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 In My Homework, please write:  Spelling Quiz Unit 2 on Friday  Ex. 26, p. 324  Have ex. 21 out on your desk.

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Presentation on theme: " In My Homework, please write:  Spelling Quiz Unit 2 on Friday  Ex. 26, p. 324  Have ex. 21 out on your desk."— Presentation transcript:


2  In My Homework, please write:  Spelling Quiz Unit 2 on Friday  Ex. 26, p. 324  Have ex. 21 out on your desk

3  If you were sent to reset your password  lancers01  If it doesn’t work – let me know.

4  1. To get money, Della sells her beautiful hair, and Jim sold his watch, the most finest thing he owns. (2)  2. Their gifts to each other, a watch chain and combs, are useless, having sold her hair and his watch. (1)

5  With a partner  4 minutes  Actively practice spelling

6  Based on either Tim Green’s presentation yesterday or the chapters you have read in Reading class, what are your thoughts about him? Write 8 lines and be prepared to share.

7  Test next week on nouns and pronouns  You may use your book  No iPads

8  1. Those paintings in France are more than 30,000 years old.  2. These are the symbols representing words.  3. The person to whom you are speaking may be a good listener.  4. He or she is the one who is on the other side of this conversation.  5. There were two people. To which one were you speaking?

9  For ex. 26,  Write the nouns.  Label them proper or common.


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