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Parent survey (if completed,

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Presentation on theme: "Parent survey (if completed,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent survey (if completed,
The Michener Surf Shack Good Evening and Welcome to S-6 Please take a moment to… Take a look around Find your child’s desk Try to "piece together" the picture of your child and read his/her note to you on the back Write a note to your son/daughter on the provided paper about your second grade experience. If you want to write your own note on the back, please feel free. Please take with you … Parent survey (if completed, please leave on my desk)

2 Class Picture Goes in this Section
The Michener Surf Shack Class Picture Goes in this Section S-6

3 What do the following have in common?

4 About Mrs. Michener Married to Dave Family
Twin daughters- Emma and Lauren (10) Youngest daughter Abby (9)

5 Max And…. We can’t forget about…

6 About Mrs. Michener Education:
Bachelor’s degree from Holy Family College Master’s degree from LaSalle University Certifications in Special and Elementary Education 21st year teaching: 18 years in Central Bucks 13 years at Doyle About Mrs. Michener

7 Morning Arrival Unpack Checking homework Announcements Morning Work
Prepare supplies for the day Handwriting Must Do- Scholastic News, journal writing, math problem solving

8 Reading- Daily Five The Daily Five/Six Reading to Self
Word Work (Phonics/Spelling) Math practice Listening to Reading Guided Reading with Mrs. Michener

9 Reading Series- Good Habits Great Readers
Story Elements and Main Ideas and Supporting Details Strategy Instruction including: Summarizing, Connections, Visualizations, Monitoring, Questioning, Predictions, Inferences, Drawing Conclusions

10 Reading Ways to Practice Fluency:
Fluent Readers read with expression, at “just the right rate”, attend to punctuation, and read in meaningful phrases. Weekly Poems in their Poetry Notebook Reader’s Theater Rereading familiar books

11 Writer's Workshop Monday, Wednesday and Friday Being a Writer Program
Mentor Texts to Model Writer’s Craft, Genres, and Grammar Writer’s Notebooks Writing Process – Brainstorming, Drafting, Revising, Editing and Publishing Author’s Chair for Students to Share Their Writing

12 Social Studies Tuesday/Thursday Marking Period 1 – Communities
Marking Period 2 – Geography Marking Period 3 – Economics Marking Period 4 – Communities and change

13 Science Tuesday/Thursday Marking Period 1: Drugs and Poisons
Marking Period 2: Habitats Marking Period 3: Rocks and Minerals Marking Period 4: Sound

14 Math Application and Differentiation B- Buddy game
U- Using manipulatives I- Independent practice L- Learning about numbers D – Doing math with teacher Problem Solving Strategies Make a Table, Guess and Check, Drawing pictures Teaching modeling -> partners-> independent

15 Math Everyday Math Series Math Journals Math Toolkits
Home Links – information for parents in front of packet

16 1:45-2:25 Specials Monday – Quest Tuesday – Music Wednesday – Library
Thursday – Gym Friday – Art

17 End of the day activities
Students return from special Enjoy their personal snack during read aloud/ class meeting Copy and stamp homework/ pack and complete jobs Buddy read/poetry notebook (Final of Daily 5/6)

18 Snacks Remind your child not to trade or share food or snacks
Remind your child to wash his/her hands after eating lunch We will have a snack in the afternoon following specials

19 Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Individual Michener Mulah
Wing Tips – Soaring Eagle Assembly Behavior Chart- PURPLE, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, RED Group Work as a table to get points Class Marble jar- reward party Consequences Conduct Report Behavior Notice- Reflection session

20 Surfer of the Week Monday- Share poster and answer questions from classmates Tuesday- Reservations for lunch with Mrs. Michener and two friends Wednesday- Share a favorite story or poem with the class Thursday- Bring in and share mementos/photos/etc with the class Friday- choose our winners for Michener Mulah!

21 Homework Monday – Thursday
Approximately 20 minutes plus independent reading Math home links/practice facts Poetry Notebook Words their Way Please: Sign homework book in binder each night, discuss color for the day, and return Binder with homework the next day

22 Absences Send in a written note or for each absence Three or more unexcused absences = truancy

23 Special Projects ...and Many More! Habitat Diorama
Write own fairy tale S-6 Market Place - Economics 3-D Island Design Creating an instrument ...and Many More!

24 Field Trips Three tentative field trips (walking field trip, Lost River Cavern, & Churchville Nature Center Need parent volunteers to chaperone Parents will be contacted prior to trip to confirm All volunteers will not be able to chaperone due to available bus seating (usually one parent for 5 or 6 students)

25 Communication + Collaboration = Success
Teacher sites Wednesday folders x 1443 Notes in homework planner Weekly/ Bi-weekly s

26 Doyle Dollars- Home and School
Homework books Recess equipment Young authors Technology Soaring Eagle Assemblies Art Goes to School Art Mobile Field Trip Support Library support- books/magazines

27 Volunteer in our Classroom!
Volunteers Homeroom parent Organize signup genius Class Parties (Halloween, Holiday, End of Year) Class parties Field Trips Book Fairs Volunteer in our Classroom!

28 My goals for your child Happy, safe and comfortable Cooperative
Responsible and Respectful Independent Problem solver Successful Most Important… Enjoy school!

29 Please take a moment to …
Before leaving… Please take a moment to … Check your contact information for the Doyle Directory Complete the note for your son/daughter Sign up for the Giant rewards for Doyle

30 Thank You . I know and truly appreciate that you are entrusting your child to me. I promise to do my best to nurture your child’s mind and spirit in my classroom each day. I am looking forward to being your child’s companion in learning and working alongside you this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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