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 Good  Morning!!! Welcome!. Paraeducators instruct, inspire, and everyday millions of parents entrust their children with them.

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Presentation on theme: " Good  Morning!!! Welcome!. Paraeducators instruct, inspire, and everyday millions of parents entrust their children with them."— Presentation transcript:

1  Good  Morning!!! Welcome!

2 Paraeducators instruct, inspire, and everyday millions of parents entrust their children with them.

3 The Power of a Positive Paraeducator James E. Orichosky, Director of Elementary Education Bald Eagle Area School District August 12, 2015

4 The Pickle Jar

5 My golf balls…

6 Turn to your neighbor and discuss. What is in your Pickle Jar?

7 Golf balls at school…

8 Laughter! Kid Snippet 2 Back to School Kid Snippet 1 Math Lesson Kid Snippet 3 The Principal's Office

9 Positive Thinking

10 What is Positive Thinking?

11 Kid President What can I do?

12 Try this…. Cross your arms as you normally would. Look down to see which one is on top. Cross your arms again with the other arm on top. Is it difficult? It is. Habits – good or bad – are difficult to break. Can it be cultivated?

13 Stay Positive: 11 Smart Habits 1.Find the optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation. 2.Cultivate and live in a positive environment. 3.Go slowly. 4.Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill 5.Don’t let vague fears hold you back from doing what you want. 6.Add value and positivity to someone else’s life. 7.Exercise regularly and eat and sleep well. 8.Learn to take criticism in a healthy way. 9.If something still gets under your skin then know what to do. 10.Start your day in a positive way. 11.Mindfully move through your day. What can I do?


15 Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your…. Why should it be cultivated?

16 How can it be cultivated? Believing in People


18 What can I do?

19 Complaints While you complain about your light bill, there is someone who has no home. While you complain about your job, there’s someone praying for a dollar. While you complain that gas is too high, there’s someone who’s only option is to walk. While you complain about your significant other, there’s someone dreaming of having somebody. While you complain about the food in your pantry, there’s someone praying for crumbs. While you complain about the world we live in, there’s someone who didn’t wake up today to see it. Your complaints are simply blessings to others. Be thankful. Think of life and tasks as “I get to…” not “I have to...”

20 What can I do?

21 The Naysayers

22 Take the Pledge and the Plunge to be more Positive

23 The Dash

24 Resources For more inspirational and positive influences, consider: Jon Gordon Sam Glenn Positively Positive (Facebook) The Possibility of Today by Sybil Chavis and Positively Positive (Facebook)

25 Thanks for being here!

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