (on-going effort in Saclay) LIBS: Need of spectrometer (could be borrow from Saclay) Need to be installed And tested Pyrometer

3 Needs 2 LPT fingers needed with deposited areas (bridges welcome) No need of hardware except for LIBS (spectro to be borrowed) Very small budget in 2007 (less than 5 k) PPY : ok (at least 6 months of work)

4 Ablation CEA (Saclay), UKAEA, TEKES

5 Thermal response (layer characterisation) CEA Saclay, CEA Cadarache

6 Thermal response (layer characterisation) tests of layer removal in Tore Supra foreseen in 2007 couple with lock in thermography studies. Procedure : lock in characterisation + laser ablation + lock in characterisation alim. laser 24V 10A Unité contrôle/ commande laser alim. CCD Hall Tore Enceinte de Tore Supra Bâti intermédiaire Plaque de protection laser miroir Tête galvano- métrique aiguilles poutre Camera CCD Bâti fixe laser pulsé fibré Ytterbium Moniteur de contrôle Carte et alimentation de la tête galvano-métrique

7 LIBS (layer composition + feedback control on the ablation process) CEA Saclay Ongoing studies at JET

8 AIA Detritiation + Heating + LIBS Tool(s)

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