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MMS Football Parent Meeting 2013. Contact Information g 2.Calvin Madewell, Mark Villarreal,

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Presentation on theme: "MMS Football Parent Meeting 2013. Contact Information g 2.Calvin Madewell, Mark Villarreal,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MMS Football Parent Meeting 2013

2 Contact Information 1.Firstname.Lastname@midwayisd.or gFirstname.Lastname@midwayisd.or g 2.Calvin Madewell, Mark Villarreal, Jesse Lopez, Brian Bruce, Ben Holder, Adam Young and, Blake Springer 3.254-761-5680 4. (Middle School>Athletics>Football)

3 Important Dates Open Practice (Game Situation) 7 th Grade 5:00pm / 8 th Grade 6:30 First Game Mon. Sept. 16 7 th 5:00, 6:30 Tue. Sept 17 8 th 5:00, 6:30

4 In-season Practice 7 th Graders will have early practice on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Drop off is at 6:30am and on field at 7am 8 th Graders will have late practice on Wednesday and Thursday. Pickup time is 5:00 to 5:15pm

5 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION YOUR SON WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FOLLOWING : Locker and Lock. They will receive a helmet, shoulder pads, pants, leg pants, practice and game jerseys. This equipment is property of MISD and must be returned. Your son will be required to replace any lost or damaged equipment per MISD policy

6 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION CONTINUED Equipment to Purchase. They will need to purchase Blues (shorts-$10) and Greys (t-shirt-$10) -They also need to provide cleats and running shoes

7 EXPECTATIONS OF PLAYERS 1.Pass all classes every six weeks 2.Be on time with all equipment 3.Be respectful to coaches, administrators, and teachers 4.Be a good teammate 5.Focus and Hustle 6.Be coach-able 7.Follow all MISD policies (physicals, Concussion form, travel cards) 8.CALL US WHEN HE WILL NOT BE HERE

8 1.To make decisions that are best for the team/program 2.To be honest with you and your son 3.To discipline your son and hold him to a very high standard 4.To help develop your son physically, mentally, and emotionally 5.To teach your son/daughter life lessons through athletics WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM THE COACHES

9 PARENT/COACH RELATIONSHIPS AT MIDWAY Understanding and respecting the position of both parents and coaches will help enhance the athletic experience for our athletes.

10 Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with the Coach 1.The coach’s interaction with your son 2.How the coach can help your son become a better athlete and student 3.Concerns about your son interactions with others


12 For a Conference Call Coach Calvin Madewell to set up an appointment Conferences may include other coaches or administrators Please do not attempt to confront a coach after a game or practice. Emotions are running too high and will not result in a positive resolution

13 Parent Code of Conduct 1.Love and support your child and the team, win or lose 2.Be realistic about your child’s abilities 3.Be positive and encouraging at all times 4.DO NOT COME TO THE FENCE, FIELD, or COURT DURING A GAME TO TALK TO YOUR SON 5.Respect the coach’s decisions and encourage others to do the same 6.Realize that we are in this together!

14 Sport Specific Policies/Procedures -We will Field a Red and Blue team for both 7 th and 8 th Grade. -Both Red and Blue will be divided equally and field an ‘A’ and ‘B’ team. -We want to give every athlete an opportunity to play.

15 Sport Specific Policies/Procedures -Athletes are only allowed to travel home after away games with their legal Guardians. You must sign them out with a Coach. -Food may be brought to athletes after school. On home games they will be brought to Rice Field parking lot at 3:40. On Road games they will be brought out 15 minutes before departure time for food pickup.

16 -Attendance to practice if very important. If a player has one absence from practice he will not start. If a player has two absences in a week he will not be allowed to play that week. (Leaving early is considered an absence) -Any injuries need to go through the trainer, Coach Bauer.

17 MISC. -Home Game Prices are $2 for adults and $1 for students. -Away Game Prices are $3 for adults and $2 for students. -Please remain on Midway home side for all Games. -Please remain outside of the fence. Do not get on track. -MMS Football Players will be given passes to attend Any 7 th gr., 8 th gr. Freshman, or JV football Game. -Passes will not be good for Varsity FB Games.

18 Random Selection Students are selected by the drug testing company via computer program Student selected one month are still eligible for selection the next testing date. Just as likely to be tested every time as to never being selected.

19 Testing Area The testing areas will be segregated by gender. The testing areas will out of the mainstream area of the school

20 Students report to a testing area Student ID Check and sign form Specimen jar must be filled to temperature line Specimen is placed into custody of the testing company with associated form.

21 What if I can’t “go”? Students are provided water to drink, walk about, etc. Students remain in the testing area under supervision. Policy provides for up to 2 hour window. Any absence from class is excused as school business.

22 Positive Results Testing company contacts school coordinator with the names of students with positive results. All presumptive positive results undergo a 2 nd process called GCMS (gas chromatography mass spectrometry) which quantifies and confirms the original screening test. School testing coordinator then contacts the parent after GCMS confirmation.

23 Positive Results con’t. Some positive tests are a result of medication; parents will be asked if there is a legitimate, medical reason for the result. If there is a medication question, then the results are sent to the Medical Review Officer (MRO) who will then contact the parent for additional information.

24 Positive Results con’t. If the MRO finds that the positive test result is due to properly administered medication, then the result is changed to a “negative” result and no further action is taken.

25 Positive Results con’t. If the decision of the MRO upholds the positive test, then the normal Procedures as outlined in the EC DMP will be taken. The parent may request a 2nd test of the sample at their expense.

26 Positive Results con’t. Positive results from cocaine and marijuana do not have a medical equivalent and “are what they are”! If a parent asks for a second test, it will be at the parent’s expense and at a certified lab of their choice. The same 72 hr./3 working day window applies for this process as well.

27 Positive Results con’t. When the positive result is confirmed, the student’s coach or sponsor will be contacted by the school testing coordinator. They will then confer with the student and parent and follow any penalties as outlined in the EC DMP.

28 When a Student Tests Positive… Counselors act as a “bridge” with available sources of outside assistance to parents and students Help student through any academic challenges

29 Epilogue If your “friends” do not or cannot value your decision to NOT do drugs, tobacco or alcohol, then the question for you is…do they value…you? Your choices matter… everyday… 24/7…and those choices define you as a person.

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